Poetry competition CLOSED 2nd June 2014 1:28pm
Quill-in-Heart (Tony Pena)
View Profile Poems by Quill-in-Heart
RUNNER-UP: kriticool

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Metaphorically speaking

poet Anonymous

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Thought Provoker
United States 1awards
Joined 20th Aug 2013
Forum Posts: 173

Words are false idols

never knew silence could be so loud
the darkness brings light to memories I wish to forget
your words stuck on fucking replay tormenting my every thought
I will love you forever
echoing inside my head like a bullet that cant penetrate the “white meat”
yeah, I keep my shit locked away
happiness only comes a couple days a month
blonde hair with blue eyes screaming daddy jumps from the car
the same car I’ve imagined burning down with you and your new semen donor in it
she’s grown so much in the last few years
soon able to make choices for herself
I pray to whatever god that’s listening
when you see us drive away
those words bring you peace like they have me

Tyrant of Words
Joined 1st Apr 2011
Forum Posts: 8459

Words are false idols

An old man raised himself from his knees
and fell into a whisper
no one knows how good it gets
til they let the ghosts of bygones cross over
and fill themselves to the eyeballs with compassion

then he cried out to the heavens for clemency
made a fist and shook it at the small crowd gathering
and decreed himself at one with all souls.

there came a murmur of a notion
from the noblemen stood left of him
an under-tongue half talk
about demons and where shadowed creatures
walk the long nights off
but it was hardly even audible
above the stark din of bewilderment

a fleet of geese
hissed the shoes from a lady
too tired from slaving three days and nights
to offer any kind of meaningful fight
for to save them

and the old man raised his voice a tone
for a post script oration
in gratitude for the countless gifts
of tomato and cabbage
strewn upon and around him

poet Anonymous

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poet Anonymous

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poet Anonymous

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Thought Provoker
United States 2awards
Joined 2nd Dec 2013
Forum Posts: 232

His Belt Was A Snake Curling Around His Waist

I watched,
From the corner of the eye
That didn't have a bruise,
The charismatic ways
Of the man
Who everything I love about him
Is everything I hate.

I watched
As his abs contracted and flexed
While he pulled the wranglers
Up over his freshly flaccid member
And did up his snake skin belt.

Twisted Dreamer
Joined 24th Apr 2014
Forum Posts: 66

Her Hair Was Bone White

She's old you know
That's what age does to a woman
Time ain't friendly, Time ain't nice
Time don't care once, and Time don't care twice

She made it through these bitter years
Barely gettin' by
She digs in her mind like garbage cans
Rarely gettin' pie

This might be her last year on Earth
Every breath she takes
Inhales the hurt
She wants to let go of the mistakes
And finally exhale all of her hate

Down on her luck
Dirt on her knees
Palms and fingers together,
"Please Lord, please."

And her hair was bone white,
The day she went home.

(thank you, that's my entry)

Fire of Insight
United States 5awards
Joined 1st Feb 2014
Forum Posts: 147

Her Hair Was Bone White

Her hair is bone white
She evokes metaphors
And transforms regular words into verbs

She pedestal-ed my words
She stair-cased my soul
And left me broken and droopy

Is droopy the word
And if it is then its giddy
Giddy is a word for girls
Yet my hair is white like bone
And her's is too

We are the Chosen Ones
Only in my dreams
You see she has the ability
To evoke these metaphors and similes
From inside of me

But I am the poet
And she is just the inspiration
Which makes me more important
She is the amused muse

She is the one who gave the inspiration
So I guess the writer is worthless
Like the paper and the pen
You can scratch these words into your skin

The truth is
Her hair is white like bone
And she is the one who evokes these metaphors from me
She is the one who makes me say things like
She pedestal-ed my words
She stair-cased my soul
Until finally I was god
Or goddess because all evil is born of men
And I want to be without sin

Her hair was bone
As if she had been dead too long
For even laws of death to govern her corpse
As she makes nouns into verbs

She footstool-ed me
And left me broken and needy
Pleading for more than
What I am seeing

A poem to the white-haired beauty


Miss G
Fire of Insight
Joined 20th Oct 2012
Forum Posts: 837

Words are False Idols

it'd be disingenuous of me
to tell you to write;
since I no longer have a valid address
and you ran out of bartering words
a while ago...

'cause we're the crooked kind
thick as thieves; but with less honor  
we tell the most beautiful lies  
...and I am a magpie  
rereading polished epistles  
in all-consuming effigy  
unable to resist  
their inexorable shine  
we tell the most beautiful lies  
thick as thieves; but with less honor
'cause we're the crooked kind

poet Anonymous

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poet Anonymous

Fear is a beast that feeds on attention

Marinated trepidation
anxiety in spicy guazzetto
craving the flavor of attention
in need to rescue taste buds
too frightened to be quenched
Hunger flourish
as fear fester into an entity
conceived with idle hands….
employed by distressed mind,
Momentum builds to face-off fright
gaining control
liquid bravery sipped
from a long stem glass
swallowing resolution
acquiring courage


Thought Provoker
Canada 4awards
Joined 29th Mar 2014
Forum Posts: 212

By Mike Stewart

The individual proccessing implication
when fear is found, & bound
Through Dessimation

of the software, with design,  the integration

of useful learning being efficient within frustration

its like a light switch
Which supplies the right batch

of subliminal thought trains
to make you an animal; not tame

this hot flame

causrs the spite
to make u feel hype
annd take what you like
on a basis of strife

and blame in your life

Others for all yoir sorrow
The money we borrow?
is funny, tommorow

it will be worth less and less
deflating your wage, aggressing your stress

one hell of a mess
like a bell without rest

its ringing, through every nest

and every home


k I must end this poem


Tony Pena
Fire of Insight
United States 7awards
Joined 6th Dec 2012
Forum Posts: 490

Fear is a beast that feeds on attention

A nightmare but a runaway
train of dream and a dream
but a manifestation of manias
remaining once the mind's
been stripped of day to day
logic like a g string flying
off flesh in a nudie bar
leaving just tits and ass,
but your boobs are too small
and your butt way too big
so you wither in the shadows
with stagefright as everybody's
eyes size you up against the tape
measure of the tabloid queens,
of your friends, of your sisters,
of your mother as you devour
one last potato chip till
you go puke up enough
calories to fit in.

Fire of Insight
Joined 1st Nov 2011
Forum Posts: 492



Fear is a Beast with a hunger
Then gallops ahead to grow famished
It’ll wine & dine on what’s succulent
Undeniable to whom it has vanquished

Once having your attention
Only what’s dead-on is what it’ll seek
To affirm what’s been mentioned
As one awaits the increase
of what’s bleak


Now that you’ve been captured and
held within Fear’s sphere...
Do you think its link and strength is
all that shall keep you here?”

Pissing yourself of all bravery; oh my, how savory

For the Captured the question seems somewhat unfair
Certainly not a way for this Beast to endear

For the Captured what's felt
Fear's terrible sway
With this Beast to say the least
engrossed in its

A demonstrative barrage
An emotional grab
Fear has the knife
Beastly each

the Captured; frightened
to their very core
Still wondering how fear
had crept past

extolling fright
position made clear
yes, Fear is a Beast
and keeps “Feel-Me”
quite near

photo: Ariel Arias

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