Poetry competition CLOSED 8th July 2014 4:34am
View Profile Poems by snugglebuck


The next war

Thought Provoker
United States 2awards
Joined 21st June 2014
Forum Posts: 87

Poetry Contest

Influence the vote to go to war
The year is 2018.  Drought is wide spread in the Americas, Europe, Africa, and the Middle East resulting in numerous abandoned cities including El Paso, San Jose, Miami, Wichita Falls.  Various militant groups in the middle east are fighting for control of the limited resources.  In the past 24 months, oil and gas prices have doubled, crippling the economy.  Unemployment has sky rocketed after the failed economic policies of the past 3 years.  Inflation is over 8%.  United States narrowly prevented an attack by a rouge group of militants, and is preparing to invade.  The secretary of state appealed to the united nations for a coordinated international effort.  Congress will vote on the war next week.  Before they vote, they must read and debate your poem.  Limit to 500 words.

Fire of Insight
Joined 1st Nov 2011
Forum Posts: 492

Unless We Move

The year is 2018.  Drought is wide spread in the Americas, Europe, Africa, and the Middle East resulting in numerous abandoned cities including El Paso, San Jose, Miami, Wichita Falls.  Various militant groups in the middle east are fighting for control of the limited resources.  In the past 24 months, oil and gas prices have doubled, crippling the economy.  Unemployment has sky rocketed after the failed economic policies of the past 3 years.  Inflation is over 8%.  United States narrowly prevented an attack by a rouge group of militants, and is preparing to invade.  The secretary of state appealed to the united nations for a coordinated international effort.  Congress will vote on the war next week.  Before they vote, they must read and debate your poem.

From the vantage point of those of us now unfortunately convinced
Unless We Move...It shall happen as it has happened before..

That which has gone into the wash inevitably coming out in the rinse
This has happened ever since.
Ever since Kum Ba Ya my Lord evolved into

Comes the Hordes my Lord
Comes the Hordes

Moral Man’s Optimism
Without our Sound Intervention...it shall diminish
What once flourished shall continue in its plummet
This notion has time & time again been brought forward during each previous summit
To date, action has been unheeded, determined unneeded and yet as previously predicted

The Chickens have come home to roost

My fellow patriarchs, the entire world requires our boost
We are BIRTHED and within our DIVINE RIGHT to let it loose
That!!! Which shall and will save us all

What and Who We Represent is the Embodiment Of LAW

Dearest Gentlemen...and Ladies
Our lives have seen it All

From toe to heel we have the steel
Where we can pounce like it's UNreal
Less they forget Our Fortitude
Leading The Peace, while shepherding The Crude

KNOWING we are the BEST to handle this Play
As YOU Know, T for ERROR is never OUR WAY

We must subdue the terrain control every lane
Building those paths that lead to OUR GAIN


As so goes US; so goes CIVIL Lies The Nation and  
Likewise, Earth's Optimism

Clear cut & out The Rut
Leaving behind...All Damnation

For your consideration...  

Thank you.


poet Anonymous

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Thought Provoker
United States 8awards
Joined 3rd Feb 2014
Forum Posts: 293


Mother Nature can be a vengeful bitch
She'll destroy us, long before we can destroy her

Sooner or later, she'll tire of our harassment
And in diatribe she'll smite us from this planet

The end of humanity does not mean the end of the world
Seems the earth is still doing fine, since the Neanderthal demise

Don't think, for a minute, that you can hide behind God
For if not God's mistress, Mother Earth is the Goddess

The next war, will not be man against man
But man against nature
Wanna bet who wins?

Thought Provoker
United States 2awards
Joined 21st June 2014
Forum Posts: 87

This is a preliminary draft, just a start of some ides...

Peace, what is it
What if everyone was
Cooperating, building, surviving, growing, nurturing
Why would one go to war,
If they and we had everything we need
Peace doesn't exist without war

Why go to war
To stop a tyrant,
To stop spreading of ruthless rulers
To stop excessive taxation (we see how well that worked out)
To take something you need

What makes life precious?
To sleep when your're exhausted
To give to needy children
To love when you're intimate
To inhale when you're suffocating
To live like you're dying

We are here to make decision
To rule, for the people
We could ask the populous to vote
Would they vote for war
Send their children to struggle in a strange land
Who do you represent
The people voted you in
But the sponsors provided the funds to enable the campaign
Industry needs infrastructure, access to open markets

What is the aftermath of war
Destruction of assets, infrastructure, governments, leadership
Rebuilding, reconstructing, reorganizing
What of the soldiers that don't return
Give it all for the goals of this battle
What of the wounded that do return

Today we will vote
Will we vote for the people
Will we vote for the sponsors
Will we vote for the industry
Will we vote for war

Lost Thinker
Joined 17th May 2014
Forum Posts: 38

me, i wouldn't vote for a war or vote against it
i wouldn't speak for it or speak against it
only put my money on it

the debate room is full of marsupials,

if against all odds you are fit and well, just get fat. america doesn't want an army of fat people

Thought Provoker
United States 2awards
Joined 21st June 2014
Forum Posts: 87

Calling all thinkers, philosophers, prose and poetry writers.  Take a moment to share your thoughts.  Is the world spinning out of control, on a path of death, demolition, devastation?  Reach out, and try to steady the situation....

poet Anonymous

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Thought Provoker
United States 2awards
Joined 21st June 2014
Forum Posts: 87

Thanks for all the wonderful prose!  I have hope for the future.

Thought Provoker
United States 8awards
Joined 3rd Feb 2014
Forum Posts: 293

Thanks for sponsoring such a great competition.

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