Poetry competition CLOSED 17th March 2014 11:15pm
Grace (ldryad)
View Profile Poems by Grace
RUNNER-UP: JWAthepsycho

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DU Immortality

Dangerous Mind
United States 15awards
Joined 8th June 2013
Forum Posts: 850

Poetry Contest

how would you spend eternity?
I was inspired by films like Highlander and the like. Most recently I came across the cover of Cash/Nelson etc song Highwayman redone by Iced Earth, about an Immortal dying over and over and seeing time unfold around them. So I asked myself what I would do in this situation. That's what I want from you.

Two weeks

Make it epic

What's your tale?

Guardian of Shadows
United States 30awards
Joined 17th Feb 2013
Forum Posts: 2318

Poem, prose or either?

Dangerous Mind
United States 15awards
Joined 8th June 2013
Forum Posts: 850

Poem, preferably

Thought Provoker
United States 5awards
Joined 28th Jan 2013
Forum Posts: 147

Oh my GOD, not just yeah but HELL YEAH MAN, Been writin one close about this for a long time now, unfortunetly, when moved, my note books that had all my writin in it was taken when moving... Will try an remember what was doin with it... Am a very forgetful man, hehehe, Digged the Iced earth version too man, plauges is one of the few albums by em that don't have... Totally overlooked band, one of my All Time Favs, catchya on the flip side Vato...

Dangerous Mind
United States 15awards
Joined 8th June 2013
Forum Posts: 850

Later, Eddie. Can't wait for your take on this subject

Guardian of Shadows
Joined 25th Aug 2011
Forum Posts: 6318

Warrior Out of Time

Rained on and through squelching mud,
the warrior ran, his sword askew,
his horse dead under the Saracen’s blade
thunder and lightning drummed the sky
My failure…God is angry, he thought

A lightning flashed, and thunder rolled
he felt the spear of light enter his heart
he felt his heart stop and his body
jerked in dying throes, the mud met him
‘I am killed by the God I fought for’

He woke on soft beds, scented strangely
of fingers touching in soft caress
billowing white sheets on unknown realm
women in short frocks attending to him
an alien land, he learned, of his own

More than one thousand years, forward
in a flick of an eye, in a sleep of a night
he went forward in time, silent fear
and awe, he feigned loss of memories
he hid his fear of the strangeness around

thus he lived, immortal never dying
never aging and never ill
was it punishment of God for him
for losing the war, for his cowardice
by running from the marauding enemies

he would never linger in a life with women
for more than three decades
for they aged and he did not
he would never watch his children
grow old, as they would grow older than he

always on the move, he was
changing his names as he travelled
he has been  a friar, a peddler
he has been a teacher and a banker
but always he would run again

when the thunder rolled and lightning flashed
he would be back with his warrior garb
for the power of them that know
would transport him through portals
and fight ancient battles he could not understand

he smiled as he read the book, a tale of yore
a mysterious black knight appearing to tilt
the battle towards the King of that lore
if only they knew who the knight was
he drank his coffee, and stood up to go

he felt warm and happy
so seldom did he feel that way
it was a clear and sunny day,
No battling in ancient wars
it was his birthday today.

Dangerous Mind
United States 15awards
Joined 8th June 2013
Forum Posts: 850

Wow, I am struck speechless yet again. Well done, Grace, you set the bar high for the competition

Guardian of Shadows
Joined 25th Aug 2011
Forum Posts: 6318

HadesRising said:Wow, I am struck speechless yet again. Well done, Grace, you set the bar high for the competition
The pleasure is mine. Humbled.  But greater and better participation will ensue.

R. T.
Thought Provoker
United States 3awards
Joined 2nd Mar 2014
Forum Posts: 48

Oh Restless Spirit

Oh restless spirit, will we ever be at rest?
Why do your sleepless eyes yet seek another quest?
Is it my death you fear?
The time for eternal rest should be near.
Is it the ending of the adventures of life?
The end of, what's next, brings my restless Spirit much strife.
What could it be that fills my being with so much Resentment?
Could it be that I have yet to find that elusive hidden treasure of Contentment?
This weary body is doomed to carry my restless spirit on this eternal quest.
Oh Restless Spirit, will we ever be at rest?

Dangerous Mind
United States 15awards
Joined 8th June 2013
Forum Posts: 850

thanks for your submission, RT

Dangerous Mind
United States 15awards
Joined 8th June 2013
Forum Posts: 850

anyone else dream of immortality?

Fire of Insight
United States 6awards
Joined 10th Oct 2013
Forum Posts: 88


I have seen the places where
The sun rises and sets
With colors never imagined
Painted in the sky
I have tasted other cultures
Of beauty and unique splendor
I have swum through different oceans
Of people, of language and color
I have tip toed through
White sanded, emerald jewels
Strung by Zeus himself
On Aphrodite’s blue sapphire eyes
Yet I still crave more    
To see and experience
In this diminutive world
If time allowed
I would spend the rest of eternity
Discovering the rest
Of God’s wonders
Here and afar

Thought Provoker
United States 1awards
Joined 17th Dec 2013
Forum Posts: 20

Elapsed in time

Sword hanging down from my hand
scars fill my body I can barely stand
as blood drips from my blade dripping back down to earth
so much bodies lay lifeless on the ground
no throats left unopened as they no longer make a sound
my amor heavey as I walk through this puddle of blood
each step pulsating agonizing pain through my body
my god left me for dead and leaves me in this forsaken place
I got nothing left, just my sword and a endless hord of enemies
I don't want to die today, so I fight to survive these moments of life
my life flashes before my eyes as I accept my death
so many years flash right in front of me, in the end this is my fate
I breathe heavily as more bodies hit the ground adding to the pile
At the end of night my body lays lifeless as I head towards to the light
yet with the beginning of the new day I am brought back to fight
the day brings more enemies to slay and pain to my body
with each slash from my blade another sin is committed
I fight to my final breath cause that is all I can do
For to me knees I crawl before my gods power for I have lost it all
No friends or family near, but they live their lives as if I never existed
its as if I was new sewed into the fabrics of time, but just a reminisce of a ghost
Years go by and all I can do is kill, but its not under my own will
My hands stained with blood, my mind pierced with regret with every slash
so many years I have fought just to brought back to life
every time I die, its a trick all I see is love ones dying
and time continuing on like nothing has ever happened
my mind shattered as I watched so many years pass by yet I am trapped here
I fight each and every waking moment I am elapsed in time for all eternity

poet Anonymous

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Dangerous Mind
United States 15awards
Joined 8th June 2013
Forum Posts: 850

Wow, great job, guys and gals, keep them coming

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