Poetry competition CLOSED 4th August 2013 8:56am
EngrVV (D_Poetic Engineer)
View Profile Poems by EngrVV


One night with your favorite famous poet.

Dangerous Mind
United States 15awards
Joined 24th July 2011
Forum Posts: 1722

Poetry Contest

A fantasy
I was thinking it would be awesome to write a poem about one night with your favorite famous poet.

Collabs welcome..
New work
No length or structure
3 posts at most.

I'll give my example..
I would love to know who is whose favorite and if you had the opportunity what it is you would do with them..

Dangerous Mind
United States 15awards
Joined 24th July 2011
Forum Posts: 1722

Perform for caged animals like me...

As a child
I never knew about poetry...

I had no idea
there were famous people
that would write about
lifes tragedies

in such beautiful ways

I never knew about structure
grammar was as foreign
as love

in my household

I never knew about notoriety
and that it meant unfavorable....

So I decided to travel
back in time

and meet Emily..

She was as beautiful as
her protest

that never wavered

savored every steamy second
of her

sexual anxiety

an appetite so searing
it saturated societies "norm"

born to perform

caged animals
like me...

She unlocked the chains
and invited me over

to "eat"

and it just so happened

I had never been more hungry
then I was last night.....

We ate like
starving wolves

and the moon.....

Nourished the sounds
of our genius

poet Anonymous

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Fire of Insight
United States 8awards
Joined 29th Aug 2009
Forum Posts: 415

(the poet: Emily Dickinson)

A beauty such as hers, has given to me life,
From her ink came my death,
A appreciation for the passing of time.
The forgotten,
The mysterious,
The unusual.

She planted a garden in my heart -
Big enough to encompass all,
Deep enough to bury the dead,
Open enough to let them pass,
And breath in new life.

poet Anonymous

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Dangerous Mind
United States 49awards
Joined 16th Apr 2013
Forum Posts: 770

Southern Symphony

I lead her through the curtains of Spanish moss
that hang from boughs of
antediluvian oaks
O'er tufted turquoise and emerald feathers
a venerable tapestry that crackles under our bare feet in this great symphony hall  

the sun within its' cradle
cast pirouetting silhouettes about the hallowed creek

I show her her seat

Hollowed water reed for a baton in my hand
My orchestra of fiddlers moving about silkened sand

My body cascading rhythms of shadow and light
Syncopate the the fiddlers in eventide delight

A chorus of crickets begins to call
a troupe of fireflies to dance across the cerulean hall

A final crescendo of rippling waves moves o'er the darkened  pit
Resonating echoes of applause
in the marshy thicket

Now the moon has flooded the stage for yet another performance

He will lead the stars above

She claps for me and yells, "Bravo maestro, bravo!"

Bowed in curtain call stance,
I can only say, "Thank you, Miss Dickinson. Thank you indeed"

A reflection on my recent reading of "A Murmur in the Trees - Poems by Emily Dickinson"


Dangerous Mind
United States 49awards
Joined 16th Apr 2013
Forum Posts: 770



We moved through the swinging brass and mahogany doors of the Lounge into the Zebra Room
my Lena and I

There was Uncle
At His table
Scotch over rocks in one hand
Lit chalk in the other
For lessons would be taught

I called him Uncle
For that's the way it was
A man was either
or Sir
otherwise not a man at all

Billie was cascading through the speakers
I could hear
Scag in her veins
Scotch over rocks in one hand
Lit chalk in the other
For lessons would be taught

Uncle greeted us, my Lena always first
He embraced her as my candle
Yet told her at times she'd have to be the switch

"Baby girl, don't let him serve up no Suga Honey  Iced Tea,"
he warns her nodding towards me

She smiled, "No problema Tio, I don't take his shit"

I ignore their laughter and simply hand him my notebook

round one

Uncle took deep drags of his cigarette as he read
He  was the only man who's fire, smoke and ash I could tolerate
It lingered over us
As ethereal as his mind and pen




"Listen to that children," he said as he closed his eyes, "Listen to Coltrane's sound."  

"Do you hear the rhythm within the rhythm?  He asked
The internal rhyme?
That's what you want son.
That's what you need to find"

round three

"Give your people a voice whenever you can.  
We've been taught our skin is our shame,
but wear it like a peacock over the sand so they'll know your name"

round five

The lessons continued




final round

"Do you write best when you're loving baby girl here hard, or fighting her hard?"

"Both," I answered without hesitation

"Then fight her hard, but love her hardest."

I knew he wrote best when his heart was broken
Broken by




We said our goodbyes, sweet nectar consumed
Lena leaned into him and whispered in Spanish
They laughed again, and once again it's ignored

We stepped out in front of the vermillion facade of the


A poster in the window declared  

"A Night of Poetry and Essays in Elegance with Langston Hughes
August 3, 1966"

He never got to read to the Harlem faithful that night

I'm just grateful he read me  


Dangerous Mind
United States 49awards
Joined 16th Apr 2013
Forum Posts: 770


(A true encounter)

He floats within my mind
seeking unbound skies

His swagger stings
my soul daring me forward
for all my worth

I can still remember his greatest poem without pause nor reservation

He stood before a crowd
in protest of the war
Someone yelled,
"Hey champ gives us a poem!"

He stretched out his arms
as if to embrace the throngs
and declared,


Then, with hands on chest
and head slightly bowed,
delivered the final stanza


At 11 years old I was invited to see him train

He passed by me,
stopped and looked within
my shaken doe eyes and asked,

"Are you good in school?"

I barely stumbled, "Yes"

"Are you good to your mom and dad?"

A whisper of yes again

He shook his head in mock

"You're not doing you're job young prince. Don't settle for good, work at great"

He did then with his hands and his voice what I now seek with mine
To challenge one's self
one round at a time

poet Anonymous

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poet Anonymous

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D_Poetic Engineer
Dangerous Mind
United States 35awards
Joined 11th Sep 2012
Forum Posts: 2212

A Toast Once More (TO EDGAR ALLAN POE)

It was a cold September night when I first met you
Trying to memorize your poem--which I had no clue
Wished my teacher did not assign to me: The Raven
It was too long, but can’t complain what was given
Reading upon so many lines--until break of dawn
My mouth became so dry, I could hardly yawn.

Since that cold night you lived within my aching heart
I tried to write a poem, but didn’t know how to start
Wished you were here--so you could be my mentor
Having memorized your poems, I became I good orator
Not only that--I graduated with the highest honor
Regardless of my financial status and family demeanor.

Five decades ago and ninety-six full moons have passed
My teen-age dream to see you was fulfilled at last
Even if it was only on the silver screen--somewhere in Maryland
At least I’m closer to you now, yet so far from my native land
I would love to go and visit your burial ground in Baltimore
So I can continue a tradition, and give you a toast once more!

D_Poetic Engineer
Dangerous Mind
United States 35awards
Joined 11th Sep 2012
Forum Posts: 2212

Cold Summer: 2013

it was a cold morning
middle of July,
as I was about
to leave
the house…
a sparrow dived,
and messed up
my car window with
its shit…
“don’t leave yet…
I need a fucking
drink,” the sparrow spoke
to me,
sitting on the
of my car door.
“don’t you remember
I’m Charles…
we used to be
drinking buddies
when you were
in California.
upon my death
my spirit was in limbo
until the gods
put me
house sparrow.”

D_Poetic Engineer
Dangerous Mind
United States 35awards
Joined 11th Sep 2012
Forum Posts: 2212

Jasmine-Scented Pathways

As we leisurely walk, I wonder how
My wishes--have all come true!
Here I am, holding hands with you
Along jasmine-scented pathways—
Leading to the nearby park
I used to only dream about these days
When you and I will be together
Nothing else matters, but us—
And the beauty of nature around us:
The birds singing a wonderful sound
Praising the daylight on the top
Of the tall sycamore trees—with their leaves
Casting shadows, towering tall above us
Gently kissed by the early morning frost.

We like to walk early unlike Robert who enjoys a late walk
Neighbors walk their dogs on leashes while others jog,
As they say hello every time they pass by
Along the same jasmine-scented pathways—
What a peaceful and pleasant sight it is
Every weekend mornings, rain or shine
In our neck of the woods—our own Eden!
Everybody is sharing the same path
Although, some are going opposite ways
I hate to think that one of these days,
We will also be going opposite ways—
Just because we forgot how Fate
Has brought us back together,
And vowed to love each other forever…

D_Poetic Engineer
Dangerous Mind
United States 35awards
Joined 11th Sep 2012
Forum Posts: 2212

Thank you Devilish for the recognition...much appreciated!

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