Poetry competition CLOSED 13th September 2013 3:44pm
4everheartbroken (Demons_In_My_Head)
View Profile Poems by 4everheartbroken
RUNNERS-UP: forgodsake and pseudonymous

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Twisted Dreamer
United States
Joined 12th May 2013
Forum Posts: 10

The facts
the snakes, the fakes, wrong time, wrong place,
the screams, the whispers, the cries, the whimpers,
the clouds, the shroud, the lost, the found,
the bangs, the cliques, the hits, the miss,
the stones, the glass, the first, the last,
the treasures, to trash, the screech before the crash,
the loose, the tight, the noose, the height,
the key, the lock, the free, the locked,
the slave, the master, disease, disaster,
the kids, the laughter, does any of it matter?
the secrets, the bribes, the fools, the wise,
the mother, the mistress, mistakes, remissions,
nightmares, visions, close your eyes and listen,
a diamond's quiet glisten, in roach infested kitchens,
the sick, the lames, the Ables, the Cains,
the fables, the labels, the deals under tables,
the walk, the talk, the wolves, the flock,
the outlines of chalk, the bottom, the top,
the sweat, the blood, the saved, the hung,
the graves being dug, the rain, the mud,
the martyrs, the peasants, the present, the ancient,
the trials I'm facing, the wanting, the taking,
the stakes, the bets, the x's, the checks,
the life you owe, coming to collect,
cells, prisons, knives, incisions,
terms, conditions, you learn, to live with,
the memories, the plans, full pockets empty hands
the give up, the look up, the push up, the stand,
the liar, the cheater, stolen water's sweeter,
the open, the broken, the loafers, the sneakers,
the subtle, the bold, the blood flows cold,
the plot, the spot, the pop, the rot,
the cops, the pressure, the grilling, the lecture,
the fleeting', the shaken', the breakin', the stretcher,
the weak, the bleak, the creep, the sneak,
so easily betrayed, a kiss on the cheek,
the innocent, the guilt, the clean, the filth,
the safe, the risky, from mother's milk to whiskey,
the needles, the evils, the sparrows, the eagles,
the arrows, the shadows, the gravel, the feeble,
the barrels, the growls, the howls, the gavels,
the blood-soaked towels, gunshots and stab holes,
the man, the leech, the catch, the reach,
the rush, the breech, the grain, the beach,
the faithful, the fickle, the pick-ax, the pistol,
the heartless, the darkness, the reaper, the sickle,
affliction, confliction, conviction, conditions,
resistance, attrition, contrition, remission.

Darker Half
Dangerous Mind
Belize 16awards
Joined 5th Dec 2012
Forum Posts: 1263

My facade

Under my smile,
I am crying.
Under this mask,
I am slowly dying.

I've covered my flaws
Too perfectly
That I've lost myself,
I've lost my true identity.

I don't know
who I am anymore.
And for this sickness,
May I ask, is there any cure?

I've acted like nothing
In the world could ever go wrong.
I'm in too deep,
This facade has been going for too long.

I am screaming
For some one help me relive
And bring back all the good memories
But unfortunately, they aren't any.
So all I can do is cry out for release.

The barrier around my heart,
Is like the great wall of China.
It's hard,  and cold
I'd dare you to break it, but I doubt ya.

I can't show weakness,
I must brave it out.
Just one slip of the lip,
And everything could be going south.

Who am I?
No one know my struggles,
My pain,
I'm fighting with
sharp teeth,
and clawed nails
to find back my path.
Yet, all I can do is pretend,
smile for the public, and laugh.

Steven D
Thought Provoker
United States 8awards
Joined 28th Nov 2012
Forum Posts: 94

Its Dreadfully Long But I hOpe Its Worth It..

A Story Called Life~

Here is a story about two souls,
Colliding in time with no complete control.
Jack was a bartender, loved his beer,
Mary was a lonely girl searchin’ for cheer.
She slid in a chair down at Ed’s Bar,
Asked for a whiskey and bud, just to start.
Jack gave a smile, said “This one’s on me”,
She smiled as she put down that old Tennessee.
He asked why a girl like her was there,
“You should be off with somebody somewhere.
How come a beautiful girl like you,
Looks like she doesn’t know what to do?”
Mary looked up and started to cry,
Then she calmed herself down and looked in Jacks eyes.
“Today I woke up cold and alone,
Another day gone by that I’m on my own.
Guess no one sees me for who I am,
I don’t think any of them even can.
I realized I have things I don’t need,
And cant seem to find what I’ve seen in my dreams.”
She picked up her Bud and put it down,
Gave a loud burp and said “Another round…”
Jack poured her drinks and said “I’m sorry, Dear,
Tell me all about it and I’ll buy the beer.”
They sat at the bar all of the night,
Talking about darkness and talking about light.
How time has a way of kicking yer ass,
How Love tends to come slow and leave pretty fast.
Next thing they knew the Moon was the Sun,  
And Mary was waking up next to someone.
She thought they had been there all of her life,
For this was the first time she felt so alive.
They stayed together the rest of the day,
And somehow they managed to drift away.
Neither of them paid the world any mind,
For all of the day was just spent lost in time.
Mary and Jack became one through the years,
And being alone was not something they feared.
Mary said “Jack, I got something to say…”
And Jack gave a grin, said “Don’t keep me at bay!
Cause I have something to say to you,
So you tell me first and then I will tell, Too.”
She said “There’s something inside of me,
A sign that our Love was made so tenderly.
I feel it growing each day that goes by,
And soon you and I will look love in the eyes.
I hope it’s a boy who’s just like you,
Who tells me that He loves me and all that I do.
”That’s the first time Mary saw Jack cry,
He fell to his knee and he looked to the sky.
He looked back at her and gave a grin,
Said “Baby, you’re stuck so far under my skin.
There’s all of these things you do and say,
I don’t know what to call it, but I Love the way:
The way you come close to me at night,
The way you make everything seem all right.
The way you kiss me so tenderly,
The way you do it slow so the world can see.
The way you smile when you catch my stare,
The way I fell and wasn’t even aware.
You ARE the only thing I need in life,
Mary, wont you tell me if you’d be my wife?”
“Yes. YES! A Thousand Times I Will,
Even if we part, sweet Love, I’ll Love you still."
Nine months later came a little girl,
Eyes blue as the sky, a smile that spun the world.
Jack cried.
He looked into those baby eyes and He just cried.
But with such a happiness came woe,
After hemorrhaging, his Mary had to go.
He begged the God he didn’t like,
To spare his Mary and, instead, take HIS life...
He cried all alone there on the floor,
Everything he came to Love now was no more.
He looked at his daughter and he said:
“Looks like its just you and me from here,
Us against the world, while all just disappears…
Yer all I’ve got that’s a part of her,
And through every troubled time we will endure.”
Now eighteen years have come and then gone,
Baby’s grown up and Jack still holds on.
He’s watching his girl walk up on the stage,
The principle just read the name Haley May.
She walked up to the microphone stand,
Unfolded a paper she had in her hand,
And she said:
“Over the years I’ve learned many things,
Daddy, he taught me to Love and to Dream.
People taught me how to read and write,
To change thoughts into words with a little insight.
I’ve had my fare share of Love and Loss,
I learned time was nothing but Life’s bitter cost.
Never got to see Mama smile,
Never felt her Love, even for a while.
But I know that she is here today,
I can feel her, even though she’s far away.
So I say to mom, just this one time:
It’s you that kept this goal inside my mind.
Sometimes all I’d want was just to hide,
So I’d close my eyes and drift away inside.
And I saw you when I closed my eyes,
You helped calm me down when I wanted to cry.
I’m here today cause of Dad and You,
You’ve both made me proud, so you should feel it, too.
Here I stand today with my head high,
Diving into life knowing your love is on my side."
That night Jack and Haley watched a video,
Mary, saying how she’d love her family so.
“Nothing in this life is a sure thing,
But I’m sure I found what I saw in my dreams.
My Jack, he loves me more every day,
I hope we have a boy who will be the same.
It seems so strange when I reminisce,
Never thought my life would ever be like this.
Then I met this man when I had no one,
Now we’re to be married after Baby comes.
I’ve wanted family all my life,
But there was nobody there to cut my strife.
Now, here’s my man, Baby’s on the way,
I’m still thinking about what I’m gonna say.
First thing I will do is give a kiss,
Then what I will say will go something like this:
Hey, it’s nice to meet you finally.
Yer Dad and I have been waiting patiently.
You are just like what I dreamed of you,
Guess the really good ones sometimes DO come true."
Haley cried, but smiled just the same,
Then when Jack saw her, faster his teardrops came.
He said:
“She wanted a boy who’d be just like me,
Then gave me a girl that turned out just like she.
Aint it funny how some things turn out?
Life is ever something we know nothing about.
I thank the Stars for you, Haley May,
You’ll always be the one who makes this sorrow fade.
I Love you more than you’ll ever know,
Without you I would be completely alone."
Next morning Haley went to wake Jack,
But, to her dismay, he didn’t answer back.
He drifted off somewhere in the night,
Now Haley knows the Darkness and she knows the Light.
She now knows how time can kick yer ass,
How things tend to come slow and leave pretty fast.
A story such as this is called Life,
In it you’ll find Love and, also, you’ll find Strife

Black Raven
Thought Provoker
United States 2awards
Joined 10th Apr 2013
Forum Posts: 262

You have all posted great stuff. This going to be hard. I have enjoyed reading it and they are truly a work of art.  

Taha Johnson
Lost Thinker
United States
Joined 19th Aug 2013
Forum Posts: 29

Wow I been writing for decades how to pic just one out of literal thousands. Good thread though my styles and reasons for writing has changed over time I think maybe my first I kept not for content the best by far but for the effect it had on changing my future

Dangerous Mind
Australia 9awards
Joined 22nd Jan 2013
Forum Posts: 1749

Mourning in the Moonlight

Within the cool night air,        
biting into the wind.        
droplets gathering strength  
as they're falling from the sky,
driven into the weathered concrete
and pelting into my back
when I'm in its way.
I'm becoming drenched,
the water dashing
tracing the seams of my clothing.
And dripping to the brick,
being taken in ignorant compliance
to the sewers, and to the seas.
These pieces of a storm,        
forcing my head down      
in an attempt to pierce my will,  
inhaling, to calm myself  
exhaling, visible breath.    
It's an icy, bitter chill        
clasping my nerves        
and becoming entrenched in my skin.        
I am drifting through the cold,        
wind gusts carry my jacket neck        
pressing it into my skin.      
And whispering into my left ear      
slipping through,      
the wind brushing to the side.      
I see the moonlight        
dancing with the shadows        
and the castings of artificial light.        
Gleaming a sickly pale blue        
only to be cleansed by the rain,        
and cured through the moonlight.

poet Anonymous

<< post removed >>
Fire of Insight
France 5awards
Joined 12th Jan 2013
Forum Posts: 160

Happy to finally be with you

Happy to finally be with you
In your bed, without a rescue
Sure, we never will separated
Again, we never will quitted
Happy to finally be with you
In your arms, embrace you
How can I be me with you
Leave without fear here you
Happy to finally be with you
My love, my love, you my life
I must remain here with you
Under the same roof, for life

Dangerous Mind
United States 21awards
Joined 10th Oct 2012
Forum Posts: 2961

Anonymous said:<< post removed >>

good stuff op. i really like that pic man....

Dangerous Mind
United States 21awards
Joined 10th Oct 2012
Forum Posts: 2961

i have'nt written my best piece yet but i think i hate this one the least

no i hate this one too but whatever

burden of proof

i prey to an empty bottle of pills  
i'm sundowning  
i'd rather be close to the birds  
than live my life lying wasted  
without wings  
sometimes i think i can fly  
or maybe i'm just constantly falling  
i've been so busy perfecting my hatred lately  
that it's been difficult to schedule a relapse  
with a sentence to crash heaven from chapter to page  
after the said penance there is nobody saved  
this is for hell's tenants and the coming of age  
so here is to your mom  
and all the anti-depressants we're on  
the storm chasers who bitch about their broken windshields  
Darwin, Jesus, Bob Dylan  
and all of the other great storytellers  
marriage is methadone  
an m.r.i. with a stomach full of quarters  
i am a supreme being who has never needed to hustle,lie,cheat, or steal  
i'm just like you  
i blame everybody else for how shitty i feel  
with a sentence to crash heaven from chapter to page  
after the said penance there is nobody saved  
this is for hell's tenants and the coming of age  
something inside you has gone and died  
there is no more fire  
no more shine in your eyes    
tomorrow will never come  
unless it's leap year  
or maybe yesterday never happened    
i give you to ghosts  
this bottle has drawn empty    
and we are not drawing pictures anymore  
i can't make like it never happened  
you can't put a band aid on cancer  
i've gotta stop getting blowjobs from vampires

Twisted Dreamer
Joined 8th Sep 2013
Forum Posts: 33

I don't have much experience, in fact I just joined this site today. I just wrote a poem for a competition called "Nightmares" I personally think it's the best I've ever written. But, like I said, I don't have much experience, and I haven't written many poems, so it doesn't really count for much.


Look in the mirror, who am I?
I don't remember who I am inside.
I could be someone, someone important.
I could be no one, an orphan.
I can't recall, this face of mine.
Who am I? I can't define.

People on the streets, bid me hello.
I reply. Are they someone I know?
They could be anyone, anyone indeed.
They could be no one, no one to me.
I can't recall their faces,
Who am I to forget their good graces.

I could be faceless and voiceless,
My good life could be choiceless.
What I hear and what I see,
Could be illusions just for me.
I can't recall the curse who left,
Who am I? Identity theft.

Lost Thinker
United Kingdom
Joined 3rd Sep 2013
Forum Posts: 5

(Don't know if it's my best..but it's certainly My Style!)

Lyrical Scribbles

My mind is a lion
inspiration the gazelle
a young Simba in the quarry perfecting my primal yell
my roar
But I'm struggling
I cant find what I need
so I smoke a little weed and sit and wait for the stampede

it's not that simple though
now I'm a writer writing about his own writers block
oh so original
oh so self cynical
like why do I bother with this?
Insanely clinical
when I can be arsed with it.
Man, I could get biblical
pray this 'God' will send me some sign

'Cus right this' just scribbles
my thoughts recycled
now personified into audio right hooks
into your ear drums drumming
force my way inside
mentally sodomize
I'm come, coming
I'm here to stay
I'm in the walls with the borrowers
Stiff cold beat like a corpse
and I'm the coroner
My diagnosis
a verbal rhythm that's contagious
epidemic proportions

And I will not save us.

Black Raven
Thought Provoker
United States 2awards
Joined 10th Apr 2013
Forum Posts: 262

All of you are really great writers. I'm glad I posted this. I have read some amazing work.!!! keep it up

D_Poetic Engineer
Dangerous Mind
United States 35awards
Joined 11th Sep 2012
Forum Posts: 2212

Crazy Wet Dreams

I was already in my teens while you're still not
when we first felt those desires - too fucking hot!
Just sitting close to each other, thighs touching
could lead to hours of endless smooching.
For our first kiss was an innocent bliss
both of us will surely miss;
Was it really love or just a matter of lust?
Your inquisitive mind would often ask.

Surging testosterones overflowing
filled your warm pussy to satisfaction,
yet leaves you thirsty for more
until the fiery break of dawn.
I hear your moans and feel your breath of fires,
and my fucking briefs still wet with desires,
but not a shadow of your voluptuous hot body
anywhere in sight, as I open my weary eyes.

I dream of you every single night
and every time you’re within my dream
You always vanish, out of sight
as if you’re riding a boat down the stream.
You always come like a cloudy apparition
sometimes your face beyond recognition;
No hindrance at all, as my fingers meander
at your sexy figure, I don't have to wonder.

Seven hundred and sixteen full moons revolved
in the vast universe, mystically involved
until finally, I met you in the flesh
our bodies reunited with blazing embrace.
All night long we made love under the crescent moon
Soft music filled the air in synch with your moan
Suddenly you pushed me to the marbled floor,
and banged my head against the bathroom door
Our limbs got twisted, our souls entwined
we were totally out of our minds!

Our bodies were welded - melted like butter,
as we moved up and down in rhythmic patterns;
we swayed to the beats in harmonic symphony
trying to free the memory of days of agony.
We were soaking wet with multiple orgasms,
ignoring the thirst and muscle spasms
Our spirits rejoiced and roamed freely
rejuvenated--filled with countless ecstasy!
This time I could surely scream
it was no longer a crazy wet dream,
because I woke up in the days ahead
with concussions still in my head.

Guardian of Shadows
Joined 29th Aug 2009
Forum Posts: 2113


I write for you
as if you were my ampersand;
a thin string between
sane & insane.

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