Poetry competition CLOSED 16th March 2014 00:49am
View Profile Poems by rachelmae
RUNNERS-UP: hunnypot and Tallman89

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Very first love

Twisted Dreamer
United States
Joined 18th Dec 2011
Forum Posts: 20

My Beautiful Surprise

The last thing I expected
was to find a man like you.
But here you are,
sharing life with me,
waking up my heart
with your sweetness,
filling my world
with a love more tender
than I ever dreamed of.

Being with you brings
a sense of contentment
that only you can give.
And in return, all I can do
is promise to love you -
with all my heart,
the best way I can.

~For my first and only love ... Anthony <3

poet Anonymous

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poet Anonymous

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Thought Provoker
United States 2awards
Joined 24th Jan 2013
Forum Posts: 125

~my love or my lover~

His name Caleb
The way he took my love
my heart
now we are so far apart
he didnt do anything
A text here a text there
i was in love
I have never been
So now I lay down
With him right there
next to me
And I wonder
Was this my very first love
or just a person...
I made love to

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