Poetry competition CLOSED 2nd March 2014 9:59pm
View Profile Poems by blue_angel
RUNNERS-UP: lanooz and night-star

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The guessing game (thanks Gemini)

Fire of Insight
United States 5awards
Joined 1st Feb 2014
Forum Posts: 147

Poetry Contest

I got this idea from member Gemini but changed it some.
Nobody on DU actually knows me which i know for sure except for what they might see in my poetry so i want you to write a poem of any kind detailing what kind of person i might me. Creativity is important.

This is a guessing game.

You have one month- ends on my birthday.......

Thought Provoker
United States 1awards
Joined 20th Aug 2013
Forum Posts: 173

Let’s see if I have this right……. You have only been a member for 11 days and you want me to write a poem about you?


Pathos means an appeal to the audience's emotions
I’m guessing you have a small penis
and was picked on in gym class
never really had a girlfriend
probably stared at ya moms ass
comparing it to all the bitches in your dads porn stash
now all the pages are stuck together
you can’t put them back
found your sister sexy
because you both collect ball sacks

Fire of Insight
United States 5awards
Joined 1st Feb 2014
Forum Posts: 147

i would not reply to this but... I have had sixteen ex girlfriends and four of them committed suicide because of shit that would make you cry like a little girl. I have a fucking mind so yeah i do appeal o people's emotions but the definition i use is a form of art that evokes sadness because of the first poem i ever wrote. I know more about life now then you ever will regardless of how smart you think you are but thanks for your post love. Open up your mind and see what you will learn

Thought Provoker
United States 1awards
Joined 20th Aug 2013
Forum Posts: 173

Just because you wear pull ups
doesn’t mean you’re a “big kid now”
its Saturday morning
fruit loops on the table
watch your favorite cartoons  
rock those batman PJ’s
be proud
just know we all went through the shitting our self stage

Dangerous Mind
United States 21awards
Joined 10th Oct 2012
Forum Posts: 2961

Is there anyone out there that thinks about anything besides them self? I really hope you go right to gen pop in hell.......

poet Anonymous

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Dangerous Mind
United States 21awards
Joined 10th Oct 2012
Forum Posts: 2961

but we have places for that miss magdalena..im not tryin one to be one to bash new users but some are aware of the system and still attempt to abuse in a vein effort to plug themselves. i should not take an active part in trying to do so..you are right.
but im the type that always talks shit. i think you are gr8.
but if somebody posts some garbage askin for a reply im gonna say somethin........

poet Anonymous

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Dangerous Mind
United States 21awards
Joined 10th Oct 2012
Forum Posts: 2961

no worries mags. i was'nt talkin at you. at risk of sayin somethin that might offend a lady....you are  goergous,ol school dup knowledge, know what's what ,wise, in what happenns round these parts............still gorgeous but youngans look to you for how to act on you.i think a proper model is right here for some of you tweeners to get a lil ahhh boones farm drinkin bitches   ..get a lil responsibility there,,,,

pay attention to mags..........

but no offense lady,,,,

poet Anonymous

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Panama Judas
Dangerous Mind
United Kingdom 8awards
Joined 20th Sep 2009
Forum Posts: 1421

Well, fuck.
Just read the damn poem.
The poet does one thing,
and that's welcome the world
in to whatever they make
of them.
I take you as the brooding type,
but more for effect.
Yet, you're heavily involved now,
and it's taking you along.
You'd like to stop,
but what else is there?

All this doom and gloom,
probably collected a few scars on the way.
You never meant bad by it.
You just mastered what you knew,
or so you thought.
Then that fucker mastered you,
and truth be told.
All those demons, blood and souls,
I guess it tells me you have no guts.
All the guts in the world, when it's happening
Enought of the shut-down to survive the shit,
but not enough guts to get in there
and stop it.

Hell, there's probably a little me there
I struggle to stop it myself.
I could be a mile and a half off,
but I don't get further away,
not when you ask for it,
and I can't hold that against anyone.

Fire of Insight
United States 5awards
Joined 1st Feb 2014
Forum Posts: 147

Your general ideas of me are all i want to hear and to be truthful i expect them to be misguided and/or stupid. The truth is it says more about you than me when you attempt to describe positively or not.

Panama Judas
Dangerous Mind
United Kingdom 8awards
Joined 20th Sep 2009
Forum Posts: 1421

sounds like you may not have actually wanted this ad much as you wanted a feigning chance at some superiority complex. I might have to consider a three word edit

Guardian of Shadows
Joined 1st Aug 2012
Forum Posts: 3015

I agree with Panama.

Pathos, you invite poems then seem to slam those who respond - what is the point? Your behavior is not in keeping with the philosophy of this site, which is to encourage creativity and writing skills. I'm watching you, so reel it in, or I'll shut the comp down.

Dangerous Mind
Australia 9awards
Joined 22nd Jan 2013
Forum Posts: 1749

Yeah Pathos, I'll spew some offensive shot and Atakti will have to send it off to boiler...,.,,

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