Poetry competition CLOSED 17th December 2013 3:42am
View Profile Poems by Mourningcloak
RUNNERS-UP: Astyanax and UnknownEmo


Greek Mythology

Thought Provoker
United States
Joined 11th Oct 2013
Forum Posts: 154

Poetry Contest

Write a poem about your favorite character in Greek Mythology
I want you to write about your favorite figure in Greek mythology. If I see a Roman name I will cast out the selection. They can be gods monsters or heros. Other than that basicly free rules. Feel free to post questions or PM me.

fred r kane
Twisted Dreamer
United States 2awards
Joined 3rd Sep 2010
Forum Posts: 173

"Like the feast of Dionysus."
Said destroying angels,
"Eat from this
death cup."

Two seraphim of fire
gowned as death's head
signed their ascension
writing circles of ash
like faded grass where fairies danced.

A rampage of maenads found oriental cities.
The eastern king felt the vengeance of Bacchus.
The stories of western gods
all end the same way.

Twisted Dreamer
United Kingdom 1awards
Joined 10th Oct 2013
Forum Posts: 67

The Beauty of Life

I am a sculpture
My creations me
I am Pygmalion
One of 3

I was never interested in girls
But loved my art

One beautiful maiden has stolen my heart
She was the fairest of all,
Fairer than me
Her perfectly chiseled features
Dazzled many eyes

I prayed to Aphrodite
For her to be alive
She gave me pity
And my beautiful girl
To live happily ever after
We love and adore

Thought Provoker
United States
Joined 11th Oct 2013
Forum Posts: 154

Thanks for kicking it off guys!

poet Anonymous

<< post removed >>
Fire of Insight
United States 1awards
Joined 25th Jan 2013
Forum Posts: 172

Persephone's Rising

She was stolen from the Earth,
dragged to the Underworld,
held against her will.
Days went by without her taking food
or drink, fearing that any consumption
would hold her captive
there for eternity. Never to see
the Spring, Summer, Fall or Winter
again, to smell the sweet floral
scents of the earth awakening
in all their glory. To see her Mother who
ruled the Autumn fields, or her Father,
who ruled over all, from his
station in the Sky. She wept at
the thought. But, did not know
how much longer she could
hold on. Time passed and her
hunger grew stronger than she
could bear.  She succumbed
to the sweet berries of Pomegranate,
and the thought that she would be forever
lost to the Underworld. Slowly, she began to
enjoy greeting and meeting those that
joined her there. Helping them cope
with the after life, making their
journey an experience guided
by her love and beauty.

On the Earth, her Mother struggled
with her disappearance. She no longer
cared for her fields of grain. Her many tears
did nothing to feed them and they wilted
to stalks as dry as her heart. Nothing could sway
her sadness.

On seeing this, her Father struck a bargain
with the Ruler of the Underworld. He missed
his daughter too, and could no longer bear
to be apart from her. Six months out of the
year, she would be able to return to
the fields of flowers that could only
be matched by her beauty. Giving her Mother's
heart rest. During the Fall and Winter month's
she would remain in the
Underworld helping and comforting
those through their journey of death.

The six months that she wandered
the Earth, her expectant mother made
sure she rose above through the most beautiful
flower gardens, fragrant and bountiful during
her stay. Here she painted flowers, and gave them
names. Growing the most beautiful varieties. Before
she had to submerge yet again, herself to the Underworld.

Her Mother saddened by her departure
would let everything around her fade, crumble
and return to the earth. During those six months
the Earth was bitter cold, dry and held no life.
This is why we Celebrate the Four Seasons
as we know them today.

by: Jemac

Thought Provoker
United Kingdom 2awards
Joined 23rd Feb 2010
Forum Posts: 505

Theseus and the Minotaur

Through darkness thick as blood he feels his way,
The tunnel wall beneath his hand is cold.
What horrors lie ahead, he cannot say;
Poor Theseus feels more terrified than bold.

A bovine stench assails his nostrils now,
Close by, a dreadful Something scrapes the ground,
Irresolute, but mindful of his vow
He stumbles on, alert for every sound.

With bellowing roar, the beast leaps in the gloom;
Theseus goes down, but thrusts his spear ahead:
Wildly he stabs, screams echo round the tomb.
The deed is done, the Minotaur is dead.

He hurries back, impatient, out of breath,
To Ariadne…and his father’s death.

D_Poetic Engineer
Dangerous Mind
United States 35awards
Joined 11th Sep 2012
Forum Posts: 2212



Tell me oh mighty Poseidon—ruler of the sea
What am I to do to please you
so we may never suffer your wrath again?
How can we live in harmony,
and enjoy the bounty of your domain?

Tidal waves and tsunami—
all within your total control
countless lives have passed away
trillions worth of property damaged
young orphans left behind
without food and shelter for days
their dreams shattered
gone with the mighty wind
their lives forever changed
their future is bleak
because their spirits are weak.
Please have mercy
I beg of you, oh mighty Poseidon
they have suffered enough already
spare them next time!

Would you like to hear a love song,
or a poem honoring your glorious past?
How do you like ambrosia?
That's one thing
I could afford to give
to appease your anger
other than my old love songs
and sour poetry,
‘cause I’m one hell of a chef.
But then, if nothing else matters
to your godly image—oh mighty Poseidon
you can take my breath away
instead of those innocent lives
because that's all I got!

Twisted Dreamer
Joined 3rd Dec 2012
Forum Posts: 55


Twisted Dreamer
Joined 8th Sep 2013
Forum Posts: 33

A Hollow Box

A hollow box once stood.
Alone in an empty room.
But the king understood,
The box would bring doom.

The box was given to a child,
She was told to never open it.
She took the box, and she smiled,
The first crime, she did commit.

Pandora, Oh, Pandora,
Why did you open the box?
"The box had a mysterious aura."
You're as sly as a fox.

Opening, the now, hollow box.

Miss G
Fire of Insight
Joined 20th Oct 2012
Forum Posts: 837

Night Mother

from the star-sea
she drums and chants
this dark voyeur
will watch you dance

cloaked in shadows
she pulls the strings
whilst drunk on honey
she'll hear your prophecy

we are reminded
every eclipse
of our Night Mother
who we call Nyx

Alas...a tear
Twisted Dreamer
Australia 3awards
Joined 26th Oct 2012
Forum Posts: 62

free from the hundred handed ones your petrified eyes  gaze the green, yellow and red skies
What’s left of your father looms overhead, you were born of the moon now you stare at the sun
an incestuous relationship between the guilt of the castration of a figurehead  
the weight of stones wrapped in blankets and the times of these stones cast at us  
turning a blind eye is daring to allow so Zeus allowed you to suffer
with the weight of Uranus in what was left spayed and betrayed  
I bet it feels more like the weight of the world, this price that you pay

Myth Malefactress
Twisted Dreamer
United States 1awards
Joined 15th Oct 2013
Forum Posts: 58

Dining with Demeter
By H. E. Riddleton
(Hannah E. Reed)

Steel stone teeth glisten
In fragrance and lust
Beneath the Harbor light,
The Harvest Moon.
Rip and Reap and Seek those seeds,
All we have is the night,
Demeter, she dines! She dines with us

Charcoal, bloodshot eyes dim
In sight and shore
Beneath the silent night,
The Murmuring Moon.
Yank and Pluck and Pull those weeds.
All we have is the night,
Demeter, she dines! She dines with us

Creased, wrinkled brows shrivel
In disdain and endearment
Beneath the brittle night,
The luciferous moon.
Whack and shuck and shed those stalks.
All we have is the night,
Demeter she dines! She dines with us

Blistered, sweltering fingers claw
In desire and deprivation
Beneath the Wedlock night,
The fertile moon.
Breed and Birth and Burn those calves.
All we have is the night,
Demeter, she dines! She dines with us

Swollen, perspired naves arise
In offering and feast
Beneath the bleeding night,
The ambrosiac Moon.
Wane and Raid and Roast those fields.
All we have is the night,
Demeter she dines! She dines upon us

Thought Provoker
United States
Joined 11th Oct 2013
Forum Posts: 154

This  was so had to decide. All of you did so good!

Fire of Insight
United States 1awards
Joined 25th Jan 2013
Forum Posts: 172

Congratulations Mourningcloak! I enjoyed your poem very much...and completely agree...an absolute winner!!

It was so much fun reading them all !!

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