Poetry competition CLOSED 15th August 2013 3:34pm
Smoogej1s (Taylor)
View Profile Poems by Smoogej1s
RUNNER-UP: NorthernRamble

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How do you see true love

Twisted Dreamer
United States
Joined 7th June 2012
Forum Posts: 79

Poetry Contest

Write a poem about how you truly see true love

Fire of Insight
Iceland 14awards
Joined 15th Apr 2011
Forum Posts: 267

The Yin to the Yang

you are the light
to my dark
the love to
my wounded heart

the blue sky
to my clouds
and the sunshine
when the rains come down

you are the smile
to my frown
and a whisper
to my screaming sounds

you are the laugh
to my tears
and the strength
in all of my fears

you are the hug
to my shrug
an embrace
of over joyous love

you are the white
in the light
when the shadows
come creeping in at night

you are the calm
to my storm
a safe haven
when my demons swarm

you are the glue
that holds
when my fractures
start to show

you are the one
that I need
when my memories
wont stop haunting me

poet Anonymous

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poet Anonymous

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Fire of Insight
United States 10awards
Joined 29th May 2012
Forum Posts: 710

i'm writing this is cursive

i went to sleep  
and it was like  
80 degrees.  
you can't write numbers in cursive  
unless you spell them out  
or at least, i can't  
i'm awake now  
and it's freezing  
i just can't  
for the life of me  
explain this  
other feeling  
all i can say is  
i never mean to rhyme.  
i stopped writing in cursive  
but i still can't  
explain this  
other feeling  
just be a deer  
and tell me  
will i be alright?  
even if you have to lie  
like i am  
when i'm next to you  
this awake  
and when you're  
this asleep  
i tell you  
all the words  
i cannot speak  
when you're not unconscious  
and in between  
the sheets.  
when our bodies  
just barely meet  
and our souls  
merely bare  
to declare  
that's love  
if i had to take  
a whack at it  
or maybe its just  
i want to bring you down  
someone down  
anyone down  
to the same level  
as me  
a 5'2ish area  
that makes more cents  
to me  
then a sweatshop worker  
too much  

poet Anonymous

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Thought Provoker
New Zealand 6awards
Joined 23rd May 2010
Forum Posts: 311

Barely wounded

There's still a scar
And I love the fact that there's proof
Of what I survived

I remember; how I longed for this,
wonder; how wrong it could've turned
If I hadn't met your eyes

And I acknowledge that you couldn't see from the outside
The demons that worked their way in

But adore how you stood beside me still
after taking that tour under my skin

It's not like everything is a miracle
But you were made in the mould of an angel
There's only one you

And you've got a heart to last us both
With my trust and your hope;
Our whole hectic lives through

The truth is now that I'm barely wounded
My heart owes a half of itself to you

And with my ear to your chest as you hug me to death
I know I've now the whole world to lose

Twisted Dreamer
United States
Joined 7th June 2012
Forum Posts: 79

Thanks for these awesome starter poems guys <3<3

Twisted Dreamer
United States 2awards
Joined 16th July 2013
Forum Posts: 31


It is the most vicious pain in the heart,
it is the start of the steepest downfall.
It is every tear in the world, shed in liquid love.

God save the fool who loves,
save him from his folly,
for his heart is about to face a trial
of the rarest kind.
It is finding yourself, and losing it.
It is taking your soul and abusing it.

It is single handedly the most ridiculous,
ludicrous emotion,
based on faulty minds of all kinds.
It is a black hole, stealing all the light of your eyes,
it is the reaper in its best disguise.

Never succumb to its allure,
its beautiful siren song calls to all,
but it is not the pure bliss,
it is the devils kiss.

It is the poison of the world,
sowing discord,
hailing all those aboard to an early grave.

It is the most delicious forbidden fruit God ever gave.

Strange Creature
United States
Joined 25th July 2013
Forum Posts: 6

True love is the radiant
space between two beings;
starry-eyed souls
seeing the other.

Trapped in
eternity-walled rooms-

There are countless mirrors
in my room.
I stare too long
through two-way mirrors.
I know of others
who are content
to admire the one-ways.

Where is the window?

Fire of Insight
United States 3awards
Joined 7th Mar 2013
Forum Posts: 823

Random acts of unconditional love..

It's all in the hips.
The curves.
My queen's physique.
They speak for themselves. From afar, they scream, "TAKE NOTICE!!" Sleek and sensual,
the smooth ups and downs,
the joy ride of
hips and thigh.
The symphony springs forth
with all that is...
She has the perfect
hour glass
figure, the
classic Eve body.
I long for her,
I yearn to have her
curvy luscious body;
Stripped and bare,
and pressed firm
against my soul and body.
My hands make their way
to her curvaceous hips,
and draw her close.
Against my body,
I feel her warmth.
Against my skin,
I feel her ever soft,
and flesh.
Oh, hand,
do your dance,
as my fingers waltz
across her belly,
light enough to feel
a slight shiver
of the sensation.
make your way back,
over hip,
and down slightly
and there...
Her plumpness,
personified by her cute,
little butt.
My love
lets a lone breath escape,
across the nape of my neck,
with a gentle squeeze,
a soft moan
departs from her lips
to meet with my
Ever waiting ear drums.
tracing that
which makes my queen,
100% woman,
leaving behind a sensation
which releases
those much sought after
and endorphins
and chemicals
which so dearly I crave.
The essence of my queen.
Scent de love.
Chemicals released,
my thoughts race
for clarity
as my body does
that which is natural.
What was not,
now is.
Hand on cheek,
I draw her in.
Breath on breath.
Hearts beat in unison.
"I need you and you need me"
Her eyes shut
in the passion
of the moment.
Her lips,
two beautiful blushing saints
which I hold
so dearly,
connect with my
-thirsty for her love-
The majestic power
of desire.
And love.
And perfection.
And the,
"Blind to the world,
besides the woman before me".
My woman.
My love.
Soul mates.
Lips connect,
and silence.
My thoughts cease,
and silence.
Eyes closed,
I recognize within my mind,
that in my hands,
I hold my reason.
My very essence
for being,
my purpose to draw
the next breath.
Lips pressed,
tongues doing their dance,
I let slide
what I've held ever so patiently back, into her perfection.
A lover's passion erupts
in my heart
and srtrikes me to my soul,
and very core
of what makes me,
and I am overcome
with emotion
as I realize I have it.
She and I have...
The thing that drives a man.
The thing that everyone wants...
Looks for...
Man woman and child alike...
100% pure,
unconditional love.
Her nails dig deep
into my back as my manhood
is swallowed,
engulfed by her womanhood.
The perfection of life.
The sacred feminine.
Life producer,
and sustainer extraordinaire.
Muscles tense and throb
and in,
and in,
and in.
Tongues locked in passion,
breath heavy and deep,
hearts do the flutter
known only by lovers,
as they beat
in unison for one another.
Locked in the depths
and heat of passion,
soul mates eternal do their slow dance.
The dance of two becoming one.
Two souls,
fused as one.
And I.
And then the moment.
Bodies pressed firm.
Deep inside
that which I hold with absolute reverence,
our eyes open and meet.
Her eyes,
the most beautiful hues of brown,
the spark of passion
The light of love,
is ever present.
The mating of two souls
branded as one,
a love
lasting longer than forever
is set in stone,
cast in platinum
and solidified to stand
as a testament
to those seeking love.
Erected as a shrine
to house
the absolute truth
to those
seekers of love, of the eternal brand.
Our love,
a testimony of purity
in it's most righteous of forms, stands tall
as a beacon for others.
The perfect example.
Of love in it's purest of forms.
As we reach passion,
together as one,
our eyes lock and then...
Nothing else matters....
Nothing else exists...
The she..
And the I..
Just us..
A climax to rival
the tallest of structures
or mountains.
Such an immense burst of passion,
the angels cry.
As my soul
pours into her,
it's she,
and I.
Then calm.
And peace.
The gentle throb
of all that is woman.
The light pulse of
what was once limp.
The lovers rest.
Bodies pressed firm.
A slumber much earned.
The release of such an immense
radiant power
generated only,
by the fusing of two souls.
A rest much earned.
Two, fused as one, sleep.

Twisted Dreamer
United States
Joined 6th July 2013
Forum Posts: 32

Love is Devastating

Love made the whole world brighter,
It turned me from lazy into a fighter,
My mind wouldn't set me see a foot in front of me,
Her face was the only thing I seen,
I couldn't stop thinking about her night and day,
And when I was in her presence I couldn't think of what to say,
Every bad feeling was held at bay,
But sadly it ended in may,
Now its been months and she's still the only thing on my mind,
What I wouldn't do to rewind time,
Perhaps if I had it all to do over,
Ending love has a way of making one colder,
I sit in a dark room and can't stop thinking of her,
Thinking of when we were together remembering every word,
That you spoke to me,
I feel more in a cage now that I've been set free,
I still don't believe it now,
I'm stuck with a permanent frown

Written by a true Meenjataka

Gypsy Red
Dangerous Mind
United States 39awards
Joined 18th Aug 2011
Forum Posts: 896

My champion, where art thou?

Everyone tells me:  you need a man, a good man;
but what I really need… is a champion.
Someone willing to fight the demons that stalk me,
help me conquer the terrors the torment me,
taking on some of the heavy load that burdens me,
but most of all love me enough to truly SEE me...

Most women want man who
is financially stable, has a good job,
well educated, owns his own home,
even possesses a fancy car.

I need something different…

I need someone who can speak to my spirit,
someone that can caress my heart and move my soul;
capable of feeling my emotions even when
I am too afraid to speak them aloud,
he would easily know my desires ,
at times even before I know them myself.
He would feel my love, KNOW its there
although I am too terrified to show it,
because he is understands why I am afraid.

He would be bold, fearless and determined,
courageously stalking my heart
even when I ferociously try to fight it,
because he can read in my eyes
all the things I cannot say,
that I love, want and need him but fear
is the anathema that stops me from revealing it plain.

Many laugh and say…
"woman get real, those are girlish fancies ".
A part of me will not accept that,
I know beyond knowledge
that it is possible, that it does exist.
It has to.... Or else true love is a lie.
So I wonder day in and day out…
Where is my champion?
Does he exist?
Or is he really just a fantasy,
a girl’s childish myth…

Gypsy Red

poet Anonymous

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Darker Half
Dangerous Mind
Belize 16awards
Joined 5th Dec 2012
Forum Posts: 1263

Ultimate Mirage

I'm sitting here,
just trying to put my thoughts to words.
Trying my best to explain,
how I see true love.

It is an illusion,
meant to capture a young girl's heart.
A weapon for a guy
to rip it apart.

True love,
is an anecdote
meant for fairy tales.
No wands, or magic,
no pretty little animals,
nor a charming mate.

True love,
legendary as stories of ghosts.
People come to you preaching
this unknown feeling,
believe it you may, I don't.

In today's generation,
true love,
has come to extinction.
The term with no depth
sour now meaningless,
I have no heart to believe in it,
I am faithless.

It is not real,
a hallucination,
the constricted chest,
of an unborn sensation.
It is a trick,
of the minds way of sabotage.
Don't fall in too deep. so reality check,
my advise, as a friend.
True love, is the ultimate Mirage.

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