Poetry competition CLOSED 31st March 2014 5:24pm
View Profile Poems by gardenlover
RUNNER-UP: souladareatease

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Recipes for Poets

poet Anonymous

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Tyrant of Words
United States 19awards
Joined 28th Dec 2012
Forum Posts: 1827

poet Anonymous

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Thought Provoker
United Kingdom 5awards
Joined 19th Aug 2012
Forum Posts: 239

Mushroom Soup  

Slice enough mushrooms to satisfy your need
Pop in a knob of butter and cook until they soften
You must keep them moving by stirring at speed
Put in a scoop of flour and stir just as often

Now add a cup of milk or more if you prefer
Bring this mixture to boil, still stirring as before
Add a stock cube or two and water, continue to stir
Simmer well for half an hour, I know this is a bore

The soup is nearly finished
Just  blend until quite smooth
Add nutmeg if that is wished
Eating it will soothe

Thought Provoker
United Kingdom 5awards
Joined 19th Aug 2012
Forum Posts: 239

Recipe for a lasting relationship

Starting with mutual attraction
Explore each other's ways
Do any of these cause distraction
Does the sex set you ablaze

Does the style of both lives
Blend in with the other
Coping with the funny ways
Will this cause disaster

Do not think you can change
The habits you cannot praise
Accept them however strange
Or go your separate ways

Thought Provoker
United States 8awards
Joined 3rd Feb 2014
Forum Posts: 293


Knead the dough
Please, more flour
Before your roll

Endless attending
Carefully administering
Exerting bosom heaving

Keeping it pliable
Wet intermediately
Moisten malleable
It molds more easily

A gentle ponding
Carefully dominating
Fingers probing
Wheat and yeast forming

Moist lips dusted with leaven
Sighing groaning sweating dainty  
‘Oh God in Heaven!’
How you work the pastry

Exhausted, step aside
Rest now woman
And witness it rise
Then put it in your oven

poet Anonymous

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poet Anonymous

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Lost Thinker
India 1awards
Joined 23rd Feb 2013
Forum Posts: 58

Carrot Halwa

Grate the red carrots ,
Boil them in Milk ,
Let them Dry ,
Then add sugar and Ghee to fry ,
Add some Dry fruits for Deliciousness  ,
And Khoys For its tastiness.

Thought Provoker
Joined 11th Feb 2014
Forum Posts: 91

A Masterpiece

A pinch of creativity
a whole lot of passion
marinated in your mind
an idea
an inspiration
craft in a great ink
a masterpiece of your own

Jimmy Lincoln
Lost Thinker
Joined 18th Mar 2014
Forum Posts: 20


I come from a soup.
Colossal, churning, and infinite.
Unimaginable is proportion of the bang that first boiled this soup.
The base, elements neatly arranged on the table,
swirls on His stove. Stirred by a Chef,
it bubbles and mixes to marry the flavors
of all that ever was and will be.
   Add galaxies for zest and planets for texture.
   Sprinkle with a dash of life,
   simmer and serve.

I started as soup reconstituted.
Made with a more carnal and intimate bang
that expanded in more palatable proportions.
    Fuse human cells with a dash of love,
    Into the oven.

I am made of a soup undisturbed;
   combine flesh, nerves, and a brain.
   Season with stars and stripes and some ruddy letters for   taste.

poet Anonymous

A Taste Of Poetry

Taste poetry
Add 14 lines of Sonnet spice
with hints of expository cinnamon
and butter dipped narrative prose
blended in poetic verses
thoughts marinate
creating images

Pouring feelings into a square grid of Acrostic
W hisk together creamy adjectives
O ils of mango verbs
R ich chocolate sauce nouns
D ripping in pronouns juices
S tirring smoothly into…

syllables of Haiku
melted words
heated into sentences
feeding reader’s senses
lightly glazed in
sweet aroma

Limerick lines of anapestic
coated in vanilla extract
seasoned in experiences
white almond wit expressed
in raspberry rhymes of

Free Verse to freely express
simmering imagination
stir with a calligraphy pen
a pinch of Spoken Word(optional)
topped with sprinkles of emotions

swallow slowly
allowing your mind
to savor sweet literature
lingering along lips


poet Anonymous

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poet Anonymous

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poet Anonymous

I absolutely enjoyed all the entries. Congrats G-lover and Gabe. Xo
Pen Love~

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