Poetry competition CLOSED 17th December 2013 4:46pm
View Profile Poems by KittyFromHell

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Twisted Dreamer
United States
Joined 10th June 2013
Forum Posts: 82

Poetry Contest

be ruthless
alright you sick twisted fucks!! I want you to send in your sickest murder ever i only have one rule. NO MERCY

Dark Angel
Twisted Dreamer
United States 2awards
Joined 15th Mar 2013
Forum Posts: 65


He talks, and talks, and talks
And never shuts the fuck up
He tempts my anger and makes me want to do cruel things to him
He makes my blood boil with anger
If only he knew I wanted to take his heart out and burn it to a crisp
If only he knew I wanted to take his soul
If only he knew I wanted to feed his body parts to my dog
Yes feed his body parts to my dog
One by one
Piece by piece
So he can watch my every move
If only he knew how much I wanted to kill......

Twisted Dreamer
United States
Joined 10th June 2013
Forum Posts: 82

good start. remember. no mercy. no care. no holding back

Dark Angel
Twisted Dreamer
United States 2awards
Joined 15th Mar 2013
Forum Posts: 65

Can we post more than one?

poet Anonymous

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Twisted Dreamer
United States
Joined 10th June 2013
Forum Posts: 82

feel free to post as many as you wish

Strange Creature
Joined 20th Nov 2013
Forum Posts: 4

I was sitting very still, blood dripping from my nails.
As i was watching out my window at the water and the sails.
When i gazed upon a familiar face
i remembered our ancient meeting place.
Now the pain was on its way up my coat
all i could feel was dread and hope.

when someone walked in and grabbed my throat
I struggled and pulled but it was no use
i knew it was my time to die,
but then someone walked in and killed the guy.
they walked over to me, and i screamed Clarissa!
the thought of her
made me ache in pain

i sat up straight and felt the pain awake.
i knew i was a serial killer,
but i rather die in hell then on earth with a gal.
the women sighed and lifted me up
she then started punching me in the gut.
i knew i was dying

when  i heard the sirens
i thew the women against the wall
i stumbled out the window
when i knew i was going to fall
every bone in my body broke
this is when i started to choke

i felt the pain the gruesome pain
now i knew in life i had no gain
upon this day i knew death await
When i finally drew my last breath,
i knew it was my time to go to rest.
here my body lay for the best.

Strange Creature
Joined 20th Nov 2013
Forum Posts: 4

The floor was red
My body had bled      
the tile was cold
I had a hole
inside my chest
its time to rest

I screamed inside
but only one hears
please take away my fears
This man walked up
with my blood in a cup
He poured it on my face

he opened his gun case
he grabbed the gun
i know i'll never see the sun
he thinks this is so much fun
he pulled the lever
he had severed my brain

i didn't want to die in vain
i fell out the window sill
i landed flat on a hill
i scrambled to my feet
i hurt all over from concrete
I ran to the town

The pain weighed me down
Each step got harder
my body felt larger
the blood was dripping
i kept on tripping
i drew in one last breath

i was now so wreathe
i closed my eyes
my soul had rised
to hell i died…..

Twisted Dreamer
United States
Joined 20th Dec 2012
Forum Posts: 7

In the dark
There lies a rigor mortis of a corpse
Lurking near a sadistic serial killer
with no REMORSE
He wears a sadist cloak of pain
Looking at the blood stained
Clothes as he strips the body nude
Cutting off limbs for his Dog's food
The rest gets a shallow grave
About 200yrs deep into the Everglades
A harden heart♥ makes a brutal sadistic
Blood spiller
No hero in this thriller
So be careful
Especially not to venture
Into a secluded wooded park
at Dusk or

poet Anonymous

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Twisted Dreamer
United States
Joined 10th June 2013
Forum Posts: 82

fuckin A. you poeple are good, but there is still a while to go, let out your sickest one ever.

Dangerous Mind
India 17awards
Joined 25th June 2011
Forum Posts: 663

Killing the competition

To the one who hosts competitions...
Which bastard gave you the right?
I wouldn't listen to your rules even if you paid me.
Nor would I let you tell me how I would write my poem.
I could write something totally not related to your competition and submit it.
Maybe I'll fuck your girlfriend and let you read about how it went.
She didn't take your name when she came(just so you know)

Who said you could take such liberties?
I'm gonna bash your head in with an exhaust pipe
And when it dents and gains a sharp edge I'll start scrapping your eye with it
Just one, I want you to see...
You wanna host competitions, do ya? meet my little match
Ever wondered how a lit match feels in your nostril?
If i sparked it and let the gunpowder catch flame in your nose, how wonderful would that feel?
Listen here Mr. you asked for this by hosting it... there's no backing out now...
I still have a few things to run you over with.
Anal umbrella? no splash guard? ugh... too messy...
Ah my favorite! the serpent's tongue.
For that I'll first have to break your jaw, then hold your tongue out
Then I'll stretch your tongue out with clamps and slice it right down the middle
Such a fitting exercise. For you.
You have become what you really are.
I'll leave your manny parts intact... I know how we are when It comes to those.
I will tell you though, you won't be able to use em ever again... sorry about the irony.

Lets get down to business, shall we?
I hate you. You know why.
I'm gonna inject you with a pain enhancing serum.
Then I will administer XXXX XXX
It's an ancient technique of entertaining someone.
Dating all the way back to almost 900 AD
It was banned, sadly, in the last century.
Anyway, you're lucky I have knowledge of this
It won't spoil our fun... lets start with the obvious places
Eye lids, lips, ears, finger tips, toes, arm pits, the nipples, the wrists....etc....
You shouldn't bother keeping count, that's my job
But I highly doubt you'll even live past number 233.

wrote this for another comp... but that one got capsized... guess you can enjoy it now


poet Anonymous

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Thought Provoker
United States 2awards
Joined 24th Jan 2013
Forum Posts: 125

Thought you said this wasnt murder
Hahaha its not its (suicide)
She dscreamed as I cut her
into thousands of pices
with only a pearing knife
Let me hear you
I am not playing with a doll
Thaqt was murdered a week ago
But wait you said this wasnt murder
Its not its  (suicide)
He ran away with only one leg
the other lies in the hall way where
I ate it to the core
~Murderous thoughts~

She cried and cried
And asked where...
Where her mommy was
I told her she committed suicide
I took her slowly to her head twirling
around and around the fan
Hahaha I am not cruel just a muderer
I promise I would never heard a fly
Can I help you
I can kill you
But ill make it a suicide

poet Anonymous

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