Poetry competition CLOSED 3rd October 2013 11:51pm
EngrVV (D_Poetic Engineer)
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Where's Strider?

Guardian of Shadows
United States 30awards
Joined 17th Feb 2013
Forum Posts: 2318

Poetry Contest

Oh where, oh where has our Strider done gone??
Hey, we had a competition in honor of JohnRot, so let's have one for Strider!  

Put on your thinking caps, kick in your imaginations and let's offer up some poems in honor of our fearless friend and poet.  Any style, length, no collabs, as many entries as you want--where do you think he went?  What is he up to?  Will he come back?


poet Anonymous

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Guardian of Shadows
United States 30awards
Joined 17th Feb 2013
Forum Posts: 2318

Thanks for starting, Vortex!

poet Anonymous

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Guardian of Shadows
Joined 25th Aug 2011
Forum Posts: 6318

[left]Candles on windows
for the traveller
home from adventures
beyond the mountains

a warm hearth
for the tired wanderer
when journey ends
and he returns

Dewdrops on blades of grass
fall to the ground
in little splashes
will help a tree grow

Drizzles now the sad sky
Falling leaves of autumn
Never let the love die
intricate words woven.[/left]

poet Anonymous

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poet Anonymous

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poet Anonymous

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Fire of Insight
United States 6awards
Joined 31st Oct 2011
Forum Posts: 158

strider oh strider where art thou

where have you gone?
where will you go?
when will you come back?
who are you with?

I hope you are happy wherever you may be
I hope you will love wherever you may go
I hope you do come back soon you are missed!
I hope she deserves a wonderful poet as you!

people may wonder
people do care
people are curious
people can have a heart

people may wonder the real reason you left
people do care when a marvelous poet disappears!
people are curious when a wonderful person is missing
people do have a heart to miss you with, such as i!

a wonderful poet
a great critic
a marvelous reader
a great writer

a wonderful poet you are
a great critic to one and all
a marvelous reader of written word
a great writer above all

strider you are missed

D_Poetic Engineer
Dangerous Mind
United States 35awards
Joined 11th Sep 2012
Forum Posts: 2212

Peace Through Poetry: To Strider


From a distant future lay the remnants
Of a once proud and mighty civilization
Safe haven of warmongers and merchants
Of death—trying to elude their fair share
To a place where peace is a breath of fresh air
And nanotechnology runs the new frontier

Molecular states of matter altered on this frontier
Quantum mechanical effects hardly visible in the air
Atoms in this quantum-realm scale will have its share
Whose common trait is size—in this new civilization
A far cry from old and what’s left are remnants
By-products of war and unscrupulous merchants

Weapons of mass destruction sold by greedy merchants
Wiped out from the galaxy - Earth and its civilization
Combined with the deadly virus we breathed from the air
Worldwide devastation left nothing but deadly remnants
Scattered in the minds of survivors of the old frontier
Tales of horror and sufferings, no one dared to share

If I live to see that fateful day, I would gladly share
Stories of the gallant stand against the greedy merchants
By poetic geniuses who thrived in Deep Underground frontier
Peace through poetry with Strider could have saved civilization
If only we were given some precious time on the Air
By once media moguls whose lair now laid in remnants

Doomsday scenarios hopefully are but just remnants
Of haunting hellish nightmares that I forgot to share
With the rest of the world trying to seek new frontier
Unsure of what the future holds in this dying civilization
Where corruption is common to nanodick merchants
Whose flair for war is unlikely, flaunting in the air

Thick, black fog in the cities now saturates the air
Clearly seen forerunner to the future lost civilization
Technological advancements behind closed frontier
Instead of war, let’s put them to good use and share
Wealth accumulation and greed by bloody merchants
Would be a thing of the past and shadowy remnants

United we stand on this new frontier
With sigh of relief and a breath of fresh air
Love, peace and harmony—we all shall share…

Guardian of Shadows
Joined 25th Aug 2011
Forum Posts: 6318

EngrVV said:Peace Through Poetry: To Strider

From a distant future lay the remnants
Of a once proud and mighty civilization
Safe haven of warmongers and merchants
Of death—trying to elude their fair share
To a place where peace is a breath of fresh air
And nanotechnology runs the new frontier

Molecular states of matter altered on this frontier
Quantum mechanical effects hardly visible in the air
Atoms in this quantum-realm scale will have its share
Whose common trait is size—in this new civilization
A far cry from old and what’s left are remnants
By-products of war and unscrupulous merchants

Weapons of mass destruction sold by greedy merchants
Wiped out from the galaxy - Earth and its civilization
Combined with the deadly virus we breathed from the air
Worldwide devastation left nothing but deadly remnants
Scattered in the minds of survivors of the old frontier
Tales of horror and sufferings, no one dared to share

If I live to see that fateful day, I would gladly share
Stories of the gallant stand against the greedy merchants
By poetic geniuses who thrived in Deep Underground frontier
Peace through poetry with Strider could have saved civilization
If only we were given some precious time on the Air
By once media moguls whose lair now laid in remnants

Doomsday scenarios hopefully are but just remnants
Of haunting hellish nightmares that I forgot to share
With the rest of the world trying to seek new frontier
Unsure of what the future holds in this dying civilization
Where corruption is common to nanodick merchants
Whose flair for war is unlikely, flaunting in the air

Thick, black fog in the cities now saturates the air
Clearly seen forerunner to the future lost civilization
Technological advancements behind closed frontier
Instead of war, let’s put them to good use and share
Wealth accumulation and greed by bloody merchants
Would be a thing of the past and shadowy remnants

United we stand on this new frontier
With sigh of relief and a breath of fresh air
Love, peace and harmony—we all shall share…


Tyrant of Words
United States 28awards
Joined 4th Aug 2011
Forum Posts: 64

This isn't a entry. I just wanted to say that I very much enjoyed reading what everyone wrote.

poet Anonymous

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Dangerous Mind
India 17awards
Joined 25th June 2011
Forum Posts: 663

stride on!

with spring in his step
a lunge in his stride
the man walked on
with words that filled
his brimming mind
of thoughts of those
he's left behind
out in the wilderness
atop peaks high
in the bashing snow
in the under glow
seeking inspiration
maybe reprieve
he's on his way
to once again be free.

Tyrant of Words
Joined 1st Apr 2011
Forum Posts: 8459

the truth, who the hell knows
they come they go they leave a mark
this one though
there's something not quite right
amenable fellow
never struck me as having any color belly
even resembles yellow
like him , love him , hate him
there's some kind of lesson here needs digesting
a darkness manifesting slow deliberate
where are the watchmen

why is the wall still empty  

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