Poetry competition CLOSED 22nd February 2014 6:03pm
View Profile Poems by TheBrokenBard
RUNNER-UP: CellarDoor954

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express your love in simple words

Thought Provoker
Joined 9th Dec 2013
Forum Posts: 39

I would hold the sun hostage
Turn his dawns into dusk,
Crawl in the dirt to bloom a
Thousand flowers for love,

Drain all the seas to
Find the pearl of your heart,
Halt times flow
Wrap space in a bow,

If this would bring me
One breath closer to the
Taste of your kiss.

Thought Provoker
Joined 9th Dec 2013
Forum Posts: 39

I swim
in her smile
trace her
with my eyes
then her tongue
across my lips
and each slipping
second I get
closer to the atom
of her

poet Anonymous

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Guardian of Shadows
Joined 25th Aug 2011
Forum Posts: 6318

Loving and loved

he looks at her
as she laughs
adoration in his eyes
she touches his cheek

sliced mango shared
great grandchildren
running around
the eternal lovers
huddle at the balcony

a baby crawls
and flops on her lap
she hugs him
as he gently caress
the baby's head

A grandchild calls
for dinner
the crowd of fifty,
four generations
congregate for grace

They lean towards each other
years peeling off
their aged eyes
smiling, holding hands
they stand up, walk away

looking back at their
fruits of love
they know everything
is alright
smiling, they leave

'they passed away peacefully'
the obituary read
they wonder why they died
together, though ninety nine
is a ripe old age

Their loving they gave
and they were loved.

Lost Thinker
United States
Joined 19th Feb 2013
Forum Posts: 4

A bloomed lust from an enchanting chase
A booming heart beating pace to pace
But I wonder when honey moon ends
Effortlessly taunting me
But what if the sounds are far more but a perspective of my inner doubt
That's just love
It's not whether or not my love for you is questioned
But the fact of me questioning being in love with you
That's just love
An indefinite flame
Dancers choreographing a beautiful play
Flames dancing
Lighting the night into infinite
Uncertain and indefinite
That's love
Indefinitely doubtably real

Guardian of Shadows
Joined 25th Aug 2011
Forum Posts: 6318

Loving You

Loving you is beautiful
My life seems to be all
for living for you
my breath in sync
with the beat of your heart

Visions of you in bright
halos, in my sight
gives me a blush within
embarrassed by my love
shameless need for you

Loving you is all I want
to hold you within
my heart and soul
through the days of my life
I love you...so much

I love You
I honestly Love you.

Thought Provoker
United States 1awards
Joined 3rd Mar 2013
Forum Posts: 98

One Becomes Two

It is with such sudden
movement of my Heart,
that I realize,

I am not whole.
without you near me,

You need to know
you have cast upon me,

a warm, joyous net
under which

I wish to stay,
with you forever.

Fire of Insight
United States 6awards
Joined 15th Dec 2013
Forum Posts: 37

Inhaling You!

Laying beside you lost in thoughts of you
I melt into your mind
Taking a deep breath I inhale your timeless beauty lost in your smile
Your skin the color and sweet aroma of the earth
Lips luscious and tasty like the
passion fruit yielded by the soil
You are everything I always wanted in a woman
The woman of my dreams laying next to me holding me so sweetly and tight
Our heat gives off great light meshing together vibrant colors of yellows
Exotic shades of light
Your fire takes me to places unimaginable
I'm transformed when I'm consumed by your overwhelming  heat

So beautiful
So humbled
With no clue of your angelic beauty
Hips so wide covering me in your warmth
Hands that always caress my inner passion so free to love you the way I should
Face pressed against your cheeks
Transferring my sensual emotions to your soul
Never,ever would I leave your side
You thought my heart to love
Every time we embrace feels like the first time
Every touch of your fingertips excite all of my senses
Something new something breathtaking happens
Leaving me speechless in awe of your innocence
Awakening the dead with your ever burning heat
Quickening new insight with every encounter.

You are my Goddess of immortal fire
Setting all my wild desires free
Sending heat waves down my spine
Giving new life and inspiration to our love daily
Our lips touch igniting unquenchable fires stirred up in our souls
Drowning all fears and doubts lurking in the deep
Our love shines through the darkness
With every ray of light strumming sweet hum drums of romantic chords
Sung sweetly by angels when we entwine
So sweet is
Our song
Our love song breaks the barriers of all fears
Letting our souls take full control
As spores of light wrapped around our bodies so sweetly
Planting undying roots immovable
In our hearts
Gazing deeply at
Each other
Making beautiful
Cherishing passion's magnificent sting

poet Anonymous

There's a flaw in natural law,
The fault where some hearts break
Staked between memory and progress

I have for you all the love in the world
And nowhere to give it shelter

Thought Provoker
United Kingdom 2awards
Joined 23rd Feb 2010
Forum Posts: 505

Time's Defier

Time mopes and sulks, disconsolate, in his lair -
Try as he might, things just aren’t going his way.
“It shouldn’t be like this, it isn’t fair,”
He grumbles, hour by hour, day after day.
“I run the world, I bend it to my will,
If I say ‘Fall!’ things fall, if ‘Cease!’ they cease.
I freeze the seas, I lengthen winter’s chill,
I set the lengths of wars, the dates of peace.
So why does she defy my mighty power
By staying beautiful, year after year?
Her loveliness continues yet to flower;
I chide her, but she doesn’t seem to hear.”
And who is this who makes Time so irate?
Why, who else could it be? My lovely Kate.

Christo Pietersen
Lost Thinker
South Africa
Joined 18th July 2013
Forum Posts: 6

Supernova love

?A love that has no boundaries
A love so dear to me
A love I cherish
A love I need

My love for you
My supernova
My uncontrolled
My untamed love

Darker Half
Dangerous Mind
Belize 16awards
Joined 5th Dec 2012
Forum Posts: 1263

Simple Words

I'm not the one
with a perfect body,
I'm not the one
with the flashiest fashions.
I'm the one who
wears black,
and I'm the only who has your back.
when the situation gets tough.

I'm the one, who can
ruin everything,
if I ever speak the truth.
I'm the one, who can
end years of friendship,
by saying the words,

"I love you."

Dangerous Mind
United States 21awards
Joined 10th Oct 2012
Forum Posts: 2961


Dangerous Mind
United States 49awards
Joined 16th Apr 2013
Forum Posts: 770

plunge the knife deeper
Good, I need to bleed you out 
fuck using leeches 


poet Anonymous

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