Poetry competition CLOSED 27th October 2013 1:46am
View Profile Poems by zenfool

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Fire of Insight
United States 7awards
Joined 31st May 2013
Forum Posts: 585

Her Last Kiss

In the darkness I lurk
Watching good citizens at work
Cleaning up the mess I made
Blood splattered pavement
In a dark alley
Where her fragile body was laid
She was so delicious
Every taste and touch heavenly
Stolen from grace by hell
Yanking her hair which so beautifully fell
About her little shoulders
Framing her glowing cheeks
I painted her lips with her own blood
When I kissed her after I fed
I stole the virtue that she hid
They'll soon conceal her tainted body
Underneath her shiny coffin lid

Fire of Insight
United States 7awards
Joined 31st May 2013
Forum Posts: 585

Just A Little

I feel just a little broken tonight
A little cold
A little lonely
I need you by my side holding me tight

My head aches, I need your kiss
Your embrace
Your everything
So I wouldn't feel quite so like this

My heart hurts, I need to hear yours
It soothes me
Like a lullaby
Mentally curled up like a kitten that purrs

I'm in need of you tonight

... Just a little

                              ... But more

Fire of Insight
Joined 24th Mar 2013
Forum Posts: 1348


poet Anonymous

They Put A Spell On You (Because You're Blind)

Steep are the fees for freedom a la carte
See if you can beat them with premium credit cards
Crunch the numbers but you won’t be getting very far
If all you understand is what they taught you from the start

Independence, cage included, and you’re fed between the bars
Eat and now you’re useless, get in line and play your part
Sleepwalking and dreaming of a white light in the dark
Keeping you from seeing through the federal mirage

From a shadow tower they polish their poison darts
And tally up their kills in album sales on Billboard charts
Dumb it down, the youth will use their heads and not their hearts
And think they’re fighting back while they get beaten by guitars

Give them sewage, noise pollution, just don’t give them art
Give them ‘til their twenties and they’ll fucking fall apart

This is just a warning or the Fool is in the cards
This is what they morning gave to me with a soapbox

poet Anonymous

Godflex 911

This golden age imprisoned by the prospect of wages
Our sages are obsessed with sex appeal
While we misconceive this as the end of days
With perspectives as flexible as rotting steel
We're backseat drivers and no one's at the wheel
What if abductions were called rescues
Would any of this suddenly make sense
What if life was a process to test you
And Death's door where it truly begins
Your lives are about to collide (it's not over)
Minds' eyes opened wide in due time
The world died last night
And much to my chagrin everyone grieved!
Still living life like starving lions
Not seeking peace but the next piece of meat
No wonder you're all terrified
Crying in vain and falling on your knees
But this is what we've been waiting for
And I won't let your shortsightedness ruin this for me
I will not be defined by the times
Take me back to where I came from
Take me tonight!
Your lies will never survive
In the long dark night or the blinding sunrise
Redemption's in the sky, zenith crucified
But you're hardly inclined, might as well die blind
Your lies will never survive
Nor will your denial, nor will your stockpiles
Our lives have been irreparably vile
You've had your funeral but there’ll still be a trial
Goodbye cruel world
Hello thresholds left behind
Immortal love, rise and blind
I think I died last night
And no one remembered but me
Next scene, no need to stop and grieve [Luckily, in hindsight, some still see]
For a pawn, you know the game goes on, just protect the queen [If there world is a stage flesh is jest, scenery]
So it's not some big catastrophe
Actually I'm kinda bereft beyond belief
Of fear and discontent, left it all at the feet
Of the beds that you left unmade while you walk in your sleep
Excuse me, long lost ghosts of a past life
Don't I know you from nowhere?
Thus ends Brahma's nightmare

Darker Half
Dangerous Mind
Belize 16awards
Joined 5th Dec 2012
Forum Posts: 1263


Gotta love the Foo Fighters!!!

Darker Half
Dangerous Mind
Belize 16awards
Joined 5th Dec 2012
Forum Posts: 1263



Your eyes,
and lips.
Just grant
me with just
a touch.
A Kiss.

Your voice,
your laugh,
beating heart.
To me,
you simply are,
an exquisite
work of art.

Can you really
blame me for
for you?
It's tough,
because I've tried
to keep this
feeling subdued.

Your scent,
your energy,
and being,
is overwhelming.
I'm loving you,
hurting me,
but yet, I can't
just let you be.


But I will never say.
I won't ruin
what we have,
longing for you from
afar, it's okay.

I won't burden you,
I won't annoy you,
with this irritating
love of mine.
My fantasies,
will keep you alive,
in my mind.
I'll be fine.

In my dream I caress,
your face, and
shiver at the sound
of your voice.
My pulse skips
a beat or two,
and I'm dazed in

Looking into
my eyes,
at my mouth,
my teeth,
and my lips.
You whisper to me
"Just grant
me with this
A searing Kiss.

Dangerous Mind
Australia 9awards
Joined 22nd Jan 2013
Forum Posts: 1749

Acquiescence to Sand, to Stone.

The Ocean's edge
divided, then merged again
between water and sand
and hot.
Trickling sand blisters
the skin between my toes
I step forward into the water

And I begin to wade
I grasp
passing driftwood
arms outreached,
countering the darkness.
Its emptiness constricting
penetrating my outer layer
it tears into my soul.
Its grip,
rigid as the pebbles beneath me

Each pebble holds its own memory
each pebble holds my own memories.
The water trickles through my hair
and settles on the surface.
Each droplet, a tear
a reminder of my Humanity.
That even now, I feel
memories cannot be drowned
be it in this Ocean
or carved free onto the canvas of Earth

I bleed upon the stone,
carving whatever I can
these stones siphon through me.
My vision fading
and my strength, waning.
uncertanity plagues me
with a familiar loneliness settling in.

I submit to the Gods
of injustice,
that have plagued me for too long.

Cast forward,
thrown onto the Beach.
tasting the sand, again.
Searing into my skin, again.
Even this lacks grit
that powerful winds guarantee.
I step forward into the Moonlight
its radiance, a reflection.

Lost Thinker
United States
Joined 18th Oct 2013
Forum Posts: 55


Half Cab Heel
Twisted Dreamer
United States
Joined 30th Jan 2013
Forum Posts: 136

God will be coughing
when they carry me off in
an awesome coffin full of
decaying possums
not far from often
I find myself caught in
weird whirlwinds of words that must be forgotten

Half Cab Heel
Twisted Dreamer
United States
Joined 30th Jan 2013
Forum Posts: 136

All the while the clock keeps ticking
Seconds swiftly sifting sorrows
From each minute time has borrowed
Longing loners lie and linger
On burning beds of soot and cinder
Looking toward the sky above
Living for a lasting love

Half Cab Heel
Twisted Dreamer
United States
Joined 30th Jan 2013
Forum Posts: 136

grey laced
stone faced
fake grace mistakes in outer space
blast off
supernova fishbowl
space dust
moon rust
lick the sun
out of touch
hi, world
good girl!
sit and stay
spin and twirl
bird's eye
bye, bye
eat the clouds
drink the sky

Half Cab Heel
Twisted Dreamer
United States
Joined 30th Jan 2013
Forum Posts: 136

A girl I love once told me that being with me was like waiting for a punch in the face with your eyes closed, or like willingly smoking an exploding cigar. I once told her that the only thing I looked forward to during the day was going to bed at night and dreaming about slitting her throat...she then told me that was the nicest thing anyone had ever said to her. Her mouth always tasted bad from Malboro reds, and every time she'd say "You wanna do a shot" I'd say "Yeah but I'd rather shoot ya dead" then we'd violently make-out at the bar until we knew that almost everyone felt uncomfortable.  We used to hold knives to each others necks during sex, hard enough to be scared but not hard enough to draw blood. I can remember seeing it in a movie when I was 12, Natural Born Killers, looked fun...turns out it is. Who knew?

Lost Thinker
United States
Joined 18th Oct 2013
Forum Posts: 55


Darker Half
Dangerous Mind
Belize 16awards
Joined 5th Dec 2012
Forum Posts: 1263

Am I Dead?

Drops of froth,
leaks from my mouth.
What the fuck,
is every one going
on about?

Why is the bee,
hanging around my head?
Why is everything so blurry?
By the Gods,
please don't tell me I'm

I smell something
utterly disgusting!
What's that horribly foul
Is it me? It can be.
I just can't be dead!!

I hear chimes,
but can't open my eyes.
I start to panic,
Oh, but pleeease!!
don't tell me I'm blind

I'm not cold,
but my skin and body,
is freezing.
I'm aching,
every where,
I can't breath,
not knowing
I'm heaving.

Why can't I breath,
and feel?
Where the hell am I,
some one tell me,
is this a dream?

The last I remember,
is taking a sniff
of cocaine.
My mind with blank,
my body went stiff.
By the Gods!!
Am I... Dead?

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