Poetry competition CLOSED 24th October 2013 00:16am
EngrVV (D_Poetic Engineer)
View Profile Poems by EngrVV


Your cities

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Colten Sorrells
Thought Provoker
United States 2awards
Joined 13th Oct 2013
Forum Posts: 184

What's wrong with a 'lil country drawl? And ain't as a word? I suppose next, you're going to say "y'all" ain't a word?

D_Poetic Engineer
Dangerous Mind
United States 35awards
Joined 11th Sep 2012
Forum Posts: 2212

Darkness Before The Storm


From the city of Angels I moved eastward
to a city filled with doubts and paranoia
darker than cumulus clouds hovering,
waiting to be triggered into a perfect storm!

Dark secrets: secrets within a secret
keep us searching for the truth
Deadly wolves in sheep clothing
who are blind to see our suffering
and deaf to our loudest cry of protest
Their self-interests come first
before their sacred oath of service.

When can we get away from being sucked
into this Orwellian habit of government
treating us like mushrooms?
After being kept in the dark
for so long, and fed with bullshit—
don't we deserve to see the light?

While waiting for the perfect storm,
blood sucking leeches continue to prey
upon the lust and greed
of the mighty and powerful;
singing in sync with political whores
on the infamous street down the Capitol
beyond the road to fame and wealth!

We don't know what tomorrow may bring
because the dark clouds are still looming
like the dark secrets, yet to be unveiled
after unauthorized leaks—clarified
Our cherished liberties are in a tip-off,
slowly losing ground to national security,
yet we are told domestic spying – is just
"a modest encroachment on privacy…"

Strange Creature
Joined 21st Oct 2013
Forum Posts: 1

Some think I’m silly for being content
with my ketchup cup full of spicy sipping chocolate
and zucchini in my bag,
smiling into the grey Seattle sun
and meeting everyone’s eyes.
I don’t mind.
I choose to stop and listen to the violin,
to watch the big family pose for a picture
in front of the grand neon sign
and ferries on the silver water
that I’ve been riding for longer
than the skipping dark-skinned child
has been alive.
I smile at his joy
and at the city’s bounty
that gives and gives and gives to all comers
and in the gratitude, grows.
This is my Seattle,
and yours,
this mélange of bright flowers,
fresh fruit,
flirtatious hawkers,
serene musicians,
creative art,
quirky alleys,
bold bikers,
audacious seagulls,
and grey skies
that suffuse all with a brightness
that sailors hate
and photographers love.
I rejoice in it, and in you.
Be welcome, friend; be well; and come again.

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