Poetry competition CLOSED 27th May 2014 3:15pm
Grace (ldryad)
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DU Member Mikimoondancer

poet Anonymous

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Guardian of Shadows
Joined 25th Aug 2011
Forum Posts: 6318

Dancing on Starlight

on nights when velvet skies
are dotted with sparkling stars
I think of you dancing across
the galaxy, with tails of moonbeams

the enigmatic smile, the lovely eyes
dreamily looking into their own
memories, or maybe a magical future
or thoughts of handprints in the heart

on dup nights reading your thoughts
sometimes you speak of your love
at times your hopes your dreams your fears
then, I could almost touch you

tears of happiness prickle my eyes
as you profess your love for the one
of sadness and sorrow as you grief
that is the strength of your words

I know you know pain and disappointment
I know you shook hands with fear
You had looked into the abyss
And knew the horror of what might be

a minute of your strength
will be of great length for me
a fraction of your endurance
can be an achievement for me

but through all those, the beauty
of being oneself, a screaming win
against waking nightmares
loving hard, and striding on stronger,

is your triumph.

poet Anonymous

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Guardian of Shadows
Joined 25th Aug 2011
Forum Posts: 6318

Anonymous said:<< post removed >>
Pleasure was all mine.

Fire of Insight
France 5awards
Joined 12th Jan 2013
Forum Posts: 160

Miki in the moon

Celestial dancer
And true eminent poet
Miki in the moon

poet Anonymous

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Fire of Insight
France 5awards
Joined 12th Jan 2013
Forum Posts: 160

Done... and modify some words! Just a modest little senryu, far to 300 words!

Fire of Insight
Joined 1st Nov 2011
Forum Posts: 492


is about the...
nicest poet that I've never ever met up close & personal
y'all who don't know, need to know she's exceptional


that is my...everclear memory of her
her dance, her beams...all of 'em balanced
everything was & is and remains
quite the read-markable

her food for thought; straight & laced by her facts
her lines grind...follow her tracks
she moon dances thru patterned trances
words sincere you'll know what eye speak
you can read her words here
g'wan, take a peep


yes, just read what she's dropped, amazing
her gift..
language as love; each
tongue in cheek riff

one can
imagine an illusion
one that
weathers a storm
wherein slipped a Miki
truth became the
new norm


poet Anonymous

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Fire of Insight
United States 7awards
Joined 10th Feb 2012
Forum Posts: 271


A unique connection after
one chance encounter

Her poetry read
fractures the mind
Like Bright lights
Undoing darkness

to be reborn
as vapor
penetrating the
heart and soul

Her voice
aren't just words
heartbeats dancing
in perfect synchronicity


poet Anonymous

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poet Anonymous

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poet Anonymous

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Dangerous Mind
United States 14awards
Joined 27th May 2013
Forum Posts: 5

Dancing on the Moon

A cool breeze
that keeps you warm
a calming storm.
Straight up,no bull
peaceful and powerful
a wise owl
hooting and tooting
now you see me,now you don't
sharing and caring
giving from her true inside.
Willing to take a chance
always ready to dance
under the full moon.
Peace and love says it all.

poet Anonymous

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