Poetry competition CLOSED 27th May 2014 8:48pm
EngrVV (D_Poetic Engineer)
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What Defines Success?

Lost Thinker
South Africa
Joined 14th Aug 2013
Forum Posts: 20

What defines success you ask?
Well the most simple answer i could give and strongly back up
Is "You"
You only make a success of what you really want to achieve

Thought Provoker
Canada 4awards
Joined 29th Mar 2014
Forum Posts: 212

Naidy said:What defines success you ask?


Well the most simple answer i could give and strongly back up
Is "You"
You only make a success of what you really want to achieve

WHAT defines success?

hard work with finease

dealing well with stress

feeling like your blessed

(Even when your not)

Positive with plot

Pessimism? not.

Inner vision, hot

Dont listen to antagonists

be hummble, dont always brag, because.

put others down is lame

insecure with from, the same

fake it u make it

have a dream, then take lit

To manifest.

Never choose
To feel deppress(ed)

Alot of unreconized time you'll invest

.   Be proud of were your at

Notice everystep takin
Without going back

Stuff like that
Haters will hate

If you got no support
Look up to yourself-

dont dwell on jelousy, or petty hate

Aswell dont pray for easiest

Fuck em if they get ahead,
But do so the weasiliest

Long term thought plan
Envision, & hop in.

Picture your self successful
And imagine how it will feel

Take steps that you make,
In a real time


Dont loose your focus

By Mike Stewart®


D_Poetic Engineer
Dangerous Mind
United States 35awards
Joined 11th Sep 2012
Forum Posts: 2212

Thanks for the win KrumblingCookie...good job everyone!

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