Poetry competition CLOSED 29th October 2013 5:56pm
EngrVV (D_Poetic Engineer)
View Profile Poems by EngrVV
RUNNER-UP: Smoogej1s

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poet Anonymous

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Dangerous Mind
United States 49awards
Joined 16th Apr 2013
Forum Posts: 770

Anonymous said:<< post removed >>

I bow before you
overcome by the beauty
of your graceful pen[/quote]

You are far too kind.  Thank you.

Twisted Dreamer
United States 1awards
Joined 10th Oct 2013
Forum Posts: 34

🍁Gloomy Autumn Day 🍂

Such a wet October day.
Leaves crumbling,
beneath my feet.

Orange, yellow, and red
floating from the trees.
Drifting through the air,
in the cool, chilling breeze.

Strange Creature
Joined 27th Oct 2013
Forum Posts: 4

The house at the end

Orange yellow brown flakes
Twirl and twitter on the flimsy breeze
The trees shed their coats to bare their bones
As the sky falls to violet pink orange sooner,
The daily rainbow running from the chill to come

Lights come on in the small town suburbs
Stars watch over but they're too far, too far
Foggy smoke pumps across the streets
Carved faces glow and grin on the lawns
And the children marvel at them

There's a bite in the air,
a bite in the candy,
a bite in the corny creatures' voices
and screams followed by laughter begin
The scent of fake blood lingers

Houses of hauntings hook their claws
Into the bodies of young and old alike
Some hold parties, some hold traps
Some hold scantily clad teens,
and some hold all things scary and spooky

All but one house, one house at the end
It clings on its hinges,
the seams break
It creaks and groans underfoot,
the stomachs growl
It screams in protest to those who listen,
the souls hunger

Its windows are pits without end,
and they consume all

Warnings unheeded,
A boy and his friend might explore
People are forgetful, after all
So the house at the end gets its feast
And is satisfied for another while

poet Anonymous

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poet Anonymous

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D_Poetic Engineer
Dangerous Mind
United States 35awards
Joined 11th Sep 2012
Forum Posts: 2212



Driving down the country roads
at break of dawn just passing time,
as Sol is slowly peeping from behind
the curtain of greens— slowly changing
into magnificent golden and amber colors.
We try to race the slow moving clouds
above the cerulean skies,
trying to escape the city traffic grid,
trying to race time itself—
to somehow ease our pain.

We’ve been driving down
the same country roads
every now and then:
just to relax and commune with nature,
to release our tensions,
and free us from worries
away from the rat race
even for a single moment in time.

Nature’s own way of harmony
is a perfect blend of symphony—
the cold morning breeze
playing with your long black hair
as it touches your lovely face,
the green scenery along the way,
the verdant hills with blooming
wildflowers – their fragrance
filling the air with serenity,
occasionally broken
by the chirping birds,
and the glistening waterfalls
cascading through the hillsides
Ah, what a beautiful day
what more can we ask for?

Driving down the country roads
just passing time
on this lovely autumn day
Simply driving and loving it,
hoping the road never ends…

D_Poetic Engineer
Dangerous Mind
United States 35awards
Joined 11th Sep 2012
Forum Posts: 2212



It was Spring when we first knew
that love eternal is in our hearts
We rekindled our passion as flowers awakened
to the reminiscence of our innocent kiss
Our thoughts lingered hoping for new beginning
and imagined what could have been...

It was Summer when we first met
And our bodies felt the fire
as we tightly embraced...
With hearts pumping, our fiery lips ignited
Like hot summer nights awaiting for desert rain
to slowly extinguish the burning wild flame.

It was Fall when we first noticed
the beauty of the falling leaves once ignored
It was the season for life-changing decisions
For whatever happens, it happens for a reason
Now I am flying freely
Like the mockingbird gently singing
as I look down the old wisteria slowly wither and fall.

It was Winter when we first danced
We enjoyed the soft music gratifying our souls
as we basked in the glory of our love
We wish to stay in this season forever
because it's the time for loving and giving.

Our lives changed with the seasons
for we are soul mates bound by fate
We vowed to love each other forever
ever since our young bodies went ablaze
Our love for each other will never change
for whatever season it may be...

D_Poetic Engineer
Dangerous Mind
United States 35awards
Joined 11th Sep 2012
Forum Posts: 2212



bursting of colors
along Washington Parkway
soothing to my soul
wondering what would it be
if there are no living trees

the call of the wild
along the Potomac river
music to my ears
if its old banks overflowed
my world would be sad and doomed

beauty of nature
dancing with the passing wind
whispering good-bye
her whispers become louder
yet, no one pays attention

if now, we don't care
future generations die
robbed of nature's best
the rolling hills and green fields
become their graveyards instead

we owe to our youth
what our forefathers had left
conserve and protect
stop denuding forests
to preserve ecosystems

join me in my plea
send e-mails to the capitol
preserve nature's wealth
influence decision makers
in writing new policies

it's never too late
listen to the weeping tree
my heart bleeds for you
every time you cut my trunk
gloomy days not far behind

you choose to ignore
biblical signs and warnings
becomes deaf and blind
to scientific studies
went on your own care-free way

my spirit roams
in my own neck of the woods
tears mix with flash floods
mourning the loss of loved ones
price you paid for being deaf!

alternate ending (last stanza)

my spirit roams
in my own neck of the woods
our legacy lives
thank you for heeding my plea
nature's beauty,  here to stay...

poet Anonymous

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poet Anonymous

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Fire of Insight
Iceland 14awards
Joined 15th Apr 2011
Forum Posts: 267

autumn is upon us
I feel a whispered chill
as the leaves turn to rust
time seems to stand still

when the autumnal winds blow
the fragile world slowly dies
and as the dead litter the ground
upon natures murderous guise

a hush falls within the air
death like silence ensues
the crypt of autumns nature
as life and death infuse

the shivering aura of dusk
drapes across a barren land
the frozen rays of the sun
too intense to withstand

as darkness falls upon the earth
the sun surrenders to the night
a shiver within the autumn air
as the fragile world slowly dies

poet Anonymous

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Fire of Insight
Iceland 14awards
Joined 15th Apr 2011
Forum Posts: 267

Congrats D_Poetic Engineer.
And thanks for runner-up Kitty :)

poet Anonymous

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