Poetry competition CLOSED 16th March 2014 00:49am
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Very first love

Lost Thinker
United States 1awards
Joined 7th Feb 2014
Forum Posts: 17

Poetry Contest

Who can write a poem about the first time they fell in love?

Thought Provoker
United States 2awards
Joined 24th Jan 2013
Forum Posts: 125

The middle aged love

High school
Place of diversity
Lovey dovey bs
That everyone feel they need
Now I stand on my two feet falling
For the first time its not sappy bs
Now its something I wanna call love
But this my love
May just be diversity

Lost Thinker
United States
Joined 16th Mar 2012
Forum Posts: 6

The first time I fell in love
The summer wind blew wild and free
His name was Vince and he intrigued me
He was not like the other boys he read books
He was gentle we climbed trees
He kissed me there in that Summer breeze
and whilst we played I knew that day I loved this boy
and his gentle ways
All summer long I followed him we kissed in trees and by the creek
running bare foot through the fields holding hands at the ice cream stand
Vince was really sweet but just like the seasons boys change like the wind
and as autumn set in no more long day this gentle boy began to change
no longer sharing books or walks in the field, no kisses by the creek or up in trees
When I asked why all Vince had to say is tomorrow I move away
We shared one last kiss that day the next day he was gone.
now this was MY very first love and my very first lose
I miss you Vince

poet Anonymous

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Twisted Dreamer
United States 2awards
Joined 16th Feb 2014
Forum Posts: 55

Innocent heart torn and scattered across the floor
I trusted you with all I had to give
and you took it for granted
You broke the ties that held me together
but I loved you

I never saw the heartache coming
too fragile, all too unknowing
the bruises i ignored
the demeaning words got to my heart
but I loved you
and I'll never forget what you did
never erase from my memory
you showed a heart love then stole it away
my first love, do you see what you've missed?

I thought you were different once
a light in the endless darkness
but you made the demons awaken
you stabbed me in the back over and over
and then claimed it was all my doing
What did I do to deserve your hatred, my love?

Now I'm struggling to forget what you did to me
though I have long forgiven your stupidity
Someday I'll find a way to prove you wrong
and you'll wish you held on
instead of pushing me away

Lost Thinker
United States 1awards
Joined 7th Feb 2014
Forum Posts: 17

Nice work you guys, It will be a hard decision.

Fire of Insight
United States
Joined 30th Dec 2012
Forum Posts: 166

First Love

Verse 1-
You know there's something's in this world you'll never forget/like that first kiss/tasted so sweet on my lips/and those piercing green eyes/staring back in mine/and that smile/that'll make you stop and think for a little while/oh/

Hey I've had my heart broke a time or two/yeah they sure were something/but that don't compare to you/you taught me how to love/and not to give up/hearing you say my name/I knew things would never be that same/it's kind of crazy/ain't it baby/maybe we were too young to know any better/when we promised forever/but that didn't stop us/nothing comes close to that first love/

Verse 2-
All I ever heard about/was how hot Texas could get/but winter must have set in/on that December day/cuz I watched the snow fall with you/as you lay/in my arms/I thought right then and there/this is where I'm suppose to be/cuz I could do anything as long as you were with me/oh/

Hey I've had my heart broke a time or two/yeah they sure were something/but that don't compare to you/you taught me how to love/and not to give up/hearing you say my name/I knew things would never be that same/it's kind of crazy/ain't it baby/maybe we were too young to know any better/when we promised forever/but that didn't stop us/nothing comes close to that first love/

Verse 3-
Now that years have gone by/since we said goodbye/I catch myself thinking bout you/and if you ever really knew/just how true/my love was/but I guess life got in the way/and baby it's ok/cuz it doesn't change/

Hey I've had my heart broke a time or two/yeah they sure were something/but that don't compare to you/you taught me how to love/and not to give up/hearing you say my name/I knew things would never be that same/it's kind of crazy/ain't it baby/maybe we were too young to know any better/when we promised forever/but that didn't stop us/nothing comes close to that first love/

Guardian of Shadows
United States 30awards
Joined 17th Feb 2013
Forum Posts: 2318

Going waaaaaay back here:  

Memories Of Trafalgar

The world still reeled from “Night Fever”,
And my twelve year old heart reeled from you.
Heyday of disco and nightclubs,
And me, too young,
Ah, far too young, to be your girl.
But I wanted to,
As much as Andy, Robin and Maurice had the limelight,
You, Barry, were the one Gibb
Who transcended all
In the eyes of this quiet, thoughtful child.

I sang along with you
And my friends
As we wore out “Saturday Night Fever”,
Soundtrack, played over and over
Until the vinyl was scratched,
But it was “Trafalgar”
That I always secretly went back to—
Wanting to mend your broken heart
Because you asked how it could be done.

If I had only been older, then,
I could have shown you what made the world go ‘round,
But even today,
As you’re the last one left,
35 years passed, brothers gone on—
Some school girl crushes don’t die easily.

Thought Provoker
Joined 11th Feb 2014
Forum Posts: 91

                                              You like an open book
                                              easy on the eyes to look
                                              Greeting kisses on my tush
                                              Open poetry on my nook
                                              Your a run away thief
                                              My whole heart you took.

Fire of Insight
Iceland 14awards
Joined 15th Apr 2011
Forum Posts: 267

The Yin to the Yang

you are the light
to my dark
the love to
my wounded heart

the blue sky
to my clouds
and the sunshine
when the rains come down

you are the smile
to my frown
and a whisper
to my screaming sounds

you are the laugh
to my tears
and the strength
in all of my fears

you are the hug
to my shrug
an embrace
of over joyous love

you are the white
in the light
when the shadows
come creeping in at night

you are the calm
to my storm
a safe haven
when my demons swarm

you are the glue
that holds
when my fractures
start to show

you are the one
that I need
when my memories
wont stop haunting me

poet Anonymous

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Thought Provoker
Canada 9awards
Joined 3rd Sep 2012
Forum Posts: 189

My First Everything

The second I saw you
my heart started to flutter
and yearn for your golden curls
so cherubic, angelic
the perfect complement to your easy smile
and, of course, your glasses
ever a fixation of mine.
Your enthusiasm for everything you do
is what truly drove me to action;
you were always stumbling
but never wavering
in your overeager joy of the moment.
And when I got to know you
your vulnerability
the confessions of sadness and loneliness;
I don't think you could have known it at the time
but my drive to protect
and take care of others
was the perfect way passed my defenses.
(I wonder now, though,
if most of your depression
was affected for my sake;
if it was,
you knew me better at the time
than I had even known myself.)
When our romance began
the passion was nearly overwhelming;
every second we spend together
so emotionally charged
and our lust, oh,
you are the only person I've ever met
whose appetite and debauchery
can rival my own.
You told me you loved me
and I slapped you across your expectant face
demanding those words
never be uttered by you again.
But of course they were,
the very next night you repeated them
and asked me how I felt.
You knew me so well then
that when I didn't respond
you knew exactly what it meant,
and so you kept proclaiming your love
until I finally admitted
the terrifying truth
leaving me feeling naked and guilty;
I loved you too.

Lost Thinker
United States
Joined 13th July 2013
Forum Posts: 12

I saw you first, in a room by the sea.
Your presence; so beautiful,
So transcendent. I breathed.
For the first time, I truly breathed.
This breath of life that you gave to me.

I stood there.
I couldn't look away,
as you played that perfect rhythm,
I died.
Over and over again.

My decision was made.
I had to touch your face.
To memorize every curve,
every line,
that gave you purpose to sustain.
I must hold this candle to your name.

My Angel Boy; I called you.
Your beauty brought me pain.
That excruciating tear in my side
bringing nightmares of your flawless face.

Forever these nightmares come,
reminding me the cost of my silence.
The price I paid to remain comfortable,
While she whisks you away,
giving you a first born to your name.

End it, I beg of you.
Someone please take the candle I had raised.
It's heavy, and it burns;
only waning it's wax in vain.

Frozen in time,
whispering your name.
As my tongue grows tired,
exhausted; in pain.

There's nothing left,
Five years of Obliteration.
What's left of your beauty's condemnation;
It's left me drowning forever in my poisonous,
vengeful damnation.
Your red headed beloved's never ending adoration.

Mr. Gemini
Fire of Insight
United States 9awards
Joined 28th Oct 2012
Forum Posts: 1102

"Indigo Eyes"

There are some things in life I will never forget
like her indigo eyes on the day we first met
She appeared in the doorway then entered the room
Every ounce of my being, obsessed and consumed

She sat next to me and said “Hi, I’m Roxann”
Sweat began forming in the palms of my hands
We began conversation, an in depth exchange
Why we were there, how our lives were deranged

She had the body of a starlet, the confidence of a queen
It blew my mind to learn that she was only fifteen
I was amazed at her intellect, wise beyond her years
but an emotional train wreck, choking back her tears

I quickly fell in love for the first time in my life
I kissed her precious lips as I dreamt she was my wife
When the day had finally come and we were all alone
she asked me if I wanted her, as if she hadn’t known

It wasn’t much later that things fell apart
but she’ll always have a place in my heart
I wouldn’t change a thing even if I could rewind
Her sweet Indigo Eyes are burned into my mind

Lost Thinker
United States
Joined 15th Nov 2013
Forum Posts: 16

Sweetly We Greet

So sweetly, we say high
dominoes collide
the great wall collapsing
crossing borders with a flirtatious
stride, the synapses sparkle
an ear to ear smile

confidence in biding time
widnow sill thoughts kept casual
instead of flying into premature clouds
so easily turned gray, with such a thunderous
temper tantrum during rainy days
slight disappointment can go a long way

Simply enticed, a beautiful collection of letters
as I spell out your name
curious about the interesting way
it rolls off a tongue
like a word spoken intimately
ticklish on the ear

But I'll just say hi, a sweetly manner
my hand waving confident but shy
just saying hello while wishing that someday
we lie comfortably naked in bed
and when the nicotine cherry burns out
I can say goodnight

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