Poetry competition CLOSED 6th August 2014 4:22am
EngrVV (D_Poetic Engineer)
View Profile Poems by EngrVV
RUNNER-UP: Magnetron

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He Who Walks Behind the Rows

Guardian of Shadows
Joined 25th Aug 2011
Forum Posts: 6318

Poetry Contest

Who and what is He? Write about Him.

He Who Walks Behind the Rows" is the name of the unseen presence  - a demonic fertility-spirit that created a cult of corrupted youths and commanded them into killing their elders so as to start a twisted harvest in which the old would be replaced by the new. (wikia)

Write about what you think he looked like? Write your own interpretation of what he wanted and could have done if he won.

1: title your Poem
2: not more than 300 words
3: a new poem
4: No collaborations

inviting all DUP friends and family to participate
*PM any questions.*

poet Anonymous

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Guardian of Shadows
Joined 25th Aug 2011
Forum Posts: 6318

Thank you Vortexman for starting off the competition with your entry.

Twisted Dreamer
United States 1awards
Joined 20th July 2014
Forum Posts: 45

The Festival Of Fetus

Twilight leading into night
Bleeding dry a sky of pure blue
The Unseen
Thing that should not be
Rapidly approaching
There right behind you
In the maze of corn stalks
The Unformed
Beast no one dare talks about
During daylight
Tumble weeding Main Street parades
Through a rural ghost town
Where all the grown ups
Are cut down
In ritualistic sacrifices appeasing
Sowing, seeding, replenishing
The Unknown
Demon lurking within the maize
Committed by generations of inbred children
Still born and raised
In hallowed wombs of fertile Chosen
Year long is the celebration
An endless Beginning and End of Days
The Festival of Fetus from which grows the crop
Hollow headed scarecrows who never stop
Mouthing made up words to forgotten hymns
In sing along singsong praising
The Harvest Evenin' King

Guardian of Shadows
Joined 25th Aug 2011
Forum Posts: 6318

Magnetron, thank you for your entry.

Lost Thinker
Joined 22nd July 2014
Forum Posts: 28

               Innocence Lost

I share a tale not for the meek just ask the children if it's answers you do seek

Be warned though these children are far from cute
With out his word you may find them quite mute

Yet who is he you dare still press then I shall tell you only to
add to your duress lost you are stranded in this field worst of all
no weapons do you yield

What ever do I mean for it's just children that are seen
young ones faces coved with mud if you stay there faces will be coated in your blood

His will is to curupt the souls of innocence for they are worth far
more then your's or mine

Now heed my warning or pay for your insolence for age is where these children draw the line

He who walks behind the rows is the worst of our foe's for where we
Are the weakest he already knows currupting only those of youth stealing from them there souls telling his truth

As the hours grow late I must end this tale or share with you your
Untimely fate for they stand behind you scythe in hand in this story they rule this land

He who walks behind the rows is the leader of these kids and they  do as he bids for his acceptance they must pay the highest price for it's there parents they must sacrifice

He who walks behind the rows is the currupter of innocence as the story goes his true identity only one knows

But who is he that walks behind the rows he is the deciever for lies are all that he soe's and who then is the deceiver you want know well I'm afraid that's another tale and for now I must go

Guardian of Shadows
Joined 25th Aug 2011
Forum Posts: 6318

Thank you for your entry, HowlingHeart.

Thought Provoker
United Kingdom 5awards
Joined 19th Aug 2012
Forum Posts: 239

The Spirit of Greenpeace

I am the one who  has a vision
Of dangers far ahead
The youth must resist derision
And listen to my word

The world is in great peril
The elders do not care
The men who should be moral
Are dim and do not hear

We cannot continue to pollute
With carbon and with fume
We must rise up and dispute
Or all our future's doom

We must stop the tycoon
Creating more pollution
Their aims are cash in short term
This is not the solution

Not only must we oppose
We must be proactive
Better ways we should propose
Make renewables  attractive

Guardian of Shadows
Joined 25th Aug 2011
Forum Posts: 6318

Thank you, gardenlover, for your participation.

Twisted Dreamer
United States 1awards
Joined 20th July 2014
Forum Posts: 45

He who walks behind the rows
Is good at handling rakes
And working the hoes
Whatever it takes
To shuck his corn ...

...  I seem to be in the wrong department ........

* wanders off *

Guardian of Shadows
Joined 25th Aug 2011
Forum Posts: 6318

Thank you Magnetron.

D_Poetic Engineer
Dangerous Mind
United States 35awards
Joined 11th Sep 2012
Forum Posts: 2212


He who walks behind the rows
Holds the world on his palm  
Wealth management and control
Sowing chaos to maintain order
Perpetrating ghost wars
Mind control…
For what we see, is not what it seems!

He who walks behind the rows
Is invisible in sheep’s clothing
But his presence is clearly seen
Truly manifested leaving scars
Destruction and death
Famine and fear
Ethnic cleansing

He who walks behind the rows
Is not what he seems
For he dictates the fucked-up minds
Creating chaotic order
To maintain wealth
To achieve power
A global paradox!

Behind the rows are my shattered dreams
Of love, peace and harmony…

Guardian of Shadows
Joined 25th Aug 2011
Forum Posts: 6318

Thank you for your participation, EngrVV.

poet Anonymous

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Guardian of Shadows
Joined 25th Aug 2011
Forum Posts: 6318

dkruie, thank you for your entry.

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