Poetry competition CLOSED 15th July 2014 7:06pm
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How do you feel?

Strange Creature
United States
Joined 1st July 2014
Forum Posts: 6

Poetry Contest

Wright about how you feel on any subject.
Write about how you feel on any subject, just write the subject above your writing. I welcome every one and every thing. Have fun and enjoy. If you have any questions, please let me know.

poet Anonymous

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Strange Creature
United States
Joined 1st July 2014
Forum Posts: 6

So sorry, I was not watching what i was writing. I fixed the post. Yes,you write about what ever you want.

Dangerous Mind
United States 8awards
Joined 11th Dec 2013
Forum Posts: 7

I love to sex
most of my time
when there is none to help
i poetically rhyme

where are you my love


poet Anonymous

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poet Anonymous

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Twisted Dreamer
United States
Joined 15th June 2014
Forum Posts: 78

Holding the gun to my head,
I'm going to paint my walls red.

The thoughts of suicide, and of how he bled..to death.
Leaving me here, telling me i should overdose on meth.

Tinted red eyes from staying up all night..
Creamed up cups of coffee layin' to the side..

My thoughts keeping me awake,
Telling me this is the day..i'm going to finally blow out my brains.

From yesterday to today,
i've went in to insanity.

I've went crazy, i want my last thing to see to be my blood splat on the wall.

Paul Summerscales
Dangerous Mind
United Kingdom 36awards
Joined 18th Dec 2009
Forum Posts: 1592

subject (I won't comply)

I Need An Uzi

This fucking
clap trap
walking lonely
world of phony
bull crap
flat pack
what's the way
and who can show me
plastic twats
in top hats
at least I own me
hostages , hi-jacks
how's this shit
still un-folding
legislation , degredation
we all give
as their taking
no inclusion
lack of fusion
to this nation
in their swag
what I lack
is an Uzi
extremist , seperatists
walk the streets
like they're showmen
get benefits
to go in shops
that they blow up
city flames , rioting
with no shame
or reason for it
all the time
suck the dicks
of the phillistines
if you're bleeding
and you need it
you're out of time
tax payers
foot the failures
but there's savings
for the aliens
high ranking
skanking , banking
tosser bosses
wank in limelight
then the BBC
with fee's
has paedophiles
as employees
clap trap
full of crap
plastic twats
you'll never own me .


Dangerous Mind
United States 21awards
Joined 10th Oct 2012
Forum Posts: 2961

this is how i feel about beans

there is always that chain
no matter how far you drag your ass
they see you all the way back
to where you come from
all the friends and lovers
who won't speak to you anymore
tellin the people

"he's either down south or out west"
name changed to raymond
locked up or dead again"

stone throws
fork tongued black birds
up on that wire by the power plant
3 mile cro magnon
tribeca turnips
goldfish gasping
and can't see shadow burnt to wall

angry pirates everywhere
catch train in a hurry
he's a danger man
even expelled by the school of hard knocks
took jose's packages
just wants to die in a warmer climate
burden of sunshine blind greying face

spiral staircase M.C. escherish
china men laying track in circle
sure she'll blush if you get there
have coffee and potent laudanum pre mixed
zero latitude and every longitude

heard there's some untamed dirt
left somewhere
tell her to take a ride
tune up a different engine
motor poncho villa back to Che early days
sew your own stitches

Guardian of Shadows
Joined 25th Aug 2011
Forum Posts: 6318

What to Feel

What did I feel
when it was all
over, it didn't feel
very real, so surreal
goodbyes are like that

What did I feel when
I saw hungry children
sitting in parks
where nannies fed their wards
sad...affronted, angry

What do I feel
when poor little rich girls
cry for their high end phone
Pity maybe
and glad some people got it made

What do I feel...
so much too many
But they just feelings
who cares anyway.

Courtney Singleton
Twisted Dreamer
United States 2awards
Joined 26th June 2011
Forum Posts: 33

Subject: I feel Ashamed

I'm Sorry
The world I live in
I feel all I do is sin
I feel this is the end
All of these rules bend
and break to the depths of despair
to the abyss of inevitability
Can this world see me for me?
Not the tears they see me cry
All I feel are lies, they despise me
They do
I feel so blue
I have no clue
What to do next I mean
You have not seen what I've seen
Heard what I've heard
Felt what I felt here
Nowadays I fear
Not of death, of life as a tear-
It rolls down my face to join the others down near;
Near the sunshine that used to be
The place where God's smiling at me
He's proud, really proud
But now, it's a dark cloud
The shadows are coming
The Devil is humming
I am running.
I look up to see him
"God, are you mad?" I say
"You are not the same." He praised
He looks at me and I see his place
"Courtney AshLee? What a disgrace!"
I heard what he said, I bowed, pleaded, I cried
"I'm sorry God, I'm sorry! I really tried!"
He looks at me; His eyes in debate
"I'm sorry Courtney, but it's too late"
That's me, I did everything wrong
But is the Devil where I belong?
I'll try harder I will!
But You won't want me still
Just like Momma, Heather, and Nick, You'll leave
Well, do what You believe
I want You to also be happy
So go on without me
But just to You, Momma, Heather, and Nick
Where my blood runs so deep and thick
When the nights are so dark and starry
Well, I guess I'll just say it, I'm sorry

Thought Provoker
United Kingdom 5awards
Joined 19th Aug 2012
Forum Posts: 239

A touch of Paranoia

Why do you not answer my text?
Your silence has left me vexed.
I feel a gap where you belong
What have I done that was wrong

Or is it you who is remiss
And forgotten our sexual bliss
Did I misread your emotion
That you loved me with passion

Please let me know your position
Not knowing is real attrition
Our night of sex I’ll remember
As a time of immense pleasure

Your silence is making me mad
Please tell me I need not be sad
How I wish you would assure
That our love is secure

Your text reassures me
My mind is at last free
Come to my arms, share your life
Perhaps one day you'll be my wife.

Lost Thinker
South Africa
Joined 29th June 2013
Forum Posts: 38


Lost Thinker
South Africa
Joined 29th June 2013
Forum Posts: 38

subject : belonging

the kings home

home is a feeling
many men are lacking
like a kingdom lacking a king
like a bird missing a wing
bound to fall

is there such a thing as a lost pioneer
even if his cause is sincere
wandering the sphere
travels that dont adhere
to fate

heartless men
have houses,hearty men
have homes to call their own
but do not own
like a poper sitting on a throne

kingdoms that havent risen
but have already fallen
are like seeds
that have no needs,

home is a kingdom
but all we have is space without freedom
because were bound to the road
to walk on paths less travelled

and weep for roads untravelled
for home is a feeling that cannot be parralled

poet Anonymous

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