Poetry competition CLOSED 5th July 2014 00:15am
View Profile Poems by lanooz
RUNNER-UP: NimmieAmee

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Acrostic Poetry

Lost Thinker
United States
Joined 26th Apr 2014
Forum Posts: 21

Poetry Contest

Write an acrostic poem that's vertical word is a type of flower.
Write an acrostic poem that's vertical word is a type of flower.

Try to bold the flower name or put a space, but I'll figure it out if you don't feel like bothering. At least add it as the title though.

If you don't know what an acrostic poem is, please just google it, but here's my example if you need it:

"daisies and buttercups"

d on't dis my obsessions
a t the moment you're
i n detention, haven't woken
s till sleeping since sixth grade,
i mperfections, luckily neither of us face
e lection because we're time bombs
s upposedly girls with flowers crave attention,

a bsolutely agreeable reflection
n ot to mention the
d eathbed sentence, keep me posted on your

b oring notions, might as well stay
u p to date, just in case
t imes change too fast for me
t o jump back on the hipster bus,
e lation is for the sunshine, i'd like a
r ide back to hell, it's more divine,
c orpses are quieter than your whines
u nder the ground we sit and divide
p erfection among ourselves and
s hare the wonders of floral decay in our tea

If someone has already used the flower, try not to use it again. I don't want six-million acrostic poems about a rose. You can use either of the flowers I used, if you wish. I don't care what kind of flower it is, as long as it exists. SPELL IT RIGHT. If you misspell your flower, I am completely disqualifying you, because you obviously didn't take the time to care.

Two entries maximum.

If you love someone's poem, I don't care. Message them, or I will blatantly mock you publicly.

Two weeks, good luck. (If I missed something in my lengthy description, feel free to message me.)

poet Anonymous

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Thought Provoker
United States 8awards
Joined 3rd Feb 2014
Forum Posts: 293


D_Poetic Engineer
Dangerous Mind
United States 35awards
Joined 11th Sep 2012
Forum Posts: 2212

DAMA DE NOCHE (acrostic)


Dame of the night, wonders why it only blooms at night
A fragrant flower which can take someone’s dreams in flight
Many are intoxicated with its finesse and charm
Alluring and irresistible nobody cares to lose an arm

During the day it’s simple and hiding in plain sight
Elegant in the eyes of many who will engage to fight

No other flowers could warm the hearts of many
Other than this jasmine, please don’t bring any
Caring hearts only know how to show attention
Heaven forbids those fools without comprehension
Every night this flower blooms, brings joy to many

Thought Provoker
United Kingdom 5awards
Joined 19th Aug 2012
Forum Posts: 239

Yellow Rose of Texas (will you love me?)

Your eyes are shining brightly
Even when I see you nightly
Love will last for ever
Love will leave us never
Once you're in my heart
Will you never depart

Real love is for ever
One of life's endeavours
Safe in your arms
Evading all life's harms

Only you will do me
Finally will you agree

Take me into your heart
Exclusive from the start
Xxxxxxxxxxxx kiss
And we will stay together
Say you'll leave me never

Twisted Dreamer
Joined 24th Apr 2014
Forum Posts: 66

'Tis The Sweetest Flower Known To Man

pleasure inundates me
usurping my dignity
surprised I feel this way
somebody save me
yes, oh yes!

Twisted Dreamer
Joined 16th Nov 2013
Forum Posts: 20

D  on't do it
E  ven the Gods will cry
A  rt is only illusion
D  espite your pain
L  oneliness is human
Y  ears melt to one

N  o need to sip that cup
I  nternal storms
G  row into calmer seas
H  earts that bleed
T  ake time to heal
S  hadows forever lurking
H  oping to conquer
A  nnihilation the only cure
D  eath the final solution
E  radicate their cruelty in the cool breeze of the dawning sun


poet Anonymous

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Thought Provoker
United States 8awards
Joined 3rd Feb 2014
Forum Posts: 293


C an there be no bloom of more fragrant perfume?
A ngels play pipes in praise, Gloria Patri!
N uncio exultation, Gloria Deo!
N eurons excitation, exhilaration soul illumination.
A flower of peace has been given unto you.
B e not afraid for I bring you good news.
I mmaculate intoxication Spiritus Sanctus emulsion.
S olomon in all is glory is not as beautiful as the hippies’ lilies-of-the-valley.

Twisted Dreamer
United States 2awards
Joined 25th Apr 2014
Forum Posts: 45

S uch a delicacy essence
W inding high above with
E very butterfly perching on
E legancy and pure bliss of pleasure
T umbling about around the aroma

P leading for the unevitable to never end
E njoying the brillant colors
A nd imagining the feel with in

poet Anonymous

Southern Magnolia

S he is a strikingly seductive fleur
O rnamental curves of sophistication
U nique leaflet, soft floral-tender bud  
T easing the senses with its sweet nectar
H er snowy petals spread like wings, of a lover who  
E nters her bloom, dripping lemon gardenia
R eady to be ravished by the lips of the sun as  
N ature naturally shows southern hospitality

M agnolias nestled in the tresses of southern belles
A s sweet tea is sipped in the evening breeze
G iving the old wooden- yard swing, a sway
N ot a worry in the world; ‘easy like Sunday morning’
O h to be carefree and blithe, when you’re       
L ingering under a majestic evergreen tree  
I magining life with a twang’ in its voice
A bluesy sound echoing pass, steel magnolias



poet Anonymous

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Twisted Dreamer
United States 5awards
Joined 21st July 2012
Forum Posts: 100

Devil's Helmet

Deadly dark green leaves without struggle
Extract toxins to kill wolves in the dark
Visible sharp teeth dream of the quarry
Invite me into the shade of the beautiful tree
Longing for it's delicate roots protection
Sing to me to be saved, I am the queen!
Hemisphere of the north I roam freely
Entice me, I am the poison to Ivy's sky
Learn from my blooms sprig of wolfbane
Married to the cardiac rhythm of your heart
Engrave my name on your grieving tombstone
Till we meet again Blue Rocket forever reigns

Thought Provoker
Canada 9awards
Joined 3rd Sep 2012
Forum Posts: 189

Dandelion Dearest

Defiant in the face of
Never minding society's
Disapproval and weed demonizing
Ever growing wanted or no
Lawns beautified
In gorgeous sunshine
Obstinate autonomy making
Noble detested jewels

poet Anonymous

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