Poetry competition CLOSED 22nd September 2013 2:29pm
View Profile Poems by JohnFeddeler

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Guardian of Shadows
Joined 1st Aug 2012
Forum Posts: 3015

Poetry Contest

Give us some...

Serendipity Magazine is looking for Erotic Poetry for a
Special Issue. Those chosen for publication will be published
under their username (if you want real or other names please PM
me). I will be choosing a winner here for this forum competition
on DUP, but submissions for publication are to be considered by
the editorial staff at the magazine.  Anyone interested in more
details, please message me or see the magazine blog:


Here are the rules:

Old and new poems will be accepted.
No collaborations.
One month.
Two entries permitted only.
300 word limit.

Let's have it...

poet Anonymous

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poet Anonymous

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Dangerous Mind
United States 49awards
Joined 16th Apr 2013
Forum Posts: 770

Gamecock (Ol' Man Jess)

The ol' cock is up and crowing at the sun
His wattle sways in anticipation as his head bobs about to survey the day
He can see his likeness in the fresh done sheets as he crosses the yard
Hoping he's not stirred the chicks
Chaos of his making when they're underfoot
The dew is moist as he seeks solace in the warmth of the henhouse on this crisp mornin'
He pecks at the door
Head bobbing about
And he's in
Mornin' honey

Dangerous Mind
United States 49awards
Joined 16th Apr 2013
Forum Posts: 770

When It Melts
Pillowy soft and they bounce 
Some like the big ones
But I like the iddy biddy ones that warm in your mouth
They can be sucked, suckled, bitten and molded 
They're lovely and luscious with chocolate on top
Tickled by fire  
They glow and caramelize 
Sticky with the heat 
Begging to be eaten 
I happily oblige 
Glowing embers dare me to indulge my deepest wants
Willing partners for my pleasure surround me
Graham declares I'm hardened honey, with Cinnamon on top to boot
Dark, dark chocolate of myth and legend, hard as well
She brings the combustion
Warmed by the crackles and snaps of the flame and ash
Placed in the middle 
The hard chocolate liquifies first
Graham and cinnamon, one on top and one at the bottom
Squeeze it together 
I take it all in my mouth 
Mellifluous tastes penetrate and permeate my nostrils,
Saturate my quavering tongue
I actually go deaf for a moment, until I hear
"Baby, you want S'more?"

Alexander Case
Fire of Insight
Joined 16th June 2013
Forum Posts: 972


Embers: Wet Lips

Embers erupt and amber stars fall
our hearts bleed soot and ash.

I’ve packed my bags, ominous, amassed by the door.
Winter squalls torment the tattered remains of love.
Blurred vision disconcerting, better days
look down upon us from dividing walls.
At last dinner is served cold with a warm backhand,
forehand crystal gripped, you wet your lips with red.
Senses flirt with a swirl and scent of cedar,
you linger and taste. A mistake for me to stay, but you insist
we share our last bottle, every glass to the final drop.

Mesmerized by your unacquainted beauty. Red vision;
the enchanting Syrah has gone to my head.
Mnemonic curves arouse contemplation,
as my gaze drops in slow motion
tracing your naked body through your dress.

Compassion falters, but desire is faultless
our reckless orbits merge in the galley.
Raw passion, pitiful lust; anger quenched when lips collide
fumbling hands tear away your chastity.
Winter squalls overcome by resistance to exist.

“Cold hands, warm… hearts shall not part,”
you whisper sweet something and nothing coherent
as you take hold of me to devour and beg for me to stay.
Pride’s yours to swallow; I’ve much to say with my hips.

Our hands exploring forgotten lands, undressing,
confessing our needs, exposing the roots of our hunger.
Flesh bitten, skin slapped, thighs prized open, cunt fingered,
your wet lips fresh like winter dew, I enter my plea
driving deep inside until I feel the warmth of your heart.

These are the fires I miss.
Love erupts and the embers of our hearts
fall like amber stars.

Written by Alexander Case

Twisted Dreamer
Botswana 1awards
Joined 10th Apr 2012
Forum Posts: 54

A Long Night

Stage 1: Foreplay

Lips interlocked...

Key hole missed...

Hand grabbing her soft hair...

Door opens, miraculously...

Thuds and bumps in the dark room...

Lights on, shirt and blouse off, tossed somewhere...

Thud! against the wall, she approaches seductively...

Lips interlock, lot of tongue work...

A long sexy moan escapes her busy lips...

Suddenly completely topless, eyes make contact, smiles produced...

Breasts licked, more moaning, hands descend to the crotch...

Hands held  midway, head heads further down...

Skirt off, lingerie torn, head between thighs...

Moans, heavy breathing, swear words...

Hands push head deeper...

Tongue all over the clit...

Inner thighs start to quiver...

Moans get louder, then turn to high pitched scream...


To be continued...

poet Anonymous

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Guardian of Shadows
United States 30awards
Joined 17th Feb 2013
Forum Posts: 2318

Fleeting, Lilac Blue

In fleeting, lilac blue
The night becomes anew
As the last shred of the day
Retreats in evening’s haze
And I awaken to your touch
And then respond to you as such.

In fleeting, lilac blue
The sky reflects on you
And softly lights your smile
And your body for a while
As you slowly draw your hands along me
Lingering where there’s ecstasy

In fleeting, lilac blue
My kisses welcome you
As I move my legs off to the sides
And open the way for you, inside
The last of dusk-light flashes away,
You gently slip inside to stay.

In fleeting, lilac blue,
Is now the nighttime hue
With every thrust of your manhood,
The pressure rubs and feels so good
And I can’t help but moan your name
And you return to me, the same.

In fleeting, lilac blue
Oh God, oh yes, it’s true—
You’ve stepped out of my dreams at night,
We’re finally fucking in real-life.
Rhythmic, rocking until we shudder
And melt our souls as one, my lover.

Guardian of Shadows
Joined 1st Aug 2012
Forum Posts: 3015

Excellent start! Thank you for your entries.


poet Anonymous

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poet Anonymous

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Guardian of Shadows
United States 30awards
Joined 17th Feb 2013
Forum Posts: 2318

I Remember

Time plods on
And I remember your touch,
Your caress
Your kisses,
As if only yesterday.

The sweet sounds
Of our breath,
And the little moans,
Against my cheek
Still linger in my ears.

I remember the feel
Of your weight atop me,
Your cock inside me,
Driving, plunging
As I screamed your name.

We ran
Laughing through the wind
Tearing at each other’s clothes
As each new day
Brought a new adventure.

Ah, I remember it all,
But life’s passages have a way
Of making the glitter fade
Until there is but only the far past
As the present is forgotten.

I look to the handwritten sign taped to my wall—
“You are a resident of The Lifecare Center”
And the photos on my nightstand
Of the  beautiful children
But who’s children are they?

A woman in a nurse’s uniform comes
And moves my wheelchair into the sun.
I swallow the pills in her cup
As I touch the gray-whitened hair
Atop my head, with weathered hands

I buried you
With an anguished heart that day,
But it won’t be long, my love—
I can see you there waiting for me
And we will run through the wind again.

Fire of Insight
Joined 1st Nov 2011
Forum Posts: 492


Get yourself ready
This Maserati she kinda perky
36C’s, they don’t flirt with justa Chevy
Even her daughter’s have small’ bits of envy
Believe me, Ms. Dee she’s a gossip magnet
That body? Nuthin about it at all is stagnant
She’s been known to create a fuss
Guys getting sprung ‘cause it’s about that lust
Women, they get jealous; how they just don’t trust
Ms. Dee walks by under they breath they cuss

[{Damn… Look at that..  She throwing it all
Did y’all hear ‘bout the ruckus at the Piedmont Mall?

Spinsters, old maids. Sipping their cool-aids
Some of them as old as the damn everglades
The ones with loose lips, they be on them trips
Them and those old acting youngsters biting they lips
Saying Ms. Dee’s ‘gator style, just runs & rips
A real hottie body coming so well equipped
A guy’s senses, she always grips
This bad ass little shorty don’t wear NO slips

Ms. Dee’s, she’s suited to put it down in spades
Younger dips saying they’d be glad when she fades
That body be in step gliding’ on parade
Each dude staring; him wishing to get played
They say her sparkle is what crafts hot glitter
Wire-less, tire-less… a real transmitter
Messages sent once she hits the stage
Dee be looking good for a girl her age

poet Anonymous

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