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Poetry competition CLOSED 20th May 2014 3:39pm
View Profile Poems by trouble8me
RUNNER-UP: johnrot


Sex slave

Magic poemz
Fire of Insight
Kenya 8awards
Joined 24th Jan 2012
Forum Posts: 166

Poetry Contest

Write an erotic poem that shows you that you are a sex slave
The truth of the matter is that we are sex slaves,and that can be an advantage or a disadvantage,The winner must be deep and erotic....You are all welcomed

Twisted Dreamer
United States 1awards
Joined 24th July 2012
Forum Posts: 62

He bounds me
hands and feet
erotically arousing
im soaked
I want more
he knows it
he places a vibrator
against my clit
I wanna suck his dick
he makes me wait
he knows this is what I hate
I moan so loud
he slaps my ass
I know ive done bad
I can only show my pleasure
when he allows it
as time goes by
throughout the night
I get all the pleasure
he gets more
my fantasy played out
on the floor

Dangerous Mind
United States 21awards
Joined 10th Oct 2012
Forum Posts: 2961


i'm jealous of T pain
i wanna fuck a mermaid
i don't even think fish get aids
my ego needs a band aid
11 spades and both the twos
she got a rotten tooth
but i been hitting the booze
and bullshitting
about taking this bitch on a cruise
i'm getting loose

i don't even know what i'm talking about
she ain't even hot right now
but i bet she look better with my dick in her mouth
order another round
oh shit baby!
i think i left my wallet uptown
you'll get it?
you are so down
when we get back to my house
we gonna work it out no doubt

so in the cab i see her picking scabs
around this fresh tatt
that says chad
i ain't one to get mad
but honestly i'm afraid of the clap
plus i know your ink is a map
usually of mishaps and astral bitch slaps
i still wanna tap
but this bitch's snatch
might be filled with fleas and rats
fuck it i'll just do the triple D strap

poet Anonymous

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poet Anonymous

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poet Anonymous

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Thought Provoker
United Kingdom 5awards
Joined 19th Aug 2012
Forum Posts: 239

Why do you do this to me?
Since meeting you I am not free,
The  sight of you stirs my libido
My thoughts are contrary to my credo.

Whenever we meet I am seduced
Into getting naked, my resistance reduced
Our encounters are such a pleasure
Leaving memories that I will treasure

I realize now that I am a slave
To your womanly charms that I crave
How can I get free from  his position
To have a mistress was not my ambition

Twisted Dreamer
United States 1awards
Joined 24th July 2012
Forum Posts: 62

Anonymous said:<< post removed >>

Your picture suggest otherwise!

Twisted Dreamer
United States 2awards
Joined 15th Sep 2012
Forum Posts: 32


I met him and I knew.
He would be asking where I was.
I let him wonder, but not too long,
of what I thought , because:

I wanted to keep the attention.
He focused all on me.
Maybe I was nervous.
and maybe so was he.

When we finally got alone ,
it was-
a fire of hot perfection.
His tongue divine-entwined with mine,
brought on his big erection.

I showed him how to hesitate.
Tease me until I nearly break.
But when I'm just about to scream;

let it slowly touch my skin freely.

With fingers gliding evenly,
his face hard pressed,
I can not breathe-

I move back some.
He looks at me-

I push - he pulls again.

His blood flows hard.
I need to see it-
I put him on his back.

I get on,
his mind so ready.
I start it slow , retract.

I try to restrict myself,
until I nearly cum.
I don't let it all go in.
I don't let it all come out.

Time to go crazy !
its all out on the floor.
I ride him fast and deep and scream:
fuck me more more baby!

Just right before the fireworks burst,
it feels like I might find the sun.
His dick so high - orgasm time
our sweat so wet it makes us one.

poet Anonymous

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Thought Provoker
United Kingdom 5awards
Joined 19th Aug 2012
Forum Posts: 239

I was bewitched by your look
At the beginning of your quest
You did not need bait or hook
To lure me to your nest

You welcomed me with open cunt
And let me fuck you hard
The trap you set was a stunt
Which caught me off my guard

When I tried to go on my way
I found the exit locked
At your side you made me stay
The way to freedom blocked

You demanded that I fuck you
Morning noon and night
In every position that you knew
Your passion to ignite

When my cock began to droop
You plied me with viagra
This helped me to recoup
And make you come much faster

Your friends came for me to fuck
Their demands were diverse
Some wanted just to suck
Others tastes were quite perverse

Your sex slave I am forced to be
Your every whim fulfilled
Will you never set me free
So I can my life rebuild

Twisted Dreamer
United States 1awards
Joined 24th July 2012
Forum Posts: 62

Anonymous said:<< post removed >>

lol. I'm not the pretty boy, nor that old lady smacking his ass.

I change the av frequently. [/quote]

Well it had gave me quite a laugh! lol I thought it was kinda funny

Twisted Dreamer
United States 2awards
Joined 15th Sep 2012
Forum Posts: 32

Thank You

Lost Thinker
United Kingdom
Joined 6th July 2014
Forum Posts: 1

The Edge

I am brought to the edge and, in the storm
Of passion swirling round, all I can think
Are thoughts of violence; on the very brink
I hope this crisis will indeed perform
The real expiation I have craved
As I lie here, with my eyes closed at last
To dream of this: an erotic repast
Where I've achieved your ends, but still must slave;

I strive, fearful that all excitement's lost,
While you are in my head, playing my mind;
You murmur all the ideas you can pledge
To ensure that a sex slave's tempest's tossed;
With feverish fingers, that are well designed
To bring me, with your words, right to the edge.

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