Poetry competition CLOSED 30th June 2014 8:16pm
Grace (ldryad)
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DU member Madintellect (personality poem/the deeper me)

Thought Provoker
Canada 4awards
Joined 29th Mar 2014
Forum Posts: 212

Poetry Contest

Write a poem or prose about Madintellect. No limit. up to two allowed, two weeks deadline. Describe as best as you feel you can, as honast ad you can. spelling will not be judged or grammer. cheers

Thought Provoker
United States 8awards
Joined 3rd Feb 2014
Forum Posts: 293


Oh hear me, my fellow Americans
We are being invaded
By a race of frostbitten aliens

Forget the humble Mexicans
We need to do something
About those smartass Canadians

Porn stars and Comedians
A Northern invasion
Of Howie Mandels and Pamela Andersons

Corrupting our culture
With blowjobs and humor
Inciting orgasms and laughter

Madintellect, the Canuck electrician
Proves the need
For Northern interdiction

His twisted poetic articulation
Humorously disturbing
Leaves little to the imagination

‘Fuck Her Hard’
‘Fuck Her Brains Out’
“Bunch of Fucking Retards”

His crass demented brutal intellect
Void of everything remotely intimate
Needs to be contained to the internet

So beware of this silent invasion
Madintellet and his crazy Canadians
Threaten our great American Nation  

Thought Provoker
Canada 4awards
Joined 29th Mar 2014
Forum Posts: 212

Thanks for getting the ball rolling captain america


poet Anonymous

<< post removed >>
Thought Provoker
Canada 4awards
Joined 29th Mar 2014
Forum Posts: 212

thanks for the entry crazy admirer
i think its awesome, glad u submitted

cheers brother

Guardian of Shadows
United States 30awards
Joined 17th Feb 2013
Forum Posts: 2318

Please be advised that this comp is not part of the chain DU member comps--Soul's comp is currently the latest in the chain and whoever wins his, will get to make their own link on the comp chain by having the next "member" comp about them. Thank you!

Tyrant of Words
United States 19awards
Joined 28th Dec 2012
Forum Posts: 1827

MadameLavender said:Please be advised that this comp is not part of the chain DU member comps--Soul's comp is currently the latest in the chain and whoever wins his, will get to make their own link on the comp chain by having the next "member" comp about them. Thank you!

Thanks ML-I meant to state that it was an on-going run-but in my quick post up of the comp. I failed to do so-that was My Bad!!!

Fire of Insight
Joined 1st Nov 2011
Forum Posts: 492


MadameLavender said:Please be advised that this comp is not part of the chain DU member comps--Soul's comp is currently the latest in the chain and whoever wins his, will get to make their own link on the comp chain by having the next "member" comp about them.

Thank you!

YOU are so welcome!!

For the Un-chained
Time again to make this plain

All Please Rise and Please be advised
Anointing everyone, them girls & them guys
Knowing an Ego-tripping mind is a mind that’s slipping
One active in slinging its own brand of Narcissism
Getting at it busy, placing Mods in a tizzy
The evidence clear cut and it ain’t No mystery

What I do and how I do makes sense in a single way
Effortless, the best in this, My Ego confirms The Play
One with all & each of its boomerang misgivings
Stepping in & out of its own nefarious -type visions

Telling you, “I’m the shit and you’ll just have to get with that
"And forget about whatchu heard because what I’ll say is fact”
“I’m that Mad Intellect so show me due respect”
“Towering with my “Vain Power” those who mess“forget”
“Remembering that I Am Duh-One, my presence a metric ton”
“To leave me out without a doubt you’ll never have Duh Fun!!!”  

[right] Carly Simon said: You're so vain, I'll bet you think this song is about you
Don't you? Don't You?

Guardian of Shadows
United States 30awards
Joined 17th Feb 2013
Forum Posts: 2318

souladareatease said:[quote-267932-MadameLavender]Please be advised that this comp is not part of the chain DU member comps--Soul's comp is currently the latest in the chain and whoever wins his, will get to make their own link on the comp chain by having the next "member" comp about them. Thank you!

Thanks ML-I meant to state that it was an on-going run-but in my quick post up of the comp. I failed to do so-that was My Bad!!![/quote]

No problem!  Just wanted to jump in, per request of another member, to clear up any confusion.

Thought Provoker
Canada 4awards
Joined 29th Mar 2014
Forum Posts: 212

Thanks for the entry kriticool!
:) great work

Thought Provoker
Canada 4awards
Joined 29th Mar 2014
Forum Posts: 212

Ya i dont know what happened with the type of comp but thats not what i wanted it to be lol

This is my first competion I have ever held on DU so its a learning experience for me i guess

Thanks for everyone who has entered so far!

appreciate it!


Thought Provoker
United States 1awards
Joined 5th Sep 2011
Forum Posts: 51

ThE HaRdeR SiDe oF pOetRy..

some write to entertain      
some write to gain praise    
some write due to passion      
...of what flows through their veins    
some write to be funny    
some write to ease their pain    
in truth      
i write for each line written    
and its amazing to be tapped into this brain    
funny.. i failed to mention    
..'some write to make money'    
though i love to get paid    
but to write toward the goal of receiving funds    
my arrogance steps in the way..    
i've been told..    
..'you have to write for this and that specific group'    
..'and sound like that and this'    
in my mind i'm like.. 'fuck that'    
True Gritt Entertainment is what i represent    
if they can't dig what im spittin    
than each and eerone of them SOB's can fall the fuck back    
aint no cut in my mix    
i play soft paws when i write my kiddy books    
but i pleasure myself entertaining Grown ass Women and Men    
produce every line with a straight face    
can do so because I in i know no lie    
i pay attention within every dimension i write    
to sell out my pen for a little or a lot of change    
simply isn't the actions from one of my cut of cloth    
every moment of my existence i ask Father to direct my feet    
i speak truths as i Understand them      
i will not appease another for mere pay or praise    
when in truth they and i don't agree    
but who am i?.. but a writer.. poet.. son of Most High..    
..Husband and Father..    
in a world where Principles are squandered..      
for the ole mighty dollar..    
yea.. i make pieces like, 'Bitch put on this collar!'    
and can do so..    
because i know the inner workings of the mind of a pimp..    
its REALITY.. but i'm steady being told..    
..'you shouldn't offend she and he if you want your books to be sold'..    
..then there goes arrogant me..'give a fuck! this shii is dope'    
my advise is to pop a few of my pieces in your vein..    
it'll help up your game and just may catch yo ass a nice coast..      
im a host of entertainment.. as the heart of every writer is..    
some choose to write on the safe side.. not offend.. pick a crowd and adjust their writings to them..    
im like, 'fuck it.. ima do me till im dead and gone.. plant my seeds because we as writers/entertainers are in a tightly controlled industry..      
..thanks to big money and a dumbed down public..    
..it may seem feeble on our attempts.. but long will live the written subject..      
..Father let not money. praise and popularity control me..    
..i appreciate it over here in the shadows..    
..this harder side of poetry..    
8^/ Daddy's lil Souljah..

Thought Provoker
Canada 4awards
Joined 29th Mar 2014
Forum Posts: 212

Thanks for the entry red hot pepper!

Guardian of Shadows
Joined 25th Aug 2011
Forum Posts: 6318

Pondering Madly

One wonders if he smiles
with happy wonder
when the dawn ray
light his face

Or if he lights up a cigarette
when he reads the morning paper
does he delight in simplicity
or craves for sophistication

does he read a book before sleeping
or have a glass of wine
does he sleep on the right side
of the bed or the left

Thought provoking writes
that he shares
speaks volume of him

In his intellectual madness
he gives us food for thoughts.

Thought Provoker
Canada 4awards
Joined 29th Mar 2014
Forum Posts: 212

Congrats to the winner!  Thanks to all who entered! :)>

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