Poetry competition CLOSED 16th March 2014 00:49am
View Profile Poems by rachelmae
RUNNERS-UP: hunnypot and Tallman89

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Very first love

Fire of Insight
United States 4awards
Joined 5th Nov 2012
Forum Posts: 56

My First
On a warm day in June you became my first love.
The love of a man who shared with me moments
Endearing and special
    You bestowed upon me my first kiss…
    You gave me my first embrace…
    You showed me my hands,
Helped me explore my feet and all the places they could go
   You encouraged me to discover me.
   You were the first man in my life.
My steady presence…
   Silent and of few words!
Eyes which I knew, and a heart I learned
    My first love…
     As I look back and
Relive, rethink, and rehash…
Those quiet moments,
     And the loud ones!!
The funny times,
    And those that can bring tears to my eyes
Of all the lessons in life..
Learning to love and let go
Is the hardest of them all!
    But the sweet reward of
True, accepting, open love…
Is when it comes back to you..
To stay forever.
And forever is where you are now…
Forever a presence,
Forever a memory,
Forever my first love,
    My Dad!

Twisted Dreamer
United States 1awards
Joined 17th May 2013
Forum Posts: 15

My first love was and always will be - writing. So here goes...

Goodbye To The Poetry of Childhood

Mother Goose, you used to sing to me
The tall tales of yesterday
Now I change.
If I could turn back the weathered clock
Your rhymes, all moons and spoons
Would lighten my heart.
Mother Goose, weaver of endless joy, wonderful
fairytales of mirth, bright eyed awe, I dreamed this evening
In clouds of Childhood,
Bluebirds spun with Blackbird Pie
on my Tuffet.  Mother Goose of Kittens and Mittens,
Dreamer of fantasy worlds,
The sight of Three Blind Mice makes me giggle.
Writer of Childhood pleasure
Mother Goose, I must Wave Goodbye,
Look: I have grown.
I now must rub open my eyes and write my own.

Twisted Dreamer
Joined 25th Jan 2014
Forum Posts: 24

Cool I'll be back

Twisted Dreamer
Joined 25th Jan 2014
Forum Posts: 24

Fiery Michelle

The first time I fell in love
I'd thought it would last forever
But then she had enough
And said we shouldn't be together

So I grabbed a baseball bat
And threw it through her bedroom window
When she asked why I did that
I said, 'I'm pissed off at you, ho!'

So she grabbed a gun and shot at my face
I ran for cover behind a tree
It definitely wasn't the best hiding place
Because she still shot my ear off easily

I started to yell
Bleeding with pain,
"Go to Hell
You witch from Satan's domain!"

But she didn't care
She just pointed and laughed
As I ran out of air
And my lungs collapsed

I woke up in the hospital
The very next morn
My bones feeling brittle
And my face really worn

Then I sat and reflected
About all the good times we once had
But when the doctor told me my ear was infected
I got really mad

So I got up and went straight for her house
More pissed off than I was before
I would squash her with my foot like a mouse
That way she didn't exist anymore

But once I got there and saw her face
I forgot why I was mad
She was so pretty and filled with grace
To look upon her I was glad

Then she pulled a gun out and shot my head
And I write this from Heaven because I'm dead
All's well that ends well
But not when you date Michelle

Lost Thinker
United States 1awards
Joined 7th Feb 2014
Forum Posts: 17

The DU community: Making decisions hard on every competition. Great poems you guys.

Strange Creature
Joined 5th Mar 2014
Forum Posts: 2

Very nice!!!!
I hope my girls will one day write something so grand of their
first love!

Twisted Dreamer
United States 1awards
Joined 7th Mar 2014
Forum Posts: 2

He was to mature for me
or at least that is what he said
he called me underclassmen, fresh meat
the usual suspects

I liked that he was taller
and walked like he owned the world
and, from the moment that we met
he said I was his girl

we used to walk at break time before
the bells would ring
talking of nothing
and yet of everything

The sunshine seemed brighter
the grass a vivid shade of green
but like most teenage romances it was never meant to be

He left but he never said goodbye
and, every night for a year I cried

then the tears stopped falling I grew up
moved on and moved away
I wonder if he'd know me
now if he seen my face?

Lost Thinker
United States
Joined 7th Mar 2014
Forum Posts: 14

Love divided by hate
You said you loved me.

You said you would give your life for me.

But they were lies to play with my emotions.

No one loves a fool who cant even save the person who means the most to her.

I have fallen in a abyss that I havent visited in over 5 years.

Do you love me or hate me?

Hate is a strong word it means, " I wanna kill you".

But go ahead and hate me like everyone always does.

I will hold on to these false memories.

Though they cant stop these river of tears.

You wouldnt believe me if I told you I cried.

You think im a demon.

Demons cant cry.

But I am human just like you, cause I cried.

Or maybe im an outcast of a demon.

God please help me..

Save me from my self.

Cause now I have no one.

You were my last hope of love.

but love is cruel.

It didnt save this broken heart.

Now im dead... and its too late to save me.

The funny thing is.. if you wanted me back.

I would fall for you all over again.

Go ahead and hate me.

Just promise me you wont die.

Just promise me....

Thats all I ask of you, cause I still care about you.

Even if it would bring me to my end.

My first love...

No, my worst love...

Was it even love?

Did you think it was fine to take my life and screw it up?

How many hearts must you break until your happy?

This is goodbye, I hope.

How I love you.

Which is why I hate you.

Strange Creature
Joined 6th Mar 2014
Forum Posts: 6

Real lovers call it black
So im a real nigga call it black
Crack is what you asked for my first true love is what you looking for
I found it easy enough
From super young ; had it growing up
First love is important and mine is the most important
True love

Lost Thinker
Joined 12th Mar 2012
Forum Posts: 1

A Conflict of Heart

It's your smile
that dares me to take the plunge
Unaware of all the dangers that could pursue
I take the first step
Deeper into the water
I cannot swim but you guide me along
Your unchanging heart a beacon that I follow
But in all this, there is an uncertainty
For love is fickle
and many hearts have been cast into the darkness in its pursuit
Forever frozen to the world
Do I dare wade deeper into the water
when all that could await me is love's wicked torment?
As I contemplate my own foolish grievances
I turn to you
and see your smile

John James Jay Jr.
Thought Provoker
United States 6awards
Joined 20th Sep 2012
Forum Posts: 60

'Twas under the rainbow, we first met.

I was young.
You were older.

It started out cloudy.
The weather.
Your mood.
And our relationship.

I was laughing.
You were crying.

He'd left you.

And it was starting to rain.

I offered my umbrella.

You were angry that I had laughed.
And walked on, as the rain started to fall.

Gently at first.
As was my apology.
I held it over your head.

You glared and said, "Why?"

That I'd laughed?
Or that he'd left?

The answer was nearly the same.

You view the world, thorough pink tinted glasses.
To you the world was a fiesta of love shaded in pink.

He couldn't stand your pink view of the world.
Your pink definition of love.

As the rain tamed, the sun emerged, a rainbow framed the sky.
And your tears dried.

I saw the gentleness, the softness.
behind the pinkness, that drove him away.
And my laughter was at his loss.

At you, I would never laugh.
With you, I hoped to share many laughs.
And hugs.
And kisses,
And silent glances.
And intimate moments.
And life.

It was your view of the world,
though pink tinted glasses
that drew me to you.

You came to call me your "younger" man.

And I called you my "ol' lady" in turn.

So, dearest,
That's how it began,
under a rainbow filled sky.

Lost Thinker
United States
Joined 7th Mar 2014
Forum Posts: 1

Angel My Soul Mate

Poem Image

Her hair is as smooth as silk
And as bright as the sunrise
Her eyes sparkle like the stars
That dance in the night
Skin as soft as a dedicate rose
cream rose washes her body
My angel in the heaven night
Guides me through my life
Protects me every night
Fights a battle I can never understand
She bleeds tears of blood
Her heart is a garden
Fists made of weapons
Chest made of steel
Falling like a shooting star
Showing me the way
I send her away
Feeling alone
Knowing there is another
Someone else needs her more
Protect him dear angel
For I fear I love him
I fear of losing him
I fear what could happen
If you are not with him
Twenty percent left
Life is slipping away from him
Save him
Let him live
Guide the doctors hand
Bring him back to me
I shall be ok once again
Once he is ok again
Angel for you know
We are one heart
One soul
We are forever  

poet Anonymous

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Twisted Dreamer
Joined 27th Feb 2014
Forum Posts: 14

Kaleidoscope Balloon

It was a dream that woke me, wide-eyed, breath short.
I glowed with the choice, to think about it, or sleep
and re-live it.

Russian doll dreams, where I slept. You leant over,
wavering but wanting. I awoke, instinctively kissed you,
hands pulling your collar.

Everything lifted, a kaleidoscope balloon adrift
on orange crush clouds. It was the start and the end,
and all I wanted.

Twisted Dreamer
Joined 8th Sep 2013
Forum Posts: 33


I will forsake everything I am
If it would help you win the dead
Dreams fly on heavy wings
Broken wings upon broken things

A smile across a billion wire
Of the words I see, I will never tire
A generic picture on a screen
I just want to see what I mean

Who are you, these words hit deep
They're kind, gentle, and sweet
You give me a hint, and walk away
Is that really what you meant to say?

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