Poetry competition CLOSED 15th May 2014 7:09pm
ScarlettA (Scarlett_A)
View Profile Poems by ScarlettA
RUNNERS-UP: Gonzo69 and Madintellect

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ruthless affair

Lost Thinker
Joined 14th Apr 2014
Forum Posts: 15

Poetry Contest

anything from severe and merciless to cold -hearted and callous
it can be anything, from a ruthless life to a heartless relationship!

Thought Provoker
United States 8awards
Joined 3rd Feb 2014
Forum Posts: 293

Could this include a poem about an S&M relationship of sorts.  Or is this just a romantic sort of thing?

Tyrant of Words
Joined 1st Apr 2011
Forum Posts: 8459

I don't remember your name, so I call you Feb 2002

yeah, it's ok though    
I mean there was never really    
all that much to know about you    
beyond the superficial    
the initial hook    
of the good looking legs    
and the tight ass    
but there was nothing else    
no depth or class no mystery    
and it seems to me    
that history followed you around    
with a neon sign    
and that was fine for a night    
one good fuck    
that might have been remembered    
for a day or two    
then who really cared    
if you cried or died or just moved on    
to the next guy      
who felt the need    
to paint his seed on your face    
so in-case there is any doubt    
it was only ever about lust    
always just ejaculation    
never love    
it was never about love.  

Lost Thinker
Joined 14th Apr 2014
Forum Posts: 15

hey! its anything, so go ahead!

Lost Thinker
Joined 14th Apr 2014
Forum Posts: 15

brilliant work CraicDealer!!

Thought Provoker
Canada 4awards
Joined 29th Mar 2014
Forum Posts: 212

Ruthless, going to a place where the youth is

trying to simply exist
but unallowed to persist

so a crowd, through the mist

exists, an army that march

theyre.storming your porch
Take you? It burnt like a torch

forever your search

for internation help
has been casting a welt

a palestindians felt
thier heart ment

along the gaza belt
south of border.

Because evil says its now the home of the new world order

i hope your not a.supporter

of children abducted from home
parents.camp? Different zone

persecussion shown

(is always about past people like hittler)

But when i say look into his financial funding?

Thats when i feel like the riddler

Alowing the same mentality today
adversity occurs the way we all believe the play

of mainstream, corporate sponcers lens.
Metephoric for suggestive thoughts they weave and leave.in

the back of your mind, were the false version of truth
is actually what we feed.the youth

through education
fuk palastindiaz desimation

and terrortory creation
Of so.called nation

who thibk.that theyre gods.choosen.children
why.anybody.watches the news,ater.911. iTS BEWILDER'in

poet Anonymous

<< post removed >>
Lost Thinker
Joined 14th Apr 2014
Forum Posts: 15

awesome writing!

Thought Provoker
United States 4awards
Joined 2nd May 2014
Forum Posts: 19

Safe Word: Harder

Other men won't do the things,
that you do to me?
They say they can't stand
the idea of another man
laying his hands on me.
They all wonder how
I expect them to hurt me,
the way that I want?
The way that I ask.
This is always confusing.
Each time so confusing.
Than there's you.
I need your pain.
Your blaring voice.
Degrading words.
I need you like The
Cutter needs her razor.
Oxytocin is my drug of choice
and you, the only dealer in town.
You understand me.  You monster.
I hate you. I'm afraid of you
but I can't leave you alone.
I show up on your doorstep trembling.
You always welcome me in smiling.
You show me a touch of mercy
by letting me pull off your whiskey bottle
before calling me a "stupid bitch."
You drag me by my hair, up the stairs,
kicking and screaming.
I Thank You.
You asked me once if I needed a safe word?
I responded sarcastically,
"Yeah, Safe Word: Harder."
You knocked me to my knees for that.
I Thank You.
I never look you in the eyes.
I'm too scared.
You never take your eyes off me.
I'm still scared.
You understand, unlike other men
I don't have sex to cum.
I just want to cry.
Anyone can make me cum.
I can make me cum.
You know how to make me cry
and never stop until I do.
Hands around my throat.
Sodomizing me until I'm ashamed.
I scream, "I'm sorry!"
I plead, "I'll be good!"
Safe Word: Harder
I Thank You.
When your cock is hard
you always say,
"My Dirty Little Whore"
and that's how I know
that I'm doing my job.
finally when I can't stand it anymore:
the brave face goes,
I lose the battle,
and I'm no longer tough.
The tears, they come.
The only thing that does.
The tears they come.
They fall.
You sigh, you smile
and tell me,
"Now, that's a good girl."
Only then, you stop.
Still watching me.
Tears soaking my face and hair.
I'm shaking, devastated
and so dead/ alive.
That's when you always stop.
When I finally cry, you let up,
if you've finished or not.
I thank you.
You are the only one that does this.
I've never asked
or told you how much I need this.
It's just what you do.
It's why I've never needed a "Safe Word."
I come back
even though every time I leave,
I swear I never will.
Like the husband who tells his wife
that he promises to leave his mistress.
You understand me. You monster.
I hate you. I'm afraid of you
but I can't leave you alone.
You help me up.
I put my clothes back on.
You always walk me out and
say, "Have a good day, Little Lady."
You shut the door
and that bottle of whiskey
behind you, until I knock again.
So, I go home to a man,
who won't do what you do to me.
He touches my face gently,
sizing me up.
He asks if I've been crying
but I tell him to, "fuck off!"
He smiles at this
and kisses me.
I kiss him back. I rarely do.
Today, I do.
He thanks me sweetly
but should Thank You.

Lost Thinker
Joined 14th Apr 2014
Forum Posts: 15

impressive ink ScarlettA!

Thought Provoker
United States 4awards
Joined 2nd May 2014
Forum Posts: 19

Thanks Love

Thought Provoker
Canada 9awards
Joined 3rd Sep 2012
Forum Posts: 189

ScarlettA, could you post that to your profile? I wanna add it to my reading list!

Miss G
Fire of Insight
Joined 20th Oct 2012
Forum Posts: 837

a balancing act at twilight

the rain's baptismal kisses        
never begin to drop me to my knees        
until i'm atop that hill        
engulfed by green,        
                spinning free...
straddling the gyrating void--        
one foot perched in        
sweltering adoration;        
the other bracing        
an unparalleled dimension        
of selfish, panging rhythm        
your compass-like hands        
find purchase in fistfulls        
of my feral locks        
to rein in and anchor        
the wanton immediacy        
banishing wayward doubts        
from our private bacchanalia        
smoldering eyes warn        
not to dare placations      
of disingenuous pillow talk
(there are no strings here)      
because we both know        
i'm one of many          
and we both know        
i'm just passing through  
(there were no strings here)      
all i want is a surety        
for that moment;        
amidst your thrall,        
when i scream my        
sincerest confessions-        
i've mattered  
           for an iota      
                     after all

Twisted Dreamer
Joined 14th Dec 2013
Forum Posts: 22

Toothpaste and lipstick are not edible

Thought Provoker
United States 4awards
Joined 2nd May 2014
Forum Posts: 19

Thank You Amee, That's flattering.  I'll do that now.  Thank You. xo

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