Poetry competition CLOSED 24th March 2014 10:46am
View Profile Poems by MadameLavender


if DUP ran the world?

poet Anonymous

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Dangerous Mind
United States 15awards
Joined 8th June 2013
Forum Posts: 850

Oh hell. I'm in.

Thought Provoker
United States 8awards
Joined 3rd Feb 2014
Forum Posts: 293

I'll kick it off.

Thou shalt not plagiarize!

Thou shalt not comment on other members contest contributions!

Thou shall not repost in more then one category!

Thou shall be respectful to all members no matter how full of themselves they might be!

Thou will critique others works, as they critique yours!

Thou shalt not write poetry in the nude!

D_Poetic Engineer
Dangerous Mind
United States 35awards
Joined 11th Sep 2012
Forum Posts: 2212

(Hi Miki, this is not an entry as this is an old piece but it seems to fit in your comp., hope you won't mind me posting)


From a distant future lay the remnants
Of a once proud and mighty civilization
Safe haven of warmongers and merchants
Of death—trying to elude their fair share
To a place where peace is a breath of fresh air
And nanotechnology runs the new frontier

Molecular states of matter altered on this frontier
Quantum mechanical effects hardly visible in the air
Atoms in this quantum-realm scale will have its share
Whose common trait is size—in this new civilization
A far cry from old and what’s left are remnants
By-products of war and unscrupulous merchants

Weapons of mass destruction sold by greedy merchants
Wiped out from the galaxy - Earth and its civilization
Combined with the deadly virus we breathed from the air
Worldwide devastation left nothing but deadly remnants
Scattered in the minds of survivors of the old frontier
Tales of horror and sufferings, no one dared to share

If I live to see that fateful day, I would gladly share
Stories of the gallant stand against the greedy merchants
By poetic geniuses who thrived in Deep Underground frontier
Peace through poetry with Strider could have saved civilization
If only we were given some precious time on the Air
By once media moguls whose lair now laid in remnants

Doomsday scenarios hopefully are but just remnants
Of haunting hellish nightmares that I forgot to share
With the rest of the world trying to seek new frontier
Unsure of what the future holds in this dying civilization
Where corruption is common to nanodick merchants
Whose flair for war is unlikely, flaunting in the air

Thick, black fog in the cities now saturates the air
Clearly seen forerunner to the future lost civilization
Technological advancements behind closed frontier
Instead of war, let’s put them to good use and share
Wealth accumulation and greed by bloody merchants
Would be a thing of the past and shadowy remnants

United we stand on this new frontier
With sigh of relief and a breath of fresh air
Love, peace and harmony—we all shall share…

(If I find time, I'll come back for my entry.)

Guardian of Shadows
United States 30awards
Joined 17th Feb 2013
Forum Posts: 2318

The Order Of Buck Futt
(Or The Epistle To The Children Of The Apocalypse From Their Dyslexic Leader)

**In the Year 2100, the following decree has been set forth by Buck Futt, so named for the first thing he saw upon discovery of the ancient texts and graphics of Deep Underground Poetry.

“Arise, yougn wanderers of the post apocalyptic wordl!  I, Buck Futt, do hereby declaer, that in my state of dyslexia, I have received an epiphany from the prophets fo the past.  As I have taken my name from the fisrt image displayed to me from Deep Undergroudn, that of anal sex, so shall you also take your names from what you see upon using the “DU Random Poem” functoin.  As we set fothr, our guidelines for survival of our race.”

(Translation: Rule #1:  Hit the “random poems” button, and see what you get to call yourself)

“Additionalyl, we must mastre the arts of these great forerunners to imitate them, makign ourselves into their likenesses.”

(Translation: Rule #2:  Copy-cat all of what you read on DUP, from cutting yourself, trying all the different sexual positions laid out in graphic detail, pay homage to Jesus, Zeus, the trees, flowers, etc.)

“Likewise, childrne, it is our duty to make every attempt to contact these prophets beyond time and space, in The Otherwordl, for furthre guidance.”

(Translation: Rule #3:  Message the one called “The Webmiss” and everyone else you come across—There seems to have been some sort of hierarchy at DUP:  Great Guiding Goddess, with Guardians as her bootsoldiers, and Reverent Minion)

“Furthermoer,  it will be everyoen’s duty to ensure there is an alternate way to access Deep Undergroudn, should the primitive computer it lies on, is for whatever reason, unaccessibel.”

(Translation: Rule #4:  Print off or handscribe everything you find at DUP as a back-up in case of a server-crash;  in this instance it’s not plagiarism as you are seeking to preserve)

“And lastly, inhabitanst of the New Wordl,  see ye that thou spendeth hours, searching upon DUP to feed your midns, bodies and spirits.”

(Translation:  Rule #5:   Stay at DUP for much of your waking hours, so that you become addicted and can’t tear yourself away for any longer than necessary to either pee or take care of your duties in Rule #2 above)

“My peers, my followres, my childrne of the Age that be upon us, I, Buck Futt, give you the keys to our survival:  Deep Undergroudn!”

poet Anonymous

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Dangerous Mind
United States 15awards
Joined 8th June 2013
Forum Posts: 850


To you, great sleeper, I offer my soul
As a vessel, a tool or just plain sacrifice
May you rise from the depths
And heed the masses' call
Rise up and break the wall
That humanity built on spires
Devour the living vermin, my Lord
And set this world on fire.
Cthulhu fhtagn, Cthulhu awake
Tentacles will embrace
The vermin of man's disgrace
On my bloodied knees
I beg
I implore
I demand that
Cthulhu fhtagn, Cthulhu awake

Thought Provoker
Joined 11th Feb 2014
Forum Posts: 91

Hidden In Our Past

Under ashes
the words lay
many poets died
but the poems remain
historical moment
for the few that stayed
reading the every word
like the gospel
sing to some
to bring joy to the world
our energy will come to life
bringing the past alive
sharing our experiences
hoping for new daylight
some will fight to keep
some will cry to have
all our little secrets
hidden in our past

Lost Thinker
India 1awards
Joined 23rd Feb 2013
Forum Posts: 58

Love Never Dies

Some contents are available on the internet ,
Don't know who all they were ,
But A number of Flags under them ,
Shows some sign of their births.

Perhaps they are from some differ communities ,
But still they all tried to write on same topic ,
Differ minds......Differ souls ,
But their Writings joined them in same gossip.

At last We conclude ,
That those souls had something common in them ,
They Created a Group.....Perhaps ,
And That was the Group of Love between them.

D_Poetic Engineer
Dangerous Mind
United States 35awards
Joined 11th Sep 2012
Forum Posts: 2212

Anonymous said:<< post removed >>

Thank you Miki... /EngrVV

poet Anonymous

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Dangerous Mind
United States 15awards
Joined 8th June 2013
Forum Posts: 850

Congrats, ML well played

Guardian of Shadows
United States 30awards
Joined 17th Feb 2013
Forum Posts: 2318

Thanks so much! Great entries everyone--this was a really fun comp to do!

D_Poetic Engineer
Dangerous Mind
United States 35awards
Joined 11th Sep 2012
Forum Posts: 2212

Congratulations MadameL for winning and to everyone for such a wonderful competition.

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