Poetry competition CLOSED 6th August 2014 4:22am
EngrVV (D_Poetic Engineer)
View Profile Poems by EngrVV
RUNNER-UP: Magnetron

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He Who Walks Behind the Rows

Dangerous Mind
United States 15awards
Joined 8th June 2013
Forum Posts: 850

Congratulations to everyone involved. Great comp, Grace. I wrote a piece for this one but, alas, I was too late.

Guardian of Shadows
Joined 25th Aug 2011
Forum Posts: 6318

HadesRising said:Congratulations to everyone involved. Great comp, Grace. I wrote a piece for this one but, alas, I was too late.

Thank you, HadesR.

poet Anonymous

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Twisted Dreamer
United States 1awards
Joined 20th July 2014
Forum Posts: 45

He who walks behind the rows
Likes having butt sex with scarecrows
He bends them over until each corncob nose
Hits the dirt between his toes

Question is,
Do they really enjoy it?
Given they already hang around the field
With large sticks up their asses

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