Poetry competition CLOSED 15th April 2014 11:57am
View Profile Poems by snugglebuck


Masochistic Angel

Lost Thinker
Joined 29th Mar 2014
Forum Posts: 10

Poetry Contest

Seductive Massochism
Write about how you're a masochistic angel for your lover. I want to vividly imagine each scene,
as if I was viewing it through a windowpane. Captivate the intensity within each stanza.
The rules are as followed:

Only one poem per person.
No collaborations.
New poems only.
Videos are allowed.
You'll be given two weeks.

If there are any questions pertaining to this, then feel free to message me. Good luck to those who participate.

Here's an example of it.

I lounge on an amber rug,
spreading my bruised wings,
as she lingers around my scent,
like a seductive candle.

Dainty lips peck at
my lustrous insecurities.

on my knees pledging
my allegiance to her aura.

A celestial collar governs
my neck, paying tribute
with my body, to atone for
my disobedience.

She grabs a flogger,
then whips the innocence
out of me effortlessly.

Grabbing my damaged lips,
with her slender pale hands.
Fondling them so meticulously.

She whispers into my ear,
"You're my minion of elation."

Chills drip down my spine,
as her words escape my core.

I start to shake,
as she cracks another
whip at my co-dependent confidence.

Her smile is like venom that I'd
easily drink over and over again,
until I overdose on her seductive pain.


Twisted Dreamer
United States
Joined 20th Feb 2014
Forum Posts: 18

Masochistic Love

Iron is all I can taste
from the blood rushing down my throat,
and your hands are bruised from the punches
you keep giving at the wall.

Who would have guessed that I would end up this way,
loving to hate myselft and hating to love you,
and all this happily ever after bullshit's
got nothing in this twisted relationship we share.

You hit me in the face when I ask you what's wrong
and you laugh that evil laughter,
and you give me that crooked smile,
and you fuck me again until I cannot speak.

People say that we are not living
that we have lost all of our sanity
but when you cut my skin and make me bleed
Babe, I have to say, this is better than Heaven and Hell!

I don't regret when you took off my wings
feather by feather you made me scream
your eyes were so inyected with pleasure
and that's when I knew, I must have loved you for sure.

Lost Thinker
Joined 29th Mar 2014
Forum Posts: 10

Well done, glad you entered.

Twisted Dreamer
United States
Joined 20th Feb 2014
Forum Posts: 18

Glad to be a part of it :)

Thought Provoker
United States 8awards
Joined 3rd Feb 2014
Forum Posts: 293


Sweet Sapharine angel come hither to me
I need you to gratify my sadistic needs

I am a sinner in need of a savior
I need you to quench my internal fire

You must bear my sins upon your flesh
Like the scourging of Jesus of Nazareth

Your humiliation will save me from damnation
So come and realize your fateful destination

Lay your tender naked body across my knee
I’m going to spank your bottom as I please

Squirming and screaming with every slap
Arousal burns hot in my lap

Your beautiful heaving ass turns scarlet in complexion
Your pounding pelvis teases my erection

Finished with your corporal discipline
Now begins your sexual crucifixion

Spread your gossamer wings wide
With angry cock I crucify

Till all demons in carnal exorcism completion
Are cast out in violent perfumed ejaculation

Your subjugation
Is my salvation

I am Hell
But you
Are Heaven

Lost Thinker
Joined 29th Mar 2014
Forum Posts: 10

Great entry.

Twisted Dreamer
United States
Joined 23rd Mar 2013
Forum Posts: 12

My love you must abuse me
I have fallen just for this
Given up my innocence
Just to bear this taint
I kneel on dirty concrete
In front of a thousand staring eyes

My skin must be bruised
My blood must be spilled
This sickness must be indulged
Rocks biting into my flesh
Increasing my desire

I am dirty, repulsive
I must be punished
It is the only way for atonement
I lift my eyes to yours finally
I know you see my need in them

I whisper through cracked and swollen lips
Begging for just one more kiss
A kiss of the blade
A kiss of the lash
Please do not deny me
You kiss my forehead and my cheeks
Maybe this is too much to ask of you

If i am truly your angel
You will hurt me as i crave
You will use me as i was meant to be used
It doesn't take much effort
I am easily pleased

If you truly love me
You will grab fistfulls of my hair
And dig your hands into my flesh
Harsh words falling from your mouth
Close your eyes and pretend if you must

I will be yours for all eternity
Submit to your every desire
All i need in return
Is for you to keep me on my knees

poet Anonymous

<< post removed >>
Guardian Demon
Fire of Insight
United States 2awards
Joined 22nd Feb 2013
Forum Posts: 543

Black Widow

Kiss my scars and I may let you relive them,
Relive the moment when we made them together.
Kiss me black and blue until you feel the rhythm,
Relive my blood pulsing out where your nails dug for what felt like forever.

I enjoy your pleasure, love to see that smile,
Even if mine had to be cut a little wider.
I enjoy your company, though I haven't enjoyed you in a while.
Even if yours are the only hands at my neck, grip them tighter.

Poison me with your kiss, and poison me with your breath,
I wanna be, need to be your man.
Poison me because when I'm with you, I'm not afraid of death,
I wanna be, need to be... understand?

I sell my soul to you today, kill it, I hated it anyway,
All I ever wanted was you.
I sell my heart to you today, make it beat faster than it has in days,
So I can bleed out soon.

Lost Thinker
Joined 29th Mar 2014
Forum Posts: 10

Awesome entry. {Angel}

Lost Thinker
Joined 29th Mar 2014
Forum Posts: 10

Great entry. {Bz}

Lost Thinker
Joined 29th Mar 2014
Forum Posts: 10

Awesome piece {Miki}

Twisted Dreamer
United States 5awards
Joined 21st July 2012
Forum Posts: 100

Look at you
every night coordinated
by impulse
I'm abusing your soul
with jail like precision
as you loudly yell
"skip foreplay!!"
you say you want
the black whip
while being tied
to the ceiling
spooky sounds swooping
through the vacant loft
knees on a wooden box
painstaking moans
ready for war?
you scream for more
dreary domination of lust
unusual cries
missing hair extensions
fingers show your mindless
acceptance to brutal pain
goofy faces, astonishing
take flight to cloud nine
as I tug on the nostalgic
broken noiseless victory
the slap of thrones heard
throughout the universe
cloudy evening tied to
the night
punishing your blushing
turn your head
let me see your tears
volatile gaze, spiritual
climb the discreet tree
tease my fantasies
our spouses would never
but how can they forbid
our absolute happiness
you are my toy,
my joy.

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