Poetry competition CLOSED 19th September 2013 4:21pm
View Profile Poems by HadesRising
RUNNER-UP: tommielynn



poet Anonymous

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Dangerous Mind
United States 15awards
Joined 8th June 2013
Forum Posts: 850

count me in. I vant to vrite a poem. moohahaha

Alexander Case
Fire of Insight
Joined 16th June 2013
Forum Posts: 972

VIDEO POEM: http://deepundergroundpoetry.com/poems/124793-the-fire-lakes-collab-with-alexander/

The Fire Lakes

She rains trepidation in a hail of spells;
clawed bones flux from the earth and
foreboding stars hang her midnight gaze.
Black ice suspended in space
is guarded by infinite words
framed in white flames.

Blue wisps draw the trapdoor seal:
immovable, fixed eyes of the death owl
beckon my soul.
Dry wrenching heaves fill my mouth,
the light ripped out of my core.
The night pulses once and I can't breathe.

Vapor fuses my lungs closed, the pain
entombed, tears of mortar streams…
mud-fire constricts my ghostly skin.
Life’s skin chokes, in a strangle-hold,
I’m trapped in a wormhole, a dead end
in space and time.

This horror pushes me against my destiny.
My fingers grasp for the pendant,
but time slips free.
A fractured wall of stone and vines
crumbles into yesterday.

The weight of her pending strike
destroys my will. I fail
to hold the pieces together,
blood thins to rust
and my heart shrinks.

I scramble from rotting mulch;
the scent of the earth
pulls my mind back into the grave.
With the sound of dripping blood
the beetles awaken to claim my flesh.

Voodoo princess, filthy demon child,
she looms over my body.
White veins pulse in her throat, triumphant,
she exhales an earth-warm stench.
Like the rasp and buzz of flies,
fear flows from me like a violent tide.

My skin crawls as creatures feed — she mewls
her delight claws reaching for my ribs,
straddling my corpse.
My body pounds to the beat of her witchery.

Black nails prize my bones from strings of meat,
her snake-fed skin cracked and silver.
I smell the sharp sulfur as her split tongue
drips black acid on my body. The reek
of burning hair and skin traces

the poison seeping beyond muscle
and bloody forest floor beneath.
I raise my eyes to hers,
the last of this world I will see,

and there, soars the death owl
clutching my soul in its talons;
drifting through space
towards the red sun,
where I plunge into my prison,
the depths of the fire lakes.

Written by Atakti & Alexander Case

poet Anonymous

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Dangerous Mind
United States 15awards
Joined 8th June 2013
Forum Posts: 850


The 31st day, the last day of my favorite month.
It’s almost time to mourn
As the hours wane the dying time of the hunt.
I care not for candies
But I’ll miss my time with the ghosts.
The howling wolves
And the scarecrows hanging from the ropes.
Jack’s wicked grin
And the flickering of the flames.
The smell of hay
With the shadows creeping in the graves.
All Hallow’s Eve
The time between the living and the dead.
The tomes and incantations read.
Chill autumn air
With a witch, a romp in the trees.
Cheap make up,
Smeared in the moonlit fallen leaves.
Oh Samhain
All the killers are about.
Who goes there?
When costumed devils scream and shout,
Trick or treat.
Horror flicks throughout the night.
Treating tricks
All night to stave off the light.
Happy Halloween.

Lost Thinker
Joined 28th Aug 2013
Forum Posts: 4


Lost Thinker
Joined 28th Aug 2013
Forum Posts: 4

Halloween 2011

Now, the flowers,
    Thoughtfully picked,

Now, the grass,
    Carefully tended,

As the leaves,
    Recently turned,

And the skies,
    Once golden,

Is when the grave,
    With inviting arms,

Tommie Lynn
Tyrant of Words
United States 13awards
Joined 27th Mar 2013
Forum Posts: 61

Tricks & Treats

A corpse bloated and fat
Grinding teeth from a rat

The sound of a hundred flies
Up above the crow tells lies

The moon hangs high
Bats scurry in the sky

Pounding of feet in the street
Zombies come out to greet their meat

Gypsy Red
Dangerous Mind
United States 39awards
Joined 18th Aug 2011
Forum Posts: 896

Noctem Aeternus(By Night Eternal)


Doomed to exist only by night eternal,
cast perpetually into this castigating inferno,
guilty of much and condemned for it all,  
just punishment, my ultimate downfall.

“Requiem æternam dona eis,
Domine; et lux perpetua luceat eis”

Banished from blessed sunlight
for my unspeakable endeavors,
I drag the chains I forged during my life,
at every footfall from now until forever.

I took life and wickedly relished it,
delighting in the spillage of life’s essence,
a plague of night creatures from the pit
I did invoke, their phosphorescence
filled the twilight with its putrid smoke.

“Pro superi!, quantum mortalia
pectora cæcæ noctis habent!”

Ahh… such an orgy of foul and vile acts,
every manner of depravity was at hand;
sealing this loathsomely heinous pact,
a violation against nature’s command.

“Sed omnes illacrymabiles urgentur,
ignotique longa nocte, carent quia vate sacro”

For these and far greater crimes still
I pay the penance of “Noctem Aeternus”
enveloped by its inky ever-present spill,
forewarned you are, or find yourself thus,
joining me in perpetual angst…
Come…foolish mortal, if you must…

Gypsy Red

Gypsy Red
Dangerous Mind
United States 39awards
Joined 18th Aug 2011
Forum Posts: 896


R. M. Adams
Lost Thinker
United States
Joined 7th Sep 2013
Forum Posts: 2

In The Throes of a Wytch's Spell

She took me ‘neath bloodied Luna
Destitute under weary skies – destined – October gave
Her the zeal to smile at my tattered shell
On her doorstep
Emerald eyes and hair a soothing somber
She read me like parchment
Her words black calligraphy
Generosity insisting far beyond
My mortal meters – guard lowered
To her tongue that winds and snakes
And caresses my ears
With wyrd whispers and seduction

She locks me – not in the cellar, that’s
Where she brews her emotions
But in her bedroom, tells me to make myself
Night invades the scarlet sheets
I am not alone, sky clad
She left her dress in the hallway
Cold candles light, touch, ease
Senses peak, auras flash in the moonbeams
Gentle, through the window, near the door
Guiding light, she beckons my breath
Synapses shriek under my skin
Euphoria enrapturing, ecstasy
She smiles at me, this time something new
Pulse, surprised, she gasps
And I. Will. Not. End.

Collapsing under her weight
She fills and empties
Making strange of my dreams
Making tender my bones
I melt in her eclipse
And wake to her arm across my chest
The dress a silken pool on the floor
Where she left it

Guardian of Shadows
Joined 25th Aug 2011
Forum Posts: 6318

Harvest Time

It has been said long ago
Tales of the ancient
That when falling leaves
In fall do come
Wake will horror be
Incarnate in the scytheman

The impending death
Of nature swims
in awry cascades
blown by wind un-merciless
Little leaves leave their branch
For the earth below

Thus mortal too leave
for the sods below
as fly in the harvesters
cutting down souls
from terrified hearts
leaving chagrined corpses

Scytheman flies in twos and threes
Some they laugh with wicked glee
Others silent, as grim can be
If you hear the banshee cackle
Or the midnight spectre scream
Go you under the cover

When done they are
By the morning mist
They leave the mortal land
Gossamer figures
Vanishing into realms
that only they discern

Morn bring forth
The anguished groans
Screams of horror
At death’s skill
Pass they do
the threshold of winter.

Dangerous Mind
United States 15awards
Joined 8th June 2013
Forum Posts: 850

[cente removed

poet Anonymous

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Dangerous Mind
United States 15awards
Joined 8th June 2013
Forum Posts: 850

thanks to Angelic for hosting this comp. thanks to my fellow poets for the stiff competition

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