Poetry competition CLOSED 28th September 2013 7:40pm
View Profile Poems by JohnFeddeler
RUNNERS-UP: Smoogej1s and filthywhitedress

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your muse

Fire of Insight
United States 6awards
Joined 31st Oct 2011
Forum Posts: 158

Poetry Contest

describe your muse without telling who it is
are they long and slender
is their mouth red and wanting
are their eyes captivating
are their hands wandering

can you keep them still
do you like it when they move
do they shake their hips
are they what you need?

poet Anonymous

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poet Anonymous

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poet Anonymous


Dark settles on the walls, the street lamp blinks some 
light, then dies, then blinks again. A moth- stuck inside  
the room- pares its wings on the glass, falls to the  
windowsill, then does it again. My eyelids do the same.    

I remember his mouth; how the ghosts under  
his tongue slid through the cracks of his teeth,  
found mine. Stayed there. And the birds at the  
backs of our eyes drank too much to leave.    

He told me there's a life of everything, somewhere  
else; one that isn't made of feathers or concrete.  
I'd be the flayed moth that made it through the glass,  
He, the sun, and my guts would be warmed under him.    

poet Anonymous

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Fire of Insight
United States 6awards
Joined 31st Oct 2011
Forum Posts: 158

wonderful start people. thank you all so much

Thought Provoker
United States 2awards
Joined 11th June 2013
Forum Posts: 321

The silence in great and euphoric,
I can almost feel the nostalgia;
when my dreams materialize,
and my hopes shoot into bursts of color,
I can feel my hope return once more;
Best in the rhetorical sense, I still like the obvious answer format as well,
neither being obscure nor vague, I still like to masque my work.
Obscenity is my least favorite
and Neurotic is me,
I still can be
whoever I want to be.

poet Anonymous

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Fire of Insight
United States 6awards
Joined 31st Oct 2011
Forum Posts: 158

thank you for the post!!

Dangerous Mind
United States 26awards
Joined 18th Jan 2013
Forum Posts: 132

    not "beautiful"

She's a quiet woman,
not what you would call the 'life of the party'...
keeps her emotions in check for the most part,
except in her writing,
where her passion burns the page.

I won't call her beautiful,
the word is overused and probably not worthy of the
pedestal it's placed on by the modeling agencies and
gawking admirers of what is perceived as pulchritude.

I've always wondered if there is a word
more beautiful than 'beautiful'.
For years, I searched in vain
for that mysterious, unwritten word.

But I've finally found it...

She is the word.

poet Anonymous

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Dangerous Mind
United States 49awards
Joined 16th Apr 2013
Forum Posts: 770

beyond the shadow and pearls

many claim they lurk in the shadows
love the Darkness  

i am a broken silhouette against the pavement
fragmented by self doubt  
needing you to solve the jigsaw  
the granite of the sidewalk, deceptively jagged
and will surely cut your hands
take your tears as toll  
time and time again  
as my shadow shifts with the changing light
and you unexplainably following  

bloody pearls mark your tips
for moving darkness traced on asphalt  

understand, it's not of my making
neither the shadow nor the road  

i beg
let me taste your pearls  
and salted wounds

if I am to rise
you'll be the anointed one  

healing, because you see beyond the shadow

Fire of Insight
United States 6awards
Joined 31st Oct 2011
Forum Posts: 158

wonderful writes keep going.

poet Anonymous

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Strange Creature
Joined 25th Sep 2013
Forum Posts: 1


i love to take advantage of the fact i think you care

i want to milk it for what its worth

and i want a full glass

ppl say i play a cruel sport

thats only cause they've lost

ive had enough practice

and to lose is a high cost

and if you dont enjoy this game i recommend

you get the f**k out while you still have time

i recommend you  go with your heart , before i claim it mine

i dont want to put your heart to use

all i want is to give it pain, anger and a bit of abuse

i know this all sounds so insane

but like i said i enjoy this game

i only do it cause it makes me feel better

i do it to prove to you i can

i do it  so you feel less of a man

you think im sick , you think im twisted

but yet you sit there awaiting my every response

tell me have  you not done this your self?

have you eatten up a young girls heart

and then tell her you werent even hungry

ahh, i think you have

only difference is that im that girl that was able to walk away

with the regurgitated bits of heart you had consumed

and thanks to the ppl like you

i know how to play

and ill never loose!

ppl say i play a cruel sport

thats only cause they've lost

ive had enough practice

and to lose is a high cost

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