Poetry competition CLOSED 21st August 2013 8:06am
View Profile Poems by IzziSkyy
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Your first date

poet Anonymous

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Twisted Dreamer
United States 1awards
Joined 31st May 2013
Forum Posts: 91

Red Hot Chili Peppers

Yeah, one of our favorite bands,
the band whose song played on my phone
the first time I saw those gorgeous eyes,
heard that gorgeous voice
and all I wanted to do was
suck that kiss...

Three years later, I did,
yeah in the nosebleeds,
fifty rows high at the arena
with the band down below
dancing in a red glow.
The heavy bass and pounding drums
an ode to our heavy heartbeats
and wandering hands.
Keidis seems to sing straight to us
as the thousands of others there disappear
and we're all alone,
standing together.

A soft kiss,
the world revolves
and we're inspired by this
to go back to your place
and make art.

poet Anonymous

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poet Anonymous

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poet Anonymous

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Darker Half
Dangerous Mind
Belize 16awards
Joined 5th Dec 2012
Forum Posts: 1263

My Wishful First Date


We'd meet at a concert,
and out to eat.
We'd talk of our likes,
veggie or meat.

You'd make me laugh,
and I'd do the same.
Two funny people together,
spirits aflame.

You'd ask me,
to hold my hand.
As we walk on moonlit beach,
our footsteps mingling in the sand.

I'd memorize you smile,
and the rhythm of your breathing.
Lying beside you,
listening to the waves crashing.

We'd fool around in the water,
giggles and sweet laughter carried in the wind.
We'd make that night our own,
with a moon looking down with a grin.

You'd take me home,
not really wanting
to say goodbye.
So I'd kiss you
to bid you goodnight.

The kiss's heat,
would inflame our body's enzymes.
But it was just a peck,
or peek,
Saved for a next time.

I might have,
a Darker Half,
but I don't think it's wrong,
to be a romantic at heart.

poet Anonymous

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Thought Provoker
Tibet 2awards
Joined 2nd July 2012
Forum Posts: 351

Zigzag Mishap

After months of planning and anticipating

The big day was here both parties were nervous

They would finally meet face to face.

Their online dialogues had fluid expression

The chemistry between them was almost wholesome

So why the sudden zigzag?

She was too childish and goofy

He was mature and astute

Didn’t opposites attract?

She was too bashful to speak

He tried to spark a chit chat

It was really going downhill.

He noticed her sad eyes

Muted tears becoming evident

He could not just walk away.

Suddenly grabbing her hand

He told her to follow his suit

She complied a bit confused.

They ended going to his hotel room

Listened to music and exchanged childhood anecdotes

Plan B’s always do come in handy.

Dangerous Mind
United States 49awards
Joined 16th Apr 2013
Forum Posts: 770

Krylon King Part 1 ~ MEET
(prequel - presented in the Love Monuments competition)


Back when I owned the world 

Too young to know that I could be
and Leased 
As needed 

I found voice in Krylon microphones
The rainbows within these ebony shoals echoed from rooftops and tunnels 
I owned buildings on Park Place
and Atlantic Avenue too
My railroads ran through Harlem 
all the way to the Coney Island Boardwalk

I still remember that summer morn you took over my world
Honey and caramel lacquered over flesh were your only armor 
Your freckles looked like humming birds had kissed your cheeks
Your almond eyes were to be the ones to heal parts of me not yet broken
and make crumble the man I thought would be indestructible 

I remember everything and nothing of what we said that first day
Except my promise to give you the world 
You laughed, Oh please 
Because you'd heard these declarations from boys and men before

The next day 
You were going to school, waiting on the platform
I watched you, unseen
The steel dragon rumbled in on time

You saw it right away
Your name
E  I  L  E  E  N
stretched out over silvery skin 
the length of car 0715 

I asked 
Could I share you're train today?
You giggled and let a few others join us too

So began the odyssey 
In and out of the light
Fast starts and hard stops 
So many people riding with us 
crowding us
dividing us

And while the world is no longer mine to give 
My heart still is 
as long as you're still willing to ride 
In and out of the light 


Dangerous Mind
United States 49awards
Joined 16th Apr 2013
Forum Posts: 770

Krylon King Part 2  ~ MET 


She asked, Could I really give her the world
The pout of her lips and raised eyebrow told me
she had her doubts

All it takes is a day, I promised

My pockets were filled with dust so,
There would be no movie and jumbo popcorn
No great concert nor candlelit dinner
I had no car so there'd be no driving to the beach to play in the waves

I took her to my temple 
Home of the Gods
Da Vinci 
Wings shaped by the Greeks and Egyptians 

I paid twenty five cents for both of us to enter
Paying a Suggested Donation, my salvation

I was bold in taking her hand 
Showing her the temples of the pharaohs 
I traced my hand over the cold hard ebony catacombs
It's pitch and facade reflected my usual veneer 
But that was not for today, not for her

I showed her the armor of the conquistadors 
The ones who saturated her Taino blood 

She told me she was to be a dancer
as we stood before the bronzed grace  of Degas
Without care she modeled every position right there for me 

Spanish Dancer
Arabesque Over Right Leg

She asked if I danced

I write

Show me

You'll fight against him
With anguished desperation
Doubting He's for you 

Close your eyes beloved
His susurrations fill you 
making you complete 

Your untold rapture
Bathes you in eternal pools
With your love for Him

With her pouted lips
And arched doubting brow
she asks,

Was that suppose to be about me,
And you

I don't know about you, but I was talking about me and God, I reply
You're a bad girl I see

She laughs, and I hear her sing

We spend the rest of the day walking 
in and out of the light of every part of the world
Talking about everything and nothing
At times just with our eyes

As I took her home and we entered the subway 
I hopped the turnstile as I often did 
Stretching out my hand for her to do the same 

Sometimes you have to take risks to get where you want to be, 
I winked

She dug in her bag, found a token and paid her fare

Sometimes a price has to be paid first to ride freely papi,
she smiled

And we continued our journey,
In and out of the light 


Dangerous Mind
United States 49awards
Joined 16th Apr 2013
Forum Posts: 770


I came with few expectations
Only wanting the simplest of pleasures
A stolen moment at best
That's what summer evenings bring
Warmth that envelopes you
Pierced by a breeze that quivers yet delights
To validate life and your sense of it in one quick passing

Didn't figure you'd invade my soul
Seeds planted in a setting sun took root and grew

The season changed
Leaves browned and withered
Yet your beauty remained constant
Still a sun kissed blossom
Reminding me of glorious days
And lusciously warm moonlit nights

It changes once again
Cool, crisp
Unrelenting is the inevitable passage of time
Unyielding is my desire like the storms surely to come


In the aftermath we're left to bring a sense of order back to it all
Yet the pure rapture of the unknown filled with thunder and moans is more comforting
Though strange and forbidden it's most desirable of all

This season will pass too
With its’ storms that cripple us
Making it hard to breathe or function in the routine
A new season will call
And new answers will have to be found
Just find them with me

Twisted Dreamer
United Kingdom
Joined 12th Apr 2011
Forum Posts: 24

We sat on the bed.
I was unsure. He told me
I was beautiful.

I did not melt in his arms.
I grew strong, and confident.
I kissed him back. And could not sleep
All night.

Thought Provoker
United Kingdom 5awards
Joined 19th Aug 2012
Forum Posts: 239

When I met my wife 55 years ago

She stood there like a film star, or so I thought
Red headed and radiant, a floral dress newly bought,
She agreed to a dance
This led to romance
By the end of the evening I was caught

Black Raven
Thought Provoker
United States 2awards
Joined 10th Apr 2013
Forum Posts: 262

My Love
The sunshine on your
face, is like looking  
into grace.
The glistening in your
eyes, tells me our
love will never die.
The warmth of your touch,
sends embers of fire
through me.
The sound of your voice,
is like a trickling stream.
Your soft wispers
comfort me.
Your gentle touch
protects me.
I know inside me,
that you will always
love me.

Strange Creature
Joined 20th Aug 2013
Forum Posts: 1

The first boy I kissed tasted like water, but not like rain.
He tasted more like the nickel water that comes out of the sink in my fourth-floor Flatbush walk-up.
Needless to say, we didn't last long;
From a young age, I knew I wanted bills, not spare change.

I had my second kiss in a movie theater.
We were pretending to watch that new James Bond movie,
and I had my hand on the armrest between the seats,
a bear trap waiting for his prepubescent, hairless paw.
Robby tasted like Twizzlers and fake butter and all the cravings that I didn't know what to call yet.
My dad picked us up at a quarter of nine.

Since then, I've been kissed a million times,
but I'm still waiting for the one that tastes like truth.

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