Poetry competition CLOSED 17th December 2013 4:46pm
View Profile Poems by KittyFromHell

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Lost Thinker
United States 1awards
Joined 13th Dec 2013
Forum Posts: 23


I sat at home saw you called
I called back telling you to come over
We were in a fight
Who was cheating on who didn't matter anymore
You came over that night and we fucked
Oh, how I loved it
I was going to love cutting your fucking dick off
And throwing it to the floor
You fucking piece of shit!
Time to fucking bleed out

Lost Thinker
United States 1awards
Joined 13th Dec 2013
Forum Posts: 23

Okay for the record this is not my work. But I found it to fit the category really well... So here it is!

The End- Blue October
Here alone, standing barefoot in our lawn,
Worms squeezing their way through my toes
Tonight that's how it goes.
I'm at your window kneeling quiet,
I thought at least I'd maybe try to get your head right your heart right
"Let him go!"

Then through the glass I see your dress fall to the floor as he embraces every inch of you
The woman I adore.
I can't believe the way you're bending
Can't believe this neverending moaning asking him for more
Begging him for more

How far will I go to make it feel right?
"Come home"
I have to fix this on my own
Replace my heart,
Cause I'm convinced mine broke the day I let us end
Replace my heart,
I don't wanna live by coping, I'm done with hoping.....end

I creeped in close enough to see the way he touched her,
From her feet across her knees, inside her sweetest spot
He pleased and pleased her.
I turned around and tried to take control, but no control was capable
It was a centerfold of how less than low can possibly go.

I squeezed the life into my brain
Like pushing knives into a vein
I've gotta get, I said I've gotta get inside
So to the back window I crawl in silent
Standing in the darkness of my living room
This used to be my home

How far will I go to make it feel right?
"Come home"
I'm moving forward to the bedroom door
Replace my heart
Cause I'm convinced mine broke the day I let us end
Replace my heart
I don't wanna live by coping, I'm done with hoping...end

I turn the doorknob with two fingers to be slow enough to sneak into the room among the corner darkness gloom
I had to see this happening.
He pushed himself so deep inside her clapping rang and bounced off every wooden walled room
And that's when all went silent blank except for the color red
As I walked calmly numbing paralyzed beside the bed
I said "I know I'm not allowed to be here. I just had to see how good your new man really fucks you. Cause you both been fucking me."

"So now I planned the last thing you can both do as a pair
I tie both blindfolds tight around your fucking eyes to blind your stare
I don't want to alarm you, but I figured we could end this in what seems easy quick and painless
Man, so I'll get down to business
I choose you first, there's a gun, it's at your head
So laugh at me one more time but keep your face inside the bed
You sit and watch me while I do this shit and learn from what I've said."
I cocked the pistol pulled the trigger, and all I saw was red

How far will I go to make it feel right?
"Come home"
I have to fix this on my own

Then the screaming oh the screaming
It's nice to see you scared
Of such a weak and stupid husband
Who knows you never really cared
I'll leave you with a question that I need to hear from your head
Was all this worth it knowing you have just seconds left to live?

Now think about your answer, as you lay face down on the bed
I cocked the pistol pulled the trigger and all I saw was red
I gently stroke her arm as she lies lifeless on her back
Then placed the barrel in my mouth
All I saw was black.

Twisted Dreamer
United States 1awards
Joined 9th Apr 2013
Forum Posts: 78

(O.0)>p=- - - - (x.x)
I load the gun
I click the hammer
I smile like a serial killer
I take out the clinder and unload all but 1 shell out the revolver
I pull the hammer back a click i spin the clinder
I smile and say only one shall live
Heads or tails as the coin flips call it wrong and its your click
He says heads i laugh and smile put the gun to mi head and pull the trigger
Their is no boom so im not doomed i flip the coin and he calls
Tails u lose i hand him the gun he pulls back the trigger and out comea his brains all over the wall
The cops run in i walk passed them and smile
Knowing all the while ill get away
Because with the gloves on mi hands theirs no finger prints

Twisted Dreamer
United States
Joined 10th June 2013
Forum Posts: 82


Twisted Dreamer
United States
Joined 10th June 2013
Forum Posts: 82

suicide angel your second piece is no good, i want all poem submissions to be your own work

Twisted Dreamer
United States
Joined 10th June 2013
Forum Posts: 82

however i thank you for being honest

Lost Thinker
United States
Joined 16th Dec 2013
Forum Posts: 19

The preventative, treatment & cure for mental illness, (including the diseases: anorexia & pellagra) is niacin (vit. B3). Research Dr. Abram Hoffer. Anorexia is a vitamin-deficiency disease. Psychological counseling is as effective w/anorexia as it is w/scurvy (vitamin C deficiency) or cancer/sickle-cell anemia/hypertension (vit. B17 deficiency). You can't talk, or reason, someone out of a chronic metabolic ailment anymore than you can slake a person's thirst by ruminating over their traumatic childhood.

Thought Provoker
Germany 3awards
Joined 27th Nov 2011
Forum Posts: 135


I gauged your eyes out, I tore you apart.
I never knew a spine was that hard.
It didn't sound nice, when I broke your neck,
but that's your own fault, since you came back.

I had something going for over a year,
I never could tell you, cause I held you dear.
I knew, that you loved me and you could not bear
that I did not love you and could disappear.

But one day you found out, when we were in bed,
you came home early and found my "sex ed",
you screamed at me and chased her away,
when I wanted to leave, you told me to stay.

You cried and you shouted, you called me names,
but I always told you, that the flames
in my heart were long since cold.
My love to you could not grow old.

You told me to leave here, to let you alone,
to think about all this, perhaps to atone,
but should I not know, if I would come back,
then I should just stay away. Suddenly I cracked.

Everything was so noisy, everything was so dumb.
You were always shouting, I had felt so numb
all these years I lived with you. My love was dead.
And suddenly my fist crashed against your head.

You tumbled back and could not understand.
I took the kitchenknife, that lay there, in my hand
and stabbed you fifteen times, or sixteen at least,
Your blood spilled all over, I must have looked like a beast.

As your body hit the floor and your last breath died away
I realized what happened and knew this was the day
to leave this boring life, that could never fulfill
my wishes and my hopes and dreams, I felt a sudden chill.

I stood there laughing at your body, at your garbled face.
"This is what I always wanted, that's what you get, Grace."
I knew I had to throw away her body very fast.
And then I thought of something I heard in the past.

I gauged your eyes out, I tore you apart.
I never knew a spine was that hard.
It didn't sound nice, when I broke your neck,
but that's your own fault, since you came back.

And that's the story of my love and me.
Now I have lost her, now I am free.
Only the policemen didn't approve.
But you know, all is fair in war and in love.  

Twisted Dreamer
United States
Joined 10th June 2013
Forum Posts: 82

thats it. i love the fucked up side you all let out

Alexander Case
Fire of Insight
Joined 16th June 2013
Forum Posts: 972

VIDEO POEM: http://deepundergroundpoetry.com/poems/116763-monsters/


Black Charger
cruises down the highway.
punishing his memory
of every lucid sunset
and measured footsteps
to somebody’s bones.
Muffled thud
paranoid the body stirs in the trunk.
Eyes reflect in rear view
bleeding nightmares of the departing
headlights of sin city’s forsaken.
He recounts final passage
wire tensioned
skin splits
single line of red
cutting short last breath
weeping from its neck…
Body stirs again
un-dead meat.
heavy vehicle
diesel heart
tar choked lungs
chicken lights careering down the highway.
Mesmerized eyes track blurred lines
rain pelting, blistering overlays on bitumen
smothered in a quicksilver overflow
road train verging catastrophe
night stalker
hell’s angel
steaming in the rain.
The trunk yawns
peering warily into the open casket
viewing the tethered un-dead.
Arm stretched
point blank
unstoppable forces
sliding along destiny’s string.
Storming lance
strikes hard shoulder
driving deep into the monster
and his black steed.
Obliterating power
tearing flesh
grinding sparks, twisted flames
smoldering steel
quenched in rain.
Silent carnage
the enigma awaiting
to find a killer, the slain
and a monstrous legacy.
Untidy doings
perfect kill.

Written by Alexander Case

Fire of Insight
United States 7awards
Joined 31st May 2013
Forum Posts: 585

Thank you for the win! there were some deliciously murderous piece in this comp.

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