Poetry competition CLOSED 13th September 2013 3:44pm
4everheartbroken (Demons_In_My_Head)
View Profile Poems by 4everheartbroken
RUNNERS-UP: forgodsake and pseudonymous

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Fire of Insight
United States 4awards
Joined 10th July 2013
Forum Posts: 199

Send Me a Bottle

I wanna go home
Wherever that is
I don’t know
But I wanna go home
Home where you can always heal a broken heart
A place to dry those tears
Or catch them in a bottle
Toss them in the sea

I caught my tears
Put’em in a bottle
I wrote your name on it
Tomorrow I’ll toss it in the sea
Maybe it’ll wash up to your toes
The next time they’re in the ocean
What will you do with these tears of mine
Will you bring them to me
Give them back
And use them to mend this broken heart
Wear them around your neck
Close to your heart
Add your own tears to that bottle
I sent you
I left enough room
So our tears could entangle
With each other

I wanna go home
Wherever that is
I don’t know
But I wanna go home
Home where you can always heal a broken heart
A place to dry those tears
Or catch them in a bottle
Toss them in the sea

Catch your tears
Put’em in a bottle
Write my name on it
And toss it in the sea
May they wash up and touch my toes
When I put’em in the ocean
What will I do with these tears of yours
I’ll be on my way
To bring them back
And mend that heart I broke
Wear them around my neck on the way
Close to my heart, as you already and always are
I’ll entangle my tears with yours
If you leave me enough room
I’ll take extra care
And treat’em with love
For now and ever

I wanna go home
Wherever that is
I don’t know
But I wanna go home
Home where you can always heal a broken heart
A place to dry those tears
Or catch them in a bottle
Toss them in the sea

Thought Provoker
Germany 3awards
Joined 27th Nov 2011
Forum Posts: 135

In my arms

The rain was falling in the night,
we sat together and you cried,
you were in love with him so long,
I consoled you, I felt so wrong.

Your tears were falling down as well,
I went trough heaven, you trough hell.
You grabbed my hand, I grabbed your arm.
You were so cold, I felt so warm.

Your heart was broken and destroyed,
I felt so bad, yet overjoyed
to feel you in my arms, so weak.
Your soul was frozen and so bleak.

You looked me in the eye and I
couldn't help but also start to cry.
I pressed your head against my chest,
so you could lay it down and rest.

My heart was broken and destroyed,
I felt so bad, I felt so void.
To see you smile, I'd gladly die,
but I would only see you cry.

poet Anonymous

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Strange Creature
United States
Joined 9th Sep 2013
Forum Posts: 2

" cutting"

A place so empty
it can't hold my pain
so deep-seeded
within my brain

fiery tears
they burn my face
I run head long
to a dark embrace

sweet pain
along my arms
I surcome to
the razors charms

oh, sweet blood
I let you flow
I tell my secrets
that only you know

swept away
by torments call
I'll close my eyes
and surrender all

Twisted Dreamer
Joined 3rd Dec 2012
Forum Posts: 55


Twisted Dreamer
Canada 4awards
Joined 6th July 2013
Forum Posts: 121

Northern Stillness

Well north of the bustling city
before the crackle of night’s winter fire,
hard hats, black backs and frozen fingers
shiver starkly in time with their iron picks
sharp strikes upon the icy earth,
shattering the frozen northern stillness.

Death Plane for Teddy
Tyrant of Words
Canada 32awards
Joined 4th Dec 2009
Forum Posts: 4411

     < Koan #42 >

 Life is its own metaphor.
 This cow, on the other hand,
 just shit on my foot.

        - - -

Black Raven
Thought Provoker
United States 2awards
Joined 10th Apr 2013
Forum Posts: 262

This is all great

poet Anonymous

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Lost Thinker
United States
Joined 20th Apr 2011
Forum Posts: 14

Never Again...

You: Loved me.
Me: I loved you.
You: Didn't like who I've become and how I've changed.
Changed: That's all I've done in your eyes.
Eyes: The one thing that I see of you at night.
Night. The one place where I feel comfort.
Comfort: The one thing I always felt when I was with you.
You: Love me.
Me: I loved you, but what you did was too much and things will never be the same.
Same: Never again..
Never again...........

poet Anonymous

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Duncan Alexander
Dangerous Mind
South Africa 1awards
Joined 4th May 2010
Forum Posts: 2018

I don't play favourites and I don't have time to go through all my pieces but here's what I've got:

When Mind and Matter Mix

A susurrus
between this world
and my next

Everyone of my solitary sessions
comes with a myriad of questions
and leaves me with the impression
that I'll never find the words
for my confessions

It's a nasty twist of fate
that's left these feelings on my plate,
emotions more complex than love or sorrow
and definitely not hate

I have a rage to scorch the halls of hell
and tears to douse the sun,
an apathy that knows no bounds
and little understanding of the word fun

I have an erratic lust,
an unending trust
and a heart primed to be broken
by the slightest of gust

I'm lost in this world
forever open to any of the shit that gets hurled,
watching and waiting
as my life is unfurled.

Alexander Case
Fire of Insight
Joined 16th June 2013
Forum Posts: 972

Feed [the witch hunt]

They enter [muted]  
the room drops silver chimes  
announcing the black bride waltz  
her blonde hair slashed short  
teased into a bloody bouquet  
of severed serpent heads  
her charcoal eyes weep  
into a skeleton hand obscuring her face  
flamingo legs step stones in stilettoes  
echoing the stabbing death of atmosphere  
the bearded man in her wake  
appears misplaced and unkempt  
he pauses on the threshold  
thinking if he should turn away  
and melt into the [december] sun  
but he has nowhere to go, now  
it’s too late… no regrets  
are the words that flicker  
in the holes in his head  
I show them to a table for two  
but she shakes her head  
like a feeding shark    
and points to the booth by the bar  
the unlikely couple sit in opposing corners  
curiosity strung from nervous tension  
watching the grinning time bomb  
waiting for the alcohol to explode  
and when spirits lubricate their flow, a posse  
of nightmare clowns emerge from the shadows  
ranting at pictures lining the restaurant walls  
[possessed] with flirts of laughter  
the couple finger each other’s scars  
until she exposes her heart  
scribed in his words with [invisible] ink…  
so it can glow in the dark  
like the cheshire cat, she grins  
table top dancing appropriately undressed  
his date begins to slow grind the air  
feeding on his raw unseasoned face  
while patrons feast on the debauchery  
served precariously in salt and pepper lines  
the enigma [chef] appears in a lick of flames  
flexed cannons, blazing technicolour arms  
the slick beast breathing cuban plumes  
with anabolic veins injecting junk into his brain  
when I see his blade I know  
he’s her cutter, hunting me down  
because I dared to dream of cutting her free  
cornered in the booth, across the girl  
I thought I knew, she now thrives  
in chanting curse to her lonely muse  
saving nothing but a stolen face  
poison lips and perfect tits  
[&] so the masterpiece  
of her catastrophe unfolds  
the cutter pinning me down onto nine alters  
with the blade of her killer, cutting me open  
like a fish, I’m gutted, my carcass thrown down  
onto the ground, so the clowns  
from the shadows can feed  
as I die in honour  
grinning at the beauty  
of her mess.

Written by Alexander Case

Black Raven
Thought Provoker
United States 2awards
Joined 10th Apr 2013
Forum Posts: 262

All right ya'll made it so hard to choose. They were all damn good that is why I asked for the best. I knew it would be hard because I liked them all.

Twisted Dreamer
United States
Joined 16th Sep 2013
Forum Posts: 57

David vs. Goliath

(The Uphill Battle)

There is a giant know as addiction
It will tear your mind, body and soul apart
As it tears  apart your spirit as it crushes your heart

It will over shadow you
Staring out in with it's menacing frown
It's sole objective holds you down  

Most would say that the odds are against me
But I am determined to fight this thing called addiction.
I will not let it cause me destruction

Addiction will do almost anything to destroy me
This is why I am glad to have Christ, Who will guide me and never let me go
Thank goodness that addiction can no longer destroy me with it's poisonous blow

Addiction tried to return, but it has made a mistake
It finally has failed to control me
Even though some people will never care to see

I am glad that everyone sees me in this battle an underdog
They see me as being worthless and my life will be completed
This why feel like my Faith is like David and my Addiction is like Goliath and as we know Goliath was defeated

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