Poetry competition CLOSED 30th September 2013 7:58pm
AscensionES (ae)
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Your Best Angry Rant

D_Poetic Engineer
Dangerous Mind
United States 35awards
Joined 11th Sep 2012
Forum Posts: 2212

poema erotica

admire how they write--
erotic poems with finesse
a few of them here

wish I could as well
but don't know where to begin
hope someone could help

experimented once
trying to emulate them
got hooked ever since

newbies writing poems
on sex and drugs and the like
get more reads than mine

came to conclusion
sex really sells - that's a fact
found out the hard way

forgive my rantings
knew I'm not the only one
to rave about this...

D_Poetic Engineer
Dangerous Mind
United States 35awards
Joined 11th Sep 2012
Forum Posts: 2212

Even a Minor Cut Hurts

Do nothing Congress
did nothing to prevent
what a shame!

Furloughs and budget cuts
are visible by-products
inflation, the product.

Medical and educational assistance
included in the cuts;
is it fair to a returning vet?

Wages and cost of living allowance
lie dormant for years
while you, dumb fat-asses in Congress
shamelessly raise your paychecks.

Empty promises...

Politicians at their best
tongues of lies and deceit,
mudslinging to cover their own dirt
We're precious as gems
when they need our votes,
but treated like old rags
when we needed them most.

Dangerous Mind
Australia 9awards
Joined 22nd Jan 2013
Forum Posts: 1749

Beauty weeds the River Bed

Brothers who Stand together,    
their blood runs one with the rivers    
Brothers who are Born to their Families    
and to their countries    
raised strong, through the tiling of their sills    
to feed on fresh, healthy bread.    
Brothers who live together,    
grow to young men,    
grow to sense of Duty    
grow to War.    
Brothers, swear to the Land    
and die to protect it further    
their blood returned to the stream    
the rivers flow still.    
Their anguish siphoned    
to feed the healthy grain again..    
Brothers abandon their Sons,    
as their Sons abandon theirs    
And the River will flow    
And the Bread will grow strong again.  
Through the river red rain,    
even the beautiful flowers grow.  
They'll feed off the same Bread  
They'll draw from the River bed
They'll grow prettier still  
and they'll die all the same.

Thought Provoker
Joined 28th June 2012
Forum Posts: 58

Savor less Salt

Savor less salt
and hearts of stone
Heads of  wisdom
with  no desire to atone
Bloody hands and the foulest breath
the church I love lives in decay and mess
Speaking love out of one side of your face
while carrying plack cards filled with hate
Promising more to the suits and ties
while all around you people die
Salt can be a healing and medicate
but when rubbed on open wounds it only irritates
We claim to be the hands and the feet of the one we love
But if we're no good below-We'll be no good above

Steven D
Thought Provoker
United States 8awards
Joined 28th Nov 2012
Forum Posts: 94


Black Raven
Thought Provoker
United States 2awards
Joined 10th Apr 2013
Forum Posts: 262

I cry
You make me cry
for what you have
told me, makes me
die inside.
You said you would
always be by my side
but you lied.
You said we would
have forever,
what happen to that?
How can I trust and
believe you?
You told me you
wouldn't lie and
you made so many
How can I believe
that you have
not lied?
I don't have
any fight left,
you've torn it
from my chest.
I thought you
were different,
but I guess it
was all a show.
How could I have
been so stupid?
How could I have
been so blind?
I thought you would
always be mine,
but you have
showed your true
colors just in time.

Black Raven
Thought Provoker
United States 2awards
Joined 10th Apr 2013
Forum Posts: 262

Fuck the world
There are somethings in this world that have no explanation,
for why they piss you off so much,
I could really hurt some people if I let my inner self come out.
No one would understand me.
No one is like me!!
No one gives a fuck about me, so why the fuck should I care.
Fuck The World!!

Fire of Insight
United States 4awards
Joined 10th July 2013
Forum Posts: 199

I Just Fucking Hate You

What the hell
I’m supposed to apologize
I did nothing wrong
Unless standing up to a verbally abusive jackass
In my own home is wrong
In that case, I am guilty

To keep the peace
What the fuck?
They are MY children

All of this
Because I wanted her to go to bed
An hour past her bedtime
You kept her up
Mocked me and my rules
The hard work I did to get a routine
One that worked
One that allowed me to sleep

All of this
Because I wasn’t going to take it
Not anymore
My house, my rules
You don’t like it
Get the fuck out
And don’t come back

Of course this isn’t the way it goes
I’m asked to apologize
For snatching her up
From your abusive arms
So their Grammy can have peace
All of us together
What a fucking joke!
It’ll all be a lie
I fucking hate you!

I’m not the one in the wrong
We’re all adults
But I…the shy, quiet one
The one who doesn’t speak to anyone
Is the only one who calls you on your behavior
Women are not lowly as you think
And I refuse to be treated as such

Apologize I will
Only for snatching her the way I did
It wasn’t fair to her
She’s barely three and doesn’t understand
Why I took her from you
But make no mistake
I will not tolerate you
I will not back down
They are my children
And my rules stand
And if it comes right down to it
I will leave
Leave you, your wife and these kids behind
(the children because I’ll legally have no choice)
And their daddy can explain why mom’s away
Because I won’t tolerate abusive words tossed my way
Not for them
Not for mom
Not because their daddy can’t stand up to him too
Not for you
You are not my family
And if choosing my family means choosing you
Forget it!
I’d rather be alone
Than lay down my belief’s
And where I stand
So Fuck you Joe
I hate you
I hate him too
He sealed his fate
When he asked me to say sorry
Even if he doesn’t know it yet
I’m done
I do not deserve it
And unlike his mother
I won’t take it
Listen to it
Ignore it
Let myself be treated that way
Apologizing for him breaking my rules
In my home

poet Anonymous

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Guardian of Shadows
United States 30awards
Joined 17th Feb 2013
Forum Posts: 2318

Great entries-this will be hard to judge!

poet Anonymous

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poet Anonymous

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Guardian of Shadows
Joined 25th Aug 2011
Forum Posts: 6318

Grace's Graceful Rant

Pissy little people
smelling of yesterday's failure
thumping their chest
today, we won you shout
yelling like potbelly pigs
bitten by yapping chihuahuas
You ousted a leader
whom you can't master
you pulled him from office
stamped on him
pushed into the ground
He was cutting your heads
the wormy little hydra
Now you are living
In a haunted mansion
with nothing but ghosts
of greatness reside
Outside the thick smoke
reach out to the skies
the sign of more to come
discontentment and chaos.

poet Anonymous

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Guardian of Shadows
Joined 25th Aug 2011
Forum Posts: 6318

Anonymous said:<< post removed >>

Thank you for this competition.....it is very cathartic...and I like Grace's above....[/quote]
Thank you Kitty dear, your poems are always so informative.

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