Poetry competition CLOSED 23rd August 2013 4:57pm
EngrVV (D_Poetic Engineer)
View Profile Poems by EngrVV



Twisted Dreamer
United States
Joined 5th June 2013
Forum Posts: 6

Poetry Contest

I challenge you all to write a poem, story, or song based on a influencing figure in your life.

Fire of Insight
Iceland 14awards
Joined 15th Apr 2011
Forum Posts: 267

Drawing Strength From a Star

in a world so dark and full of pain
and every reason to be insane
within the darkness shining bright
without a reason to see the light

seeing the world as a better place
spreading love with a warm embrace
while fighting demons and kicking ghost
a vision that is lost on most

a simple thought for all to think
a simple vision for us to see
an inspiration for all of whom
fight the dark, the dread and doom

when the universe turns and the power shifts
and this life has taken all there is
with a hug to give and an ear to lend
a special person i call my friend

a connection felt into the soul
a forgotten place I used to know
where my smile has gone to try to hide
you look in me and see my light

you make me see that I can be
full of love AND misery
that its ok to feel the pain
and sometimes fine to be insane

my gratitude I send to you
for being here to help me through
knowing you don't want the praise
it's offered to you all the same

poet Anonymous

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Dangerous Mind
United States 49awards
Joined 16th Apr 2013
Forum Posts: 770

"Old" - new? writes

Dangerous Mind
United States 49awards
Joined 16th Apr 2013
Forum Posts: 770


(A true encounter)

He floats within my mind
seeking unbound skies

His swagger stings
my soul daring me forward
for all my worth

I can still remember his greatest poem without pause nor reservation

He stood before a crowd
in protest of the war
Someone yelled,
"Hey champ gives us a poem!"

He stretched out his arms
as if to embrace the throngs
and declared,


Then, with hands on chest
and head slightly bowed,
delivered the final stanza


At 11 years old I was invited to see him train

He passed by me,
stopped and looked within
my shaken doe eyes and asked,

"Are you good in school?"

I barely stumbled, "Yes"

"Are you good to your mom and dad?"

A whisper of yes again

He shook his head in mock

"You're not doing you're job young prince. Don't settle for good, work at great"

He did then with his hands and his voice what I now seek with mine
To challenge one's self
one round at a time

Dangerous Mind
United States 49awards
Joined 16th Apr 2013
Forum Posts: 770

Southern Symphony

I lead her through the curtains of Spanish moss
that hang from boughs of
antediluvian oaks
O'er tufted turquoise and emerald feathers
a venerable tapestry that crackles under our bare feet in this great symphony hall  

the sun within its' cradle
cast pirouetting silhouettes about the hallowed creek

I show her her seat

Hollowed water reed for a baton in my hand
My orchestra of fiddlers moving about silkened sand

My body cascading rhythms of shadow and light
Syncopate the the fiddlers in eventide delight

A chorus of crickets begins to call
a troupe of fireflies to dance across the cerulean hall

A final crescendo of rippling waves moves o'er the darkened  pit
Resonating echoes of applause
in the marshy thicket

Now the moon has flooded the stage for yet another performance

He will lead the stars above

She claps for me and yells, "Bravo maestro, bravo!"

Bowed in curtain call stance,
I can only say, "Thank you, dear lady. Thank you indeed"

A reflection on my recent reading of "A Murmur in the Trees - Poems by Emily Dickinson"


D_Poetic Engineer
Dangerous Mind
United States 35awards
Joined 11th Sep 2012
Forum Posts: 2212

My Adelaide

My Adelaide--you amazed me
in so many pleasant ways;
you're smart and lovely,
elegant and compassionate.
You walk the walk, you talk the talk,
and your actions speak louder
in your own philanthropic ways.

You gain respect with your attitude
and mutual admiration among your peers,
and above all you have a heart so pure
filled with love and nothing more.

I admired your sense of humor
when you said, “Cars run on water.”
Nobody has the courage to argue,
for you got a strong conviction.
You have subtle ways of saying things;
somebody has to pay attention,
or else they lose your love and affection.

You were just blooming—my lovely Adelaide
just like the violet flowers from your farm
when I was first attracted by your charm.
We both sucked the nectars with desires--
longing for something, we can’t explain;
we didn’t know then that was a prelude
to a love eternal...our spirits shall exude.

Your eyes which can see through my mortal soul
and your silky, long flowing hair - an envy
of every damsels in town, including the winged dainty Lady
who lives in the nearby mountain - her kingdom by the sea.

I’ve always dreamt about you every single night
trying to recreate that moment when I held you tight;
I can still feel your warm, soft body next to mine
as we embraced--and kissed--for the very first time!

Oh my Adelaide--my lovely Adelaide
the bittersweet memories, shall I regret?
For only in my dreams could I,
make love with you after that fateful night.

Who would have thought that we shall meet again
if not by stroke of Fate, then what could have been;
your silent prayers could have reached the heavens,
when you claimed me that night…
a night - both of us won’t ever forget!

My Adelaide--you are the reason
I was able to fly once more!
Day after day you encourage my dreams,
uplift my spirits and inspire my heart;
without you, no poems could have been written.
You challenge me to be the best as I can be,
and transform me in every way;
yet you love me for who I am,
and not for what--you want me to be.

Sometimes I think it would be better
that you just pierce my loving heart,
so I won’t feel the pain of your heartache -
a secret: I promised to keep till the end.
Let’s forget the past and enjoy the present;
savor every moment as if it’s our last.

The doctors said you have a murmuring heart
when I took you to the emergency ward;
it was absolutely true for you never really shout
what you truly feel deep inside.
As I sat down beside your hospital bed,
and watched you while asleep;
I prayed solemnly to God to take me instead,
for you don’t deserve to leave early
with your dreams--and hopes--partially fulfilled.

In these times of uncertainty
when all your needs and fear collide
just remember I’m always by your side;
set aside your pride, my lovely Adelaide
to me you can always confide.

Have faith in the Lord above, leave your worries behind;
be happy at all times and live your life to the fullest.
Set your mind to automatic cruise control,
and let your love--guide its course.

(Adelaide who was my childhood sweetheart was the most influential person why I write love poems. After 43 years of not having seen each other, we met again by a lucky stroke of Fate, and now we're back in each other's arms.)

Thought Provoker
United States 1awards
Joined 9th July 2013
Forum Posts: 116

i once had this dog
i mean it wasn't
my dog
was just
this bitch that
kept following me
but i finally
got rid of

Darker Half
Dangerous Mind
Belize 16awards
Joined 5th Dec 2012
Forum Posts: 1263

Mr. Dad

His father died,
in front of him when he was ten.
He had gotten into a bar fight,
and some one had chopped off his head.

He reached home,
acted like nothing happened.
My dad saw his cranium hit the floor,
turning the rug, red.

He grew up
in a poor house hold.
A house made of clay,
and a ground made up of cardboard.

He was the oldest
of nine kids.
He had to take care of them,
like they were his.

As he grew older,
he join our country's defensive force.
Where he met my mother,
but after so much domestic violence,
later on divorced.

He raise three girls,
and brought up his own business.
And now, he is a well known,
very talented tattoo artist.
He might BE hard to deal with,
he's a perfectionist.
But Dammit!, I love him
just the way he is.

He is Mr. Dad.
He is fun, and cool.
He takes no bullshit.
Tattooing is his fuel.
You might not believe me,
but this is all truth.

Because of his encouragement,
I wouldn't have lived this long.
He made me see that mistake I did,
and helped me to grow into a proud young woman.
because of him I am strong.
He temperature rises when he's mad,
but that happens to me at times,
after all, he is my Dad.

poet Anonymous

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poet Anonymous

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D_Poetic Engineer
Dangerous Mind
United States 35awards
Joined 11th Sep 2012
Forum Posts: 2212

Thank you lastday20 for the win...congratulations Kitty and to everyone who participated!

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