Poetry competition CLOSED 24th May 2011 1:33am
Astyanax (Ceejay)
View Profile Poems by Astyanax
RUNNER-UP: rayheinrich

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poet Anonymous

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Thought Provoker
United States 4awards
Joined 8th Apr 2011
Forum Posts: 165

Very First

Fall out of your head, fall out of your heart
I simply fell out of the the slide at the playground
If there was no playground, the world would be ours
Ever so simply, the first time I fell for you,
I fell out of everything
Space, time, your eyes- I wanted nothing more but to climb back in
You made me smile before I knew what a smile was
My misplaced toothy and toothless grin
Shined in the light reflecting off the metal of the steal built toy
We had all positioned ourselves on as children

Children, so childlike and so so wide eyed
I fell for a girl that made my chest sigh
It all happened when my mother took me outside for the very first time
First time for everything, first time to fall, first chance to cry

poet Anonymous


I linger at the edge of your existence          
Waiting for fire-cozy reassurances    
                      of your affection          
I bare my truths like exposed circuits          
Pitiably appreciative of every  
                    fleeting reply          
Your words cut into my skin          
Making my body react with    
             irresolute tension          
I fervently bear the burn of your sorrow    
Your patch-work words mend holes    
                               in my heart          
Allowing it to slowly
beat it's self to death again

poet Anonymous

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poet Anonymous

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poet Anonymous

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poet Anonymous

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Guardian of Shadows
United States 17awards
Joined 22nd Aug 2010
Forum Posts: 1546

Why does my mind flee far away from here
To where my lover rests her auburn head?
It feels enforced, as if a puppeteer
Tweaks heartstrings 'til my mind has loveward fled.
And why, my soul, d'you ache as if you're bruised
Whenever I must tear myself from her?
As if we pulled apart two metals fused
And left it to wholeheartedly demur.

But seeing as my heart's so governed by
What science can't define, the question's fair
And I'll have no respite until I know
How my mind works despite me. Therefore I
Must wander long and hope to be prepared
To answer by the time I'm six below.

poet Anonymous

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Twisted Dreamer
Joined 12th Feb 2011
Forum Posts: 15

One word too many in your sentence LA.

Paul Summerscales
Dangerous Mind
United Kingdom 36awards
Joined 18th Dec 2009
Forum Posts: 1592

Unborn Nostalgia        (SP Summerscales)
I need you to reinvent , my unborn nostalgia
to strike a dent , in my butterfly neuralgia
a song for when I die
a lament , for us , forever after
to redefine ,my scarred memory eye
and sit with me and cry
through to laughter
I greed you too much , I need you badly
for your present state I cannot touch
the arms I would welcome gladly
Instead I act so butch
but apart I fall so sadly
a different lock is on your door
so I implore , you , for the key .

poet Anonymous

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poet Anonymous

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poet Anonymous

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poet Anonymous

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