Poetry competition CLOSED 1st June 2014 5:51pm
View Profile Poems by Dresdamanx


Drink, Drank, Drunk

Fire of Insight
United States
Joined 30th Dec 2012
Forum Posts: 166

Poetry Contest

Write about the stages of drinking
Talk about the different stages you go through when drinking. From your first drink of the night till you're plastered. Any style.

Thought Provoker
United States 1awards
Joined 3rd Mar 2013
Forum Posts: 98

Whiskey Snowflakes

Downy drops of burning liquid
wrap themselves around my limbs.
After passing my throat's gate,
to defile balance & weight.
Melted points pierce my skin,
then numb to a fine hum & din.
Bonnie countenance, merry wit,
songs lift hearts & hale spirit.
But all the while behind the scene,
a conniving, torture stirs within.
To brew a fire in temples deep,
and rob your brain of pukeless sleep.
Heed the disappearing song's refrain,
Bukowski's curse will stew your brain.
Vain prayer escapes cracked lips,
regret will spring from promiscuous hips.
Only hours spent in penitent falter,
before a sacred porcelain alter,
Will deliver cool & fine succor,
but till then, shut the toilet door.

Thought Provoker
United States 1awards
Joined 3rd Mar 2013
Forum Posts: 98

Applaud the Abuse

Each tilt of the bottle,
a surgeon's cut,
precise & concentrated
a sober effort
to becoming not.

To launch the mind,
from such stale states,
into tumult and storm,
churn and chunder,
raising mad hell
from within.

To be reborn
a screaming Banshee,
raging in the streets,
kicking and biting.

To rage against
the ones we love,
and to personify
the darkness
so cleverly hidden
behind such putrid lies.

No one cares
No one cares
No one cares

Your private tragedies
illicit no reprieve,
no rescue, no pity,
only spite and disgust.

No one will kiss you,
after you puke,
no matter how good,
your poems may be.

Fuck it,
I'm in love
with myself
each time I do it.

Thought Provoker
Canada 4awards
Joined 29th Mar 2014
Forum Posts: 212

zinger said:Talk about the different stages you go through when drinking. From your first drink of the night till you're plastered. Any style.


Happy Juice
By: Mike Stewart

It's hard to be social, it's ordinary to be shy
When I'm sober I'm a mellow boring kind of guy

But when that first sip hits my liver?
I've got that thirst that search to deliver

More alkahol

It's pal until
a smile reveil
a while to chill

instead of the 9to5 stress of the daily
I pretend to work, they pretend to pay me

Im charismatic at first
but If I quenched my thirst?

then I'm hammered
I then get to have'er
at the wims

of acting like an idiot
but since enjoy myself
it's actually legitimit

at first ya feel relaxed

then you forget all your problems

then you say "fuck it, tommorow Ill solve'EM"

And by the time you take the last shot of your two six
your so drunk you don't need 2 worry about booze mix


:)> √

Thought Provoker
Canada 4awards
Joined 29th Mar 2014
Forum Posts: 212

Oops haha double post

Twisted Dreamer
United States 1awards
Joined 24th July 2012
Forum Posts: 62

drink til you can't remember

He comes in my room
it's the middle of the night
I hear him enter
and I know tonight
im gonna cry

take another shot
drink it all down
these memories are gonna drown

he tells me to be quiet
slips my panties to the floor
my mind disappears

pour me another beer
make it two
tonight I don't want to fear

he tells me im beautiful
I politely ignore
he starts to rub

as I grow older through the night
I drink more and more
these memories are haunting again tonight

he tells me to close my eyes
and turn to the side
I can feel his nasty dick
slowly start to rape

oh my god not again
these memories are pounding my brain
get me some whiskey or vodka
this shit ain't strong enough

it seems to last all night
im crying I can't disappear

let me have some more please
god I just want to drink
I can't walk
I have to pee
im blistering drunk
its not even helping anymore

he gets up to walk away
and he says
"hey sis, don't tell mom, okay?"

Fire of Insight
United States
Joined 30th Dec 2012
Forum Posts: 166

damn, all good y'all

poet Anonymous

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Thought Provoker
United States 1awards
Joined 3rd Mar 2013
Forum Posts: 98

Solitude is Salvation

I usually wake,
to cry of an infant
across the court in my complex.
It wails and screams
against the burden
of infancy and life,
I shut the window
which usually works.
But my mind is awake,
and I must quiet the
explosions of madness
So I shuffle over
to the icebox,
and pray I stocked it
with last months check,
and the broads in here last night
didn't steal everything
after I kicked them out....
The tension is thick in my heart
as I open the door.....
HOSANNAH!!  There are Angels!
And they have blessed me!
A half-frozen bottle of russian nectar
lies prostrate in the freezer.
Pornographically beckoning me
with its sweaty curved bottle,
and thin neck.
It dares me to take it!
And ravish its insides with
my tongue!
In wild lonely celebrations
of the absence of my
kind, my dull, greedy,
selfish, whore-mongering kind.
Serenity?  Where?
It is where
everyone else is not...

Miss G
Fire of Insight
Joined 20th Oct 2012
Forum Posts: 837

Just Add Salt; Double Shots

when sandpaper memories
abrade unmendable gashes
and I can no longer fight
the urge to scorch the words
from the inside

Drink (subterfuge)
with one and two
I'll settle into the room
and pour salt into
my unlickable wounds

take with a pinch...
when you fall for every
hollow word I say

Drank (distort)
and three and four
we'll roll around on the floor
sweat stinging my eyes
as yours look toward the door

take with a pinch...
when I fall for every
empty word you say

Drunk (trick)
by five and six
our lips lean into eclipse
questioning our salt
when conflict moves to our hips

take with a pinch...
when we fall for every
broken heart we've feigned

poet Anonymous

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poet Anonymous

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Celine Belli
Thought Provoker
United Kingdom 4awards
Joined 12th Nov 2009
Forum Posts: 62

title: steady, now.

eager eyes, i open up to the night
as does the moon,
i am surging like the churning fire
that runs down my throat
ill-fated yet so delicious;
i had a thirst to quench
deep within the core of my
tired soul.

it is a process of elimination
i begin to treat each shot
as a level in an unmerciful gameshow.

then each step i take
must be accompanied with a sip;
one becomes two, three becomes six,
until the lights become fuzzy
and i stick to a familiar taste
that doesn't slip into a rumble of words
over a bar counter
as the night progresses.

keying for fumbles.
stepping up the stumbles-

- it is day...

how did i end up exactly where i began?

Fire of Insight
United States 6awards
Joined 10th Oct 2013
Forum Posts: 88

Liquid Dreams

The elixir is taken and  
The transformation begins
The anger builds as the scenes play back in his mind
The bride takes a new lover
No thought of the forfeiture of the valued gems  
She holds in her hands
Self-gratification her only motive
Selfish all-consuming lust  
Breaks down the bonds she held  
Precious at one time, long ago
The old lover hangs on like a worn sweater
Riddled with holes, worn, abused
Used up and is no longer wanted
Waiting to be discarded he fumes with anger then
Jealousy and pride add fuel to the fire until  
He explodes with plots of murder and dismemberment
No thoughts of this person having value to another
The rage has taken over his mind
There is no reason left  
He too has forgotten his value to others
Selfish judgments play in his head  
Torture and pain seem to gratify his agony and
The lust for warped justice he needs and
She deserves..  
Builds in his chest
More of the elixir is consumed and
The rage multiplies
Alibis are formed and replayed in his head  
Like old reels, black and white
Tweaked in such a way to redirect the outcome
He laughs at his evil ingenuity  
Proud of himself and what he’s creating
Godlike feelings induce more plots
Too creative to be undone by mere mortals
The killer does not want to be caught  
An accident or better still
An act of God to show them all
The righteous judgment of God watching
The fault lies with her alone  
He was the innocent companion
More elixir is taken and
The plan goes to shit
Self-pity creeps in and
The killer becomes a blubbering idiot
The loss of his life’s work sets in
His heart weeps and won’t be subdued
His humanity stumbles through the anger and  
His love erases all the plans created
By the mere mortal
The inebriated,
Hurting man  

Thought Provoker
United States 1awards
Joined 3rd Mar 2013
Forum Posts: 98

Humble thanks Zinger & fellow writers!  I appreciate this.  Mike.

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