Poetry competition CLOSED 13th November 2013 1:00am
Grace (ldryad)
View Profile Poems by Grace
RUNNERS-UP: kriticool and darkestdesires

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Evil Fairies/Pixies/Harpies

Darker Half
Dangerous Mind
Belize 16awards
Joined 5th Dec 2012
Forum Posts: 1263

Poetry Contest

Write a poem about evil fairies, pixies, Harpies
Just like I said above.

Make it scary, evil, creepy, happy, cute, mysterious, mischievous. Whatever you want just impress me.

The Rules are to be strictly followed or else the piece won't be counted in as an entry piece.


1). Title Your Work
2). 300 Words (take and give a few)
3). Include a Photo of the type of creature you are writing about
      (it makes it more interesting. so include picture)
4). No Collabs
5). 2 entries per poet
6). Make it colorful and/or stylish.

This is a very visual competition.
I love different colors within the write.
It makes it enjoyable to read even if it gets boring after a while.

So Have Fun every one!!

Guardian of Shadows
Joined 1st Aug 2012
Forum Posts: 3015

New writes only?

Darker Half
Dangerous Mind
Belize 16awards
Joined 5th Dec 2012
Forum Posts: 1263

Atakti said:New writes only?
both old and new are accepted ^_^

Dangerous Mind
United States 15awards
Joined 8th June 2013
Forum Posts: 850



I wait...

At the edge of woods,
From whence I stood.
Is this life
Or a façade?

What is human,
Is it your reason
Or how you stand?
As evolved apes
What is man?

I am dragon
With fire breath
And old as time
And cold as ice
I am death.

The destroyer has come
To watch and judge.
The fate of man
Is on the stand.
Stand firm for the worm
There is hunger to sate
Accept your fate.

Give a reason
To spare the season
Of the Abyss
To come kiss
Your world goodbye.

Are even worth
Saving at all
Should you feel claws,
Fire and the jaws
Of the beast?

I am the destroyer
Will you beg
Or stand in pride
In the face of crimes
Of Humanity.

You do not know
You have destroyed
Your own world
With your human
Emotional state.

Do not cry now
You are to blame
For the fate
Of your mankind
Is consigned to flame.

Darker Half
Dangerous Mind
Belize 16awards
Joined 5th Dec 2012
Forum Posts: 1263

Thank You for that great first entry Hades!

Can't wait to read what others will enter

Dangerous Mind
United States 15awards
Joined 8th June 2013
Forum Posts: 850

your welcome, I couldn't get the image to work. Don't know why

Darker Half
Dangerous Mind
Belize 16awards
Joined 5th Dec 2012
Forum Posts: 1263

Don't worry about it.. just post the image url....


Guardian of Shadows
Joined 25th Aug 2011
Forum Posts: 6318


The Watcher's other Tale

beneath the moon
that is not so bright
there watcher's see
the evil sight
of pixies turning
into trolls
and fairies
into little ghouls

in the middle of the night
when moon is waning
slowly darkening
evil magic traverse
the earth
seeps into magical domains
and turn the good
into malignant spirits

they torture any creature
that comes between them
and the realdom
they poked pigs in their pens
and kicked the cat
into the air
pushing grandpa
down the stairs

they throw nightmare dusts
at little children
blow the sniffles into mommies
and explosive farts into daddies
such are the evil fairies work
to sow discord in the world
when the night is over
they go back to being sober

The night is done
the dawn is come
fairies and pixies
have gone home.

D_Poetic Engineer
Dangerous Mind
United States 35awards
Joined 11th Sep 2012
Forum Posts: 2212



One mid-summer, I ventured into the unknown
Into the chaotic labyrinth of the nearby woods
Hoping I could find some peace and enlightenment
The jasmine-scented path turned into a maze
Adorned with beautiful flowers and towering trees
I leisurely walked trying to keep a rhythmic cadence
Until I reached a waterfall of shimmering silver
Reflecting the sun’s rays, dancing with the wind
The crystal-clear water was inviting, so I dived
When I came back up to catch my breath
To my surprise, a romantic song captivated me
Coming from a beautiful lady bathing under the falls
She was so pretty; her beauty hypnotized me
The moment our eyes met, my heart was frozen!

We made love for hours until the moonlight appeared
Casting dancing silhouette of towering trees
The rhythmic movements of our bodies entwined
Synchronized heartbeats and lustful moans
Accompanied nature’s nocturnal musical symphony
Pent-up desires so overwhelming about to explode
Heightened sensations overpowering the mind
Rainbow of colors flying all around
Heavenly feelings of ascension, nowhere you can find
Until I woke up cold, and delirious in my simple abode

Those who searched for me thought I was dead
Because it was already winter when I was found
By the waterfall, lying cold and naked
Embracing a tree on top of the mound
Turned out my lover was the playful and evil fairy
Enchanting passers-by whenever she feels horny…

Darker Half
Dangerous Mind
Belize 16awards
Joined 5th Dec 2012
Forum Posts: 1263

wow... Thank YOu  both for your entries.

Thought Provoker
United States
Joined 13th Oct 2012
Forum Posts: 114

                   Song of the Siren

Sing with me, songs from days gone by
Sing of the men who have passed our way
Our song they can not deny
Though I am bound to the sea
and I mean not to lead them astray

All along the shores I sing
Through the night and into day
Touching the mariners heartstring
Long and lush locks of flaming red hair
and soft as the ocean's spray

With eyes as green as sea-foam
My melody follows the men as they roam
Do you hear the song of the sea
from aboard your ship as it sways
Do you feel the need to fall in love with me

I am a siren, sisters are we
Come to us, come to us and stay
For the siren's song will set you free
Join with me now in oceans depths
Nothing but water can come between us

I promise you a boundless joy
Sing with me, my mariner a soft song to lull thee
And we will flow like time across the sea
The call of the siren can be so strong
The mariners last not, they never remain

And soon their cold flesh turns grey
We sirens begin again our refrain
As our song they cannot deny
A glorious tune, sung just for my mariners
So I know they will come sing with me

[Invalid Image - URL must end with jpeg, jpg, gif, png or bmp]http://images.fineartamerica.com/images-medium-large/mermaids-dinner-sue-halstenberg.jpg

Thought Provoker
United States
Joined 13th Oct 2012
Forum Posts: 114

Sorry my image did not post :(

Fire of Insight
Joined 1st Nov 2011
Forum Posts: 492

.:elF 'n Me:.


had my phat bag of seed-less
man, eye couldn’t believe this
while I’m heading home to
smoke & chill

came upon this pixie
called herself Trixie
had a body which was
so surreal

she was an
earthen elf,
sure of her self
this any eye could tell

frolicking free, looking at me
I’m wondering if we
could gel

her magical sway
said she, “owned the day”
had me wondering about
the night

her shimmer, my shake
had us both
start to quake
as my collar began to
get tight

eye was
caught in her trance
her jazz-like dance
as she’d spin
throughout each
of her moves

totally unaware
eye was caught inna snare
thinking eye had
nothing to

yet, she had tickled my smile
with her
tip-toeing style; then
Trixie was gone

she had, had her way
escaped with my J.
me left with a
half empty

photo: ethan killian

Darker Half
Dangerous Mind
Belize 16awards
Joined 5th Dec 2012
Forum Posts: 1263

Thank You every one for your entries... I will post up the winner a few Hours.

Darker Half
Dangerous Mind
Belize 16awards
Joined 5th Dec 2012
Forum Posts: 1263

I wanna point out that I loved every one's pieces!!
But alas, there can only be one winner.

Thank you every one for honor me with your entries.
They were all awesome reads!!!

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