Poetry competition CLOSED 18th July 2014 4:49am
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The great debate  

Fire of Insight
Joined 1st Nov 2011
Forum Posts: 492

Anonymous said:<< post removed >>

Matt, I believe much of the good and bad have to do with one’s choices and what one believes in terms of the outcomes derived from those choices. This I believe applies to the sane, rationally compliant type person. But I also must add I believe those choices and their outcomes...that they’re pre-determined.
For my part to be concise I’d probably have to engage in an elaborate, philosophical discussion; one which would include proofs and or details. But again, being philosophical in “nature” there is no certainty that a consensus could be reached although claims may be made based on “a truth”

My short answer as always... “It-is-what-it-is”


Where’s lightbaron?

My understanding of this comp is you'd provide the prompt, the next writer responds pro or con, then the next writer counters...all done artistically
Lemme know if I'm missing something


Dangerous Mind
United States 15awards
Joined 19th Jan 2012
Forum Posts: 2241

Aw shit...s'now what?

Ill pro, Ill con... ill rebuke... Let me know Lep,MBass,KCool

Not sure what to do now

poet Anonymous

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poet Anonymous

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Fire of Insight
Joined 1st Nov 2011
Forum Posts: 492

Anonymous said:<< post removed >>


This comp is gettin corny real :::fast That's how I interpret it. YO, Matt...I ain't NO she either. Got nothin against em, I like em, but I ain't one..

Movin along... Be nice if CraicD could drop by with some clarification. I'm sorta bewildered about if we're scribing this exercise correctly.

But yeah, whatever's next


Dangerous Mind
United States 21awards
Joined 10th Oct 2012
Forum Posts: 2961

onlywakingexists said:Statement:

"We spend our lives searching for when all sounds become a music. People usually feel the present when they're shocked into life, and it's so intense they can't notice until afterwards. The real art of life is to be aware of it. Without shocks. Without memories. No tricks -- just the continual/equable death."

Viddax, Rot: given the broadness of the statement, I'll expect a broad response, but detailed. References, examples, etc. Convince me it's bullshit, or that it's gospel, or show me the maybes. New thinking and creativity over formality. Cheers.

   I think a lot of people are always waiting for something else to hook up to make them whole and be content. A lot of us die that way. Granted some traumatic experience,epiphany or moment of clarity can change perspectives and also increase one's enthusiasm to appreciate things but i don't believe this is true across the board. Sometimes putting them blinders on and
intentionally not being completely aware of everything around you can help focus on sense of self and being. I personally do not dwell on my own mortality. Knowing that matter cannot be created or destroyed,only converted,I realize that as micro as it may be in the grand cosmic scheme of things I occupy a certain space in the universe and always will....

Thought Provoker
United States 2awards
Joined 2nd Dec 2013
Forum Posts: 232

Anonymous said:<< post removed >>

I am not familiar with the exact workings of the social safety nets. But I sure as hell know that all it does is ease the pain of being broke without the allowance to really get ahead in life from observing adults around me. With people knowing this, they take advantage of it with the "why bother" mentality.
The less income you have, the more financial assistance you get. Duh. As your income increases, you aren't helped out as much. Your food stamps go down, your rent goes up, you oughta pay daycare, etc. All these expenses you DIDN'T have when you weren't working. So, as people realize that they are as broke, if not more than they were before, they say "why bother" and resume the "hoodrat lifestyle".
Social security nets must be reformed from a hammock to not a trampoline, but a catapult if the government truly wants to see the percentage of poverty ridden citizens go down.

Thought Provoker
United States 2awards
Joined 21st June 2014
Forum Posts: 87


Round 2

I had a few days to think of an interesting, challenging, meaningful topic.  Therein lies the quandary, I vs interesting, challenging, meaningful.  Possibilities included taxes, government, rules, war, peace, sickness and health.  But, in the final analysis, there's no really option but to choose I.  As we age, it is easy for people to leave our lives, reallocate, new jobs, new interests, new friends.  But it's not so easy for people to enter into our lives, we're busy, we acquire physical limitations, we're tired, we have limited interests, we're opinionated about nothings, we don't listen to current music/trends, and our memory isn't.  Recently, I've reached back 40-50 years and great distances to reconnect with friends and acquaintances from younger days.   So, my simple question to you is, "What is a Friend?" Good Luck.

Lost Thinker
Joined 17th May 2014
Forum Posts: 38

jezus this is not nam.
there are rules

Tyrant of Words
Joined 1st Apr 2011
Forum Posts: 8459

kriticool said: Anonymous said:<< post removed >>


This comp is gettin corny real :::fast That's how I interpret it. YO, Matt...I ain't NO she either. Got nothin against em, I like em, but I ain't one..

Movin along... Be nice if CraicD could drop by with some clarification. I'm sorta bewildered about if we're scribing this exercise correctly.

But yeah, whatever's next


Tyrant of Words
Joined 1st Apr 2011
Forum Posts: 8459

kriticool said: Anonymous said:<< post removed >>


This comp is gettin corny real :::fast That's how I interpret it. YO, Matt...I ain't NO she either. Got nothin against em, I like em, but I ain't one..

Movin along... Be nice if CraicD could drop by with some clarification. I'm sorta bewildered about if we're scribing this exercise correctly.

But yeah, whatever's next

format is your own choice. I don’t know how I could have explained it any better. poetry wouldn't be my first choice for response but hey if you think poetry is the best medium for you then use it.

however don't expect it or demand it of others
thank you kindly

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Fire of Insight
Joined 1st Nov 2011
Forum Posts: 492


Oh, ok.

Guardian of Shadows
United States 30awards
Joined 17th Feb 2013
Forum Posts: 2318

jvp said:MadameLavender

Round 2

I had a few days to think of an interesting, challenging, meaningful topic.  Therein lies the quandary, I vs interesting, challenging, meaningful.  Possibilities included taxes, government, rules, war, peace, sickness and health.  But, in the final analysis, there's no really option but to choose I.  As we age, it is easy for people to leave our lives, reallocate, new jobs, new interests, new friends.  But it's not so easy for people to enter into our lives, we're busy, we acquire physical limitations, we're tired, we have limited interests, we're opinionated about nothings, we don't listen to current music/trends, and our memory isn't.  Recently, I've reached back 40-50 years and great distances to reconnect with friends and acquaintances from younger days.   So, my simple question to you is, "What is a Friend?" Good Luck.

To reply to "What is a Friend", I would have to say that:

A friend is one who is placed in your life, at the appointed time.  They are those who are there when you need one, or even when you don't think you need one.  They are those who will tell you what you need to hear, not necessarily what you want to hear, and you know deep down, that it's the truth.  

A friend is someone who doesn't require anything of you in return for their time, or words, or love, and with whom you can wear your innermost self, outwardly, as the real you, without being judged for it or belittled in any way.  

A friend isn't always who you think a friend is--husband, mother, father, etc., but they can come in those forms.  But most of all, personally, I've discovered that a true friend is one with whom I can not be on edge with, let my guard down, feel freedom, and smile non-stop with, because most of the way life is right now for me, I don't have the luxury of those things.

I know they are meant for me and I deserve them, and I can see a happier, hopeful future, coming along for me, and it does include friends.

Lord Viddax
Dangerous Mind
United Kingdom 9awards
Joined 10th Oct 2009
Forum Posts: 3941

Well here is my reply, should be 'interesting', and by that I mean its unique and nowhere near as nice as anyone elses. Still, better than nothing, so lets just never speak of this ever again.

onlywakingexists said:Statement:

"We spend our lives searching for when all sounds become a music. People usually feel the present when they're shocked into life, and it's so intense they can't notice until afterwards. The real art of life is to be aware of it. Without shocks. Without memories. No tricks -- just the continual/equable death."

Viddax, Rot: given the broadness of the statement, I'll expect a broad response, but detailed. References, examples, etc. Convince me it's bullshit, or that it's gospel, or show me the maybes. New thinking and creativity over formality. Cheers.

Ah, but “the trick to life is not to get too attached to it” to quote the Hoosiers from the track ‘The Trick to Life’. The reason being that we are only here for a short time right? Bullshit I say. As if we live in a world full of imminent death, a “nasty, brutish and short” as Thomas Hobbes put it, a world where death and disaster is around every corner. The only thing around the next corner, in the so called ‘First World’ with its ‘civilization’, is an advert for some pretty pointless materialistic mcguffin rather than the other materialistic mcguffin. It is a good thing we don’t always pay attention and be aware as some of the modern world has some rather boring stuff to sell.

A life without shocks would be a bloody boring one at that. Besides it is in shocks and disasters that the best of us is brought forth. Without problems and shocks there is no opportunity for others to help and be selfless. It is also after such shocks that memories become necessary: you cannot remember your home through its bricks and mortar but you can remember the essence of how it made you feel.

This leads me onto the point about ‘no tricks’, like some cliché ransom drop off, or anti-magic rally. Tricks make life interesting. Not the street magician tricks which are just distraction or shock factor in this strange age, but real magic: the magic of chance. To have a life where there are no tricks, means no frills, means no chance, means a life you are fully aware of and bored to tears with as there is no excitement.

And as for the continual/equable death stuff it sounds far too pessimistic; life and moments are not a series of connected deaths but a series of connected rebirths and changes. All in all it is impossible to be aware of the moment as the moment passes. And life with shocks is interesting, not necessarily always good, but sure is better than anything just on TV seeing as it includes TV that is.

Dangerous Mind
United States 15awards
Joined 19th Jan 2012
Forum Posts: 2241

Anonymous said:<< post removed >>

In a universal sense, using the term "good" in practical application slides past slippery into obsolete. What is good for one life form is not necessarily good for another. One life form feeds from another leaving competition as a major factor for simply existing. The losers would hardly contemplate using good as an adjective for their lot.
Good can be conceived as objectively, if one were tuned into a certain respect for the entirety of the field; all existence as a game of sorts, and makes no distinction between specific examples of the competition there in. Humans have raised portions of this ideal, and it trickles through doctrines of our religions, our philosophies, our arts. There is always a redemptive quality that can tie us back into the full field of existence. And in that way we can be "good", but, and a very big but, only as a returning quality.
Human nature is not inherently good. Outside of us far outreaching our need to compete to exist (we seem to inherently need to wipe out all other players), we have an inherent quality in seeing ourselves as outside, as seperate from the framework that unites life. This has given us a kind of freedom, but also immense guilt. Human nature is built to be aware that it could be (possibly even should be) good, but is not. Human nature is inherently hurt, and in the need of redemption.

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