Poetry competition CLOSED 20th July 2013 1:04am
diddi (Paul Summerscales)
View Profile Poems by diddi
RUNNERS-UP: marielavoue and Kou_Indigo

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Sudden Impact:  Battle Of The DUP Superheroes!

Tyrant of Words
Joined 1st Apr 2011
Forum Posts: 8459

Shawl of justice

Peter was ending his days
with the agony of tuberculosis upon him
his bed was flanked by three old women dressed in black shawls
who were whispering novenas at his skin

one of the women,
the loudest of the three
rested her big eyes at the foot of his bed
so she could see when his toes had stopped twitching
then she lowered her head and wailed

she'd always seen herself as a hero
in her mind, she'd saved a thousand damned souls
from burning in the pits of hell
she was certain of this
because she'd seen the kinds of things they got up to
while they were living

poet Anonymous

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Guardian of Shadows
United States 30awards
Joined 17th Feb 2013
Forum Posts: 2318

Yay!  Craic and Kitty are in---woooooo!  *Rings cowbell again*

Jessica Jennifer Ashton
Dangerous Mind
United States 44awards
Joined 15th Sep 2011
Forum Posts: 1963

- Hero or Villain? -

What doth it ever mean to be a hero, or to be a villain?
Aye, and therein lays the trap in which souls are caught!
For when we ponder the game, whether we lose or win,
We become distracted, and wandering in our thought.
My powers are simple, yet my they are mighty indeed,
For to influence the minds of others is quite the gift!
Is that not the power of poetry, to grant fantasy’s need?
Or, to remind men of their darkness, and what is left,
When the dust settles and proud cities lie wholly broken!
Love and war, hate and peace, such opposite polarities…
Yet all are at a poet’s disposal, in many a verse’s token,
To lend strength to one’s power, for a thousand eternities!
With a softly spoken word, I could make thee love me…
Or I could fill thee with such dread that thou dost despair.
Mighty to strive, and mighty to fall if one must for destiny,
Fall so low, that one can no longer behold the sky or air!
Is poetic power super, just because it can create wonders?
Nay, for there is more to power than crafting of delights!
I would craft a poem that is equal parts glory and thunder,
In the name of my hopes, my dreams, and all my rights.
A super hero or heroine always hath a cause to strive for,
Even when one is cast in the role of the villain, oft aright!
I hath been good and evil, and I hath also been far more,
For with all my power, I look beyond frail mortal sight.

Ever I hath been the outsider, the one some called alien,
And that is but one source of my extraordinary abilities!
Is persuasion not an art; is seduction not a game, to win?
And I have been playing since the dawn of all eternities.
Mighty as a warrior queen, simple as an angel’s singing,
Such is power; such is imagination that leads to creation!
Let heroes like Hercules come, their muscles bringing…
They are easily felled by a woman’s softest ministration.
And I am one part male and female, with double the skill,
To seduce and to set ablaze, to create and so to destroy!
For one cannot happen without the other, good and ill…
And to win the game, one must play with a soul as a toy.
Shall I play rough, or shall I play by the fairest of rules?
A hero wouldst stand by some code and live and die so.
But heroes are sometimes too moral, and thusly fools…
I prefer to bend the wind to my will, causing it to blow!
Darkness and light in one heart, I am entire, complete,
And all will kneel before me in time, at the altar of love.
For love is power, and through it both fell and sweet…
One may consume all, even unto Heaven so high above!
There is no diabolical plot, nor even a grand conspiracy,
Only desire, pure and simple; driving me like a beacon.
I care nothing for the rules that govern most of society,
For I only ever play to win, and so let the games begin!

I do not boast of my knowledge, or of all that I can do…
Though, it would fill libraries, and drive some insane!
Knowledge is power; it is a power both false and true,
But to obtain it is no blessing, nor any prize to gain…
The hero Gilgamesh sought such and he lost his mind.
But what I found, it changed me in many lovely ways,
Whilst my peers chose other paths, to be left behind…
And I survive; I endure, just like the sun’s bright rays.
Oh the heroes men worship, what arrogance they had!
But we who work our arts unseen do greater than any.
I obtained knowledge, and was not by it driven mad…
I am the one; I am the alpha, omega, and the many!
There is poetry in that, and in that poetry is greatness.
Is that not all a hero or heroine could hope to attain?
And if I am the villain then I shall be evil’s mistress!
In pleasure’s craft I am second to none, as with pain:
Remaking evil in my own image, refining it purely…
Imposing my light upon the darkness, until it is ideal.
I am a woman, but I need not always act demurely…
For: I am a champion, and I stand for something real!
Many battles hath I fought, many games I hath won,
And more await me, so that the fight is never ending.
I welcome it, for it means that my hour hath begun…
And I can unleash my power, creating and rending!

Jessica Jennifer Ashton
Dangerous Mind
United States 44awards
Joined 15th Sep 2011
Forum Posts: 1963

- Girl of Steel -

Don’t you think you know me, baby,
I’m a mystery, a mystery, can’t you see!
Well maybe I’m from another planet…
Or maybe I’m the girl next door!
I’m not your average Jane or Janet…
My name is Jessica; I’ll rock your world!
Don’t try to figure out a goddess, baby,
I’m a mystery, a mystery, can’t you see!
If you don’t like how I make you feel…
That’s too bad; I’m the Girl of Steel!

Oh yeah, I’m the Girl of Steel!
I’ll spin you around just like a wheel…
And maybe I’ll save your day!
Or maybe I’ll just blow you away.
I’m the Girl of Steel!

Don’t you think you understand, babe,
I’ve been to places some can’t imagine!
Well maybe I’m from another galaxy…
Or maybe I’m closer than your arm!
I’m here to save the day, that’s just me…
With my heat vision, I’ll keep you warm!
Don’t try to figure out a legend, baby,
I’m a mystery, a mystery, can’t you see!
If you don’t like how I make you feel…
That’s too bad; I’m the Girl of Steel!

Oh yeah, I’m the Girl of Steel!
I’ll spin you around just like a wheel…
And maybe I’ll save your day!
Or maybe I’ll just blow you away.
I’m the Girl of Steel!

Don’t you think I’m awesome, baby?
I take you flying past the speed of light!
Well maybe I’m from another universe…
Or maybe I’m from your backyard!
I’m hardly perfect, but it could be worse…
At least I can keep you safe from harm!
Don’t try to figure out a superhero, baby,
I’m a mystery, a mystery, can’t you see!
If you don’t like how I make you feel…
That’s too bad; I’m the Girl of Steel!

Oh yeah, I’m the Girl of Steel!
I’ll spin you around just like a wheel…
And maybe I’ll save your day!
Or maybe I’ll just blow you away.
I’m the Girl of Steel!

Guardian of Shadows
United States 30awards
Joined 17th Feb 2013
Forum Posts: 2318

Yay--Kou's in! Wooooo! *rings cowbell again * :D

poet Anonymous

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poet Anonymous

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Gypsy Red
Dangerous Mind
United States 39awards
Joined 18th Aug 2011
Forum Posts: 896


DU Brawlers( just for laughs)
Magda, Strider, Grace, Kitty,
Colonel, Ken, RTurtle
and me, Gypsy, BTW these are my superheroes!  
(Just for laughs)

DU Brawlers

Let me tell you a story:  
One day I was doing the usual,  
batting my lashes  at the boys  
like I normally do,
all of a sudden a new guy  
comes though  
and decides he doesn’t like  
the boys bawdy hullabaloo.  
He got salty and his tank was full,
busted Rturtle in the chops
Slapped Magda on the rump,
pinched Grace on the mams  
and stomped Ken’s big toe;  
I’ll be damned, what a shmuck!
The Colonel got his boxers in a twist,  
“how dare this cad do this”!
So he decided to pull out his gun
and shoot this varmint in the bunns.
Problem was the colonel was loaded  
and his aim was not great, he noted.
“Dangit hold still I said, take it like man!”
Meanwhile Stider is laid back in the cut  
watching the girls giving lick for lick,  
doing their girly stuff.
He’s a lover not a fighter  
he’s watching the girls and chuckling.  
Some how the gypsy’s chunky butt  
gets knocked over  
and she ends up  
on the bottom of the dog pile  
feeling like rover!
Kitty is in the corner  
feeling like a damsel in distress
there will be hell to pay
if they mess her dress!
Oh what a fine mess this is!
Its just another day  
at the DU Bar&Grill, join in!

Gypsy Red

Gypsy Red
Dangerous Mind
United States 39awards
Joined 18th Aug 2011
Forum Posts: 896

Prosaic Seeds

Living vicariously
through the words I read
I exercise the emotions
in my ink that bleeds
on paper confections
temporarily fulfilling
my passion’s hungry need.

As is no other option
is readily available to me
unfortunately all I have is
what my eyes can greedily see
so in the blessed daytime
from you my troubadour I take  
and at night in my dreams
my incessant hunger I slake.

How sad but very true
that this love affair exist
only in an ink of black or blue
hidden within these pages
unfolding in small stages
at the mercy of our pen
that makes its annotations
at the work days end.

Woe for I have become
addicted and dependent
hungering for the next read
unapologetically expectant
starved for your prosaic seeds
germinating in my imagination
growing by bounds and leaps
with every poetic citation.

Gypsy Red

poet Anonymous

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Guardian of Shadows
United States 30awards
Joined 17th Feb 2013
Forum Posts: 2318

Anonymous said:<< post removed >>

Miki--Anna is hosting a comp for under 25 wins, where you have to write as a villian:  http://deepundergroundpoetry.com/forum/competitions/read/5520/

She mentioned to me that she wants to have the top 3 winners from this comp, face off against the top 3 winners in her comp, for a Superheroes Vs. Villains showdown, once they're both over.  

(and Miki, Gypsy and Strider are in!  Wooooooo!  *Rings Cowbell again* LOL)

Guardian of Shadows
United States 30awards
Joined 17th Feb 2013
Forum Posts: 2318

Just a head's up: this comp is ending tonight, and if anyone wants to help choose a winner and runner ups,  start thinking about your choices and message me with who you choose. I'll declare the winners tomorrow night, to give time for vote entries if any interest.  Great job, everyone who's entered thus far!

Guardian of Shadows
United States 30awards
Joined 17th Feb 2013
Forum Posts: 2318

And the winners are:  First place=  Diddi/Paul Summerscales (<---very cool name, BTW!)  LOL
runner ups:  Gypsy Red and Kou Indigo/Jessica!  Congrats to all, and great job everyone who entered!

Stay tuned, you 3 winners--as soon as Anna declares the winners in her villains comp, we'll be setting up a special comp just for you 6 to face off against each other for a final showdown of Superheroes vs. Villains!  

Paul Summerscales
Dangerous Mind
United Kingdom 36awards
Joined 18th Dec 2009
Forum Posts: 1592

Oh cool , thank's for the win and congrats to Gypsy red and Kou indigo !  :)

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