Poetry competition CLOSED 25th August 2013 2:27am
hannahagadorn (HippieHannah)
View Profile Poems by hannahagadorn
RUNNERS-UP: PsychicApocalypse and forgodsake

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Smoker's competition

poet Anonymous

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Darker Half
Dangerous Mind
Belize 16awards
Joined 5th Dec 2012
Forum Posts: 1263

My Milport Days


Flames engulf,
the small match stick.
I enjoy the smell a little,
and set the cigarette to my lips.

As I inhale,
this nicotine nectar.
My anxiety calms,
my nervousness ceases.
I just feel better.

I feel it,
traveling in my system.
I feel it
illuminating my being.
My head spins a bit,
and I relish in that
dizzy feeling.

The taste of the mint,
calms my inner demons.
I just sit back an relax,
listening to songs from John Lennon.

I huff and puff,
this minty nicotine nectar.
With music in my ears,
and a book in my hand,
I enjoy this nicely cooled weather.

(This is a really old poem. I used to smoke, but now I chew gum. lol)

poet Anonymous

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Dangerous Mind
India 17awards
Joined 25th June 2011
Forum Posts: 663


Give me a ruse, give me a need
such trifling desires are reserved for the weak
I'll be weak for you
I'll sell my soul to feel you in me

You're an enigma
your Venomous leaves, your putrid embrace
your beacon ignites glowing like fire
rivet me in your bluish gray mist
you bring order to chaos
you spring hope in devastated hearts
sweet soldier of death you! Never leave me
your tests I will stand, your torture I can't resist

My best friend
my worst enemy
innocence in disguise
humble and kind
unrelenting misery cloaked in ecstasy
lay upon me, euphoria I so crave for
you will be the death of me
and in my death you shall become eternal

The instrument of self destruction
you scream in silent agony
your horrid melodies pamper my senses
you've gripped me so, I'm addicted to your madness-
-this hunger you chain me to
A slave to you forever, release me never
yours truly



poet Anonymous

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Lost Thinker
United States
Joined 21st Aug 2012
Forum Posts: 11

                                                   toxic snakes
                                                    slither and
                                                     rattle and
Blackening paint brush of mucus-based oils


Twisted Dreamer
United States
Joined 12th May 2013
Forum Posts: 10

my cigarette is a straw that drinks the clouds until my mind can sail a deep blue sky.
Its too bad my chest is turning blacker and blacker on the inside.
Oh well.

Tommie Lynn
Tyrant of Words
United States 13awards
Joined 27th Mar 2013
Forum Posts: 61

That First Drag

It's different every time
but the same
That feeling ,holding it
in between my
The flick of my bic
My first drag
When I get in my car
tapping ashes out the window
Definitely after sex
that mind blowing orgasmic sex
With a great cup of coffee
and good friends
When dinner has been ate
and gone
Every time it's different
but the same

Dangerous Mind
United States 49awards
Joined 16th Apr 2013
Forum Posts: 770



She smokes her cigarro puro
the same way she takes her men
Inhale deeply
Swallow him whole
She wants him to slide to the back of her throat
Linger there
Burn a little
Lagrimas (tears)

He's inside her
She can feel all of him
Even as he pollutes her
with promises that won't last beyond this moment
She loves him

She tastes all of him
He was beaten by the plantation sun
Crushed by whips and chains old and new

None of that matters now
Savor his taste
The hazed euphoria it brings

He seduces her
She loves the way her lips caress the length of him
Take the satisfaction now
Agony and consequences are for tomorrow

As he rolls in her mouth
Her chocha gets wet
She fingers her pussy lips to part them
Her own juices bathe her clit

Her cocoa brown nipples are almendra

She plays freely now
Her hips roll in a primordial rhythm
All the while rolling him and his heat in her mouth
Though she's gasping now

Loving his stench
Loving the choke in her throat

Damelo papi
Give it to me
Metemela mi boca papi
Fuck my mouth
Duro asi duro
Hard like that hard
Si papi si
Tu gusta mi lengua
You love my tongue

She exhales and he is out of her
When she releases him its back into the world
To corrupt others with his sweet stench
He floats over her in that moment
Only because she let's him

After he is long gone
She has the need for another
This time Robusto
Metemela ay dios mas rapido
Fuck me oh God fuck me faster

Darker Half
Dangerous Mind
Belize 16awards
Joined 5th Dec 2012
Forum Posts: 1263

LobodeSanPedro said:[img]


Love this write and the Title... Lol

Fire of Insight
Joined 24th Mar 2013
Forum Posts: 1348

blow smoke in the face of cancer adverts

finger and thumb
small tremorrs
suck all the bitterness left
one mosaic piece
of me falls away

i become morbid.
inside we are all
more of our surface
at the heart there's no great change, no secret self.

if life is a cigarette
i'm practising death
until i die,
until i die.

poet Anonymous

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Dangerous Mind
United States 49awards
Joined 16th Apr 2013
Forum Posts: 770


Men I knew in the pack

You either smoked Camels or Winstons,
except Hezikiah he stroked Marlboros

You either drove a Ford or a Chevy,

Smith & Wesson, or Remington

Ya hound could hunt, or he couldn't

Your day started at 4 AM, unless it was a Sunday

You either drank Colt 45, or Schitlz

Your children caught the switch or the belt, or both

You rarely if ever said, "I love you",
to anyone

I checked my pack
Oak colored Carolina gold wrapped by white veil to keep it in place
Burned with the flame
it crackles in forgiveness if you listen

Taken in hard
Usually to the strum of daddy's guitar
Vapors nestle in lungs that quicken the heart with narcotic infused bliss for the mind

Unfiltered poison

digested with ease as we spoke and laughed

Bitter ends spit out now and again

Blistered fingers help control the melody one measure at a time
Tongues bathed in ethereal smoke
Nostrils flare through crimson eyes in this wooden den of dragons

I want all their joy, but none of the foretold sorrow in this pack of mine
Foolishly I think can elude it

It's why Ol' Man Jess sometimes calls me Pup

I chase my tail though it can't be caught
No more than the vapors around me
No more than they could

poet Anonymous

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poet Anonymous

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