Poetry competition CLOSED 23rd June 2014 4:02pm
EngrVV (D_Poetic Engineer)
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Fun with words

poet Anonymous

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poet Anonymous

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poet Anonymous

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poet Anonymous

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poet Anonymous

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poet Anonymous

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poet Anonymous

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poet Anonymous

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poet Anonymous

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poet Anonymous

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poet Anonymous

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poet Anonymous

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fred r kane
Twisted Dreamer
United States 2awards
Joined 3rd Sep 2010
Forum Posts: 173

I wrote a different version of this way back when.  Got disappointed with it and deleted the file.  Certain parts wouldn't leave me alone, so I tried to do it again- from scratch- right here and now, so you all can be disappointed with it too.  Originally, it was titled

Too Metal for Hell (a folk song).

I payed back the snuff-flick critic:
(two thumbs off, and out the window.)
What you see is what you get- Your
rocks off? Don't care to know.

Turn a penny from a trade these days?
Pull rabbits out the hat.
So, I just kept it fun and games when I whipped out the baseball bat.

I'm hearing sirens
seeing angels
it's giving me a smile
like the one I gave the papers
at my published public trial

Riding out that dreaded gurney
with an insult on my lip
while they feed me no more chances
from something in that drip
When I see you at the window
with a teary eye good bye
I spit, "Baby,don't you fret none, I'll be back for another try."

Sirens said I'm leaving
Angels say I'm staying here
It's a fucked up situation-
'll be seeing you next year.

   What you'd call a nightmare
   keeps playing in my head:
   I close my eyes to leave you
   with certain things unsaid
   Then I'm at the back door howling
   you walk through me dressed in black
   At night you say "it's just the wind"
   while you're wishing I'd come back

I want to flow into your sockets,
be part of your machine
when you try to write the legacy
you hope will make me clean
before you go discover
all the wicked things I did
and all those little places where I kept the bodies hid  

hearing sirens at a ship wreck
seeing angels: catching hell
reciting prayers and making wishes
at the tolling of my bell.

poet Anonymous

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poet Anonymous

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