Poetry competition CLOSED 26th August 2013 2:23am
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Mythical Creatures

Guardian of Shadows
United States 30awards
Joined 17th Feb 2013
Forum Posts: 2318

Poetry Contest

Write a poem about a mythical creature or creatures
Any style, length, as many as you want, no collabs.

Write about any mythical or imaginary beings/ creatures you can think of--Unicorns, leprechauns, Santa Claus, Easter Bunny, tooth Fairy,--I'm sure there's more and I'm just drawing a blank, but you get the idea.

Have fun!

Dangerous Mind
United States 15awards
Joined 8th June 2013
Forum Posts: 850

all right! (rubs hands together and laughs like a lunatic)

Dangerous Mind
United States 15awards
Joined 8th June 2013
Forum Posts: 850

how many entries?

Dangerous Mind
United States 15awards
Joined 8th June 2013
Forum Posts: 850


Born deep inside the magma of the fiery mountain
With lava bursting forth like a fountain.
Stirs the great wyrm.
The world of man will burn,
By the bane of the man, Soloman.

Soloman, The Godly King of the highest Orders
Protecting every realm and borders.
His shiny boots on the floor,
He holds forth the mighty sword,
To repel all beast and boarders.

What will happen,
When legend meets beast?
Who will bring victory
And who will be the feast?

Roarax, The Bane of man, fills the sky
Upon the sky’s winds he will glide.
His mighty tail lashes
And he leaves men in ashes.
He is the beast to end the times.

The armies amass to protect their lands
As far as can see are forces of man.
Their mail shines bright
On the armies of light.
Their victory is foretold to be grand.

The forces of light take the field
Baring aloft The God King’s seal.
Eagerly searching the skies
With their shields held high.
Until dragon wings beat like thunder
Man becomes prey, beast the hunter.
Mouth flickers fire, eyes are so stern
Lo, here comes the beast,
   the conquering wyrm.

Roarax, with a gout of fire, laying waste
Or simply just stomping men to paste.
Men, they prey to their King
But even he feels the sting.
This is all, but a taste.

The God King falls to Roarax’s fell breath
His body decays until nothings left.
Men fall to their knees,
Begging Roarax with pleas.
They will worship him until their deaths.

Roarax takes his place upon his throne;
A mountain made of shattered bones.
Lording over earth and sky
Until the day that time is nigh.
Emblems blaze with wing and flame
So that all will remember his name.
Roarax, The Serpent King,  with eyes that burn.
Lo, here is the beast,
   The corruptible wyrm.

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Guardian of Shadows
United States 30awards
Joined 17th Feb 2013
Forum Posts: 2318

HadesRising said:how many entries?

Oops--sorry ! As many as you want

poet Anonymous

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Guardian of Shadows
United States 30awards
Joined 17th Feb 2013
Forum Posts: 2318

Thanks for kicking this one off, Hades and Kitty!

Dangerous Mind
United States 15awards
Joined 8th June 2013
Forum Posts: 850


From the shrines to the tombs,
Light the candles in the gloom.
In angel’s eyes and demon’s claws
The immortal ones fill the halls.
The dark lord’s eye pierce the night
A slit of fire in the crimson light.
In the fields with Satyrs and Nymphs
Within the mists are secret glyphs.
Monsters can see you though and though
Lurking about uncovering the clues.
Doom of man envisioned by the Profits
Revealing little secrets.

We are the aliens on their earth
Creatures breathing to strange birth.
Beings of science without magic
Tainting their world, so tragic.
Armies of men and their machines
Liquid death raining from their wings.
Assassins pouring balls of lead
All to take the goblin’s head.
Homo Sapiens are just a virus
Scratching out our name with a stylus.
Bringing about our extinction
Wallowing in their excretions.

Now unleash the dragons, unleash the Balrogs
Let the Orcs come forth from the bog.
There will but no justice, just vengeance
For those that are now abyss sent.
Elves and Ogres will fight side by side
The hordes of Giants will turn the tide.
Elementals will search the land
For those baring the mark of man.
The Fae Lord will rise on his steed
A swing of his sword brings man to his knees.
The bodies of man will be laid bare
And thus, vengeance will be their’s.

poet Anonymous

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Strange Creature
United States
Joined 22nd Aug 2013
Forum Posts: 1

-Full Moon-

The transfiguration is getting more intense
I feel like every bone in my body's breaking
I can't stop sweating,I can feel my blood boiling

The pulse of the moon runs through me,the animal is art
A poetic peace,pain and pleasure

Cursed,I am to walk the night...

Rakhi Rudra
Fire of Insight
India 6awards
Joined 24th Oct 2011
Forum Posts: 298

Psychedelic natraja

[Invalid Image - URL must end with jpeg, jpg, gif, png or bmp]
The encroachment of carbonic night by the blazing red ball
ascending to the zenith with its ferocious flames
roasting up the silver moon to charcoal cake  
oxidizing its divine virginity
the  unlocking of third eye of nataraja    
echoing ego
with death metal pounding in its head
the mad metallic dance on the horns of inferno    
electromagnetised its soul to the burned off desire of lust  
corroding the demon of innocence underneath its right leg  
synthesized in its soaring insanity
with matted and coiled hair clashing against celestial objects  
noise poison of its terrific tandava
psychedelic Om screeched by the waves of meditation
molten mercury vociferating through its veins
metaphysical circus of its raging ruckus
Volcanoes vomiting gory lava in its fury
he advances towards the mad mountain    
levitating lust  
amalgamating arrogance into ashes.

poet Anonymous

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Guardian of Shadows
United States 30awards
Joined 17th Feb 2013
Forum Posts: 2318

Thanks for the entries, everyone--great job!

Twisted Dreamer
Joined 3rd Dec 2012
Forum Posts: 55


poet Anonymous

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