Poetry competition CLOSED 23rd July 2013 5:58pm
diddi (Paul Summerscales)
View Profile Poems by diddi
RUNNER-UP: DevilWearsTampax

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What would be your dimension? Create your own

Thought Provoker
United States 2awards
Joined 30th Aug 2012
Forum Posts: 86

Poetry Contest

Up to 2 entries, any style of poetry. be yourself. Will accept old poems

poet Anonymous

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poet Anonymous

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Gypsy Red
Dangerous Mind
United States 39awards
Joined 18th Aug 2011
Forum Posts: 896

Your Seduction
Smooth as the finest silk
my seduction slides in slow;
into your dreams and fantasies,
easy,… baby easy, watch me flow.
I am your imagination come to life
anything you could possibly wish,
every dark desire I can bring to light
mysterious, nasty, naughty or nice,
preternatural or supernatural.
What is your choice of delight?
From dreams you called out to me,
I am your temptation incarnate,
whatever your mind can conceive
I become, for your pleasure’s enjoyment.
Every passion filled scenario you ever wished,
every erotic morsel, I serve you, I am your dish.
Within this realm there is nothing you cannot have,
nothing is prohibited and all is yours on demand.
For your benefit, a body hugging dress,
in a favorite color worn at your behest,
flawlessly groomed smooth alabaster skin,
pampered from toes to chin,
sweet smelling body oils and a perfume that compels,
all machinations to make you sin as your body swells.
A kiss of my soft petaled lips
makes you grind your pelvis into my ample hips,
holding me firm within your fierce grip,
I can become… Baavanshee,
Rougarou, Voodou Queen,
Skinwalker, Witch, or Burlesque dream
which would you have me be;
a submissive, is that your flavor tonight?
Some manner Succubae,
whatever you need, behold before your eyes…
It is my magic as you can see,
to create and become whatever you need of me,
so long as it is contained within the realm of dreams .  
I am your Delilah of the night,
in this our place, our souls collide;
you can make me feel anything
from sunset and your sunrise.
This hunger and longing I can not willingly resist,
the timbre of your voice's calling
brings me into solid form
out of your dream’s mist.
The carnal knowledge of this dreamscape
renders me unable to relinquish
this vice for your body’s taste;
your male musk is ambrosia
and I am your seductress.

Gypsy Red

poet Anonymous

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poet Anonymous

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D_Poetic Engineer
Dangerous Mind
United States 35awards
Joined 11th Sep 2012
Forum Posts: 2212

Generation HH: Seventh Dimension

Quantum physics and nano-technology combined
defied logic and conventional methodology;
New science frontiers in the horizon
waiting to be explored: a new dimension!

We now have the parallel dimension
between the living and the dead;
The third being the realms of fantasy,
where black and white magic endlessly battle
for supremacy on their vast dominions.
The fourth, fifth and sixth dimensions
already have taken their claims;
so I take the seventh, on this seventh month,
where a new era of human hybrids shall begin.
Across the seven seas, and over the seventh hill;
My kingdom shall be built
on top of the seventh mountain
where I’m going to rule, fair and square
together with the Burlesque Queen.

Ambrosia shall be served on a daily basis
so when men perspire, their smell of ambrosia
shall fill the kingdom with a scented musk;
Enough to attract women from another dimensions
so we can procreate a variety of human hybrids
from which the future HH generations shall be born.

Lost Thinker
India 1awards
Joined 23rd Feb 2013
Forum Posts: 58

I am a person of sixth dimension,
My Ist dimension is Love.....
Sending the messages to those who loves me .....via Dove.

I am a person of sixth dimension,
My second dimension is Hate.....
Sending the messages to those who hates me .....via Fates.

I am a person of sixth dimension,
My third dimension is Fear.....
Sending the messages to those who afraid me .....via Sheer.

I am a person of sixth dimension,
My Fourth dimension is Smile.....
Sending the messages to those who Shares jokes with me .....from a mile.

I am a person of sixth dimension,
My Fifth dimension is Grace.....
Sending the messages to those who respects me .....to keep them in Trace.

I am a person of sixth dimension,
My sixth dimension is Sound.....
Sending the messages to those who listen me .....so that they bound.

Guardian of Shadows
Joined 25th Aug 2011
Forum Posts: 6318

Living Parallel lives

An ache a twinge
A silent cringe
An expletive uttered
Echoes in twos
Across the sphere

Laughter of children
The hoots of owls
The whisper of wind
Across the roof
Twine entwine heard

Gossamer fingers
whispers of caresses
the ardent lover smiles
kisses met in sunsets
felt at dawn in another

Friends and families
Laughter and merriment
One just gently smile
Into the distance
Answered by the other

Thin gossamer walls
Divides the distance
Of past, present and future
A heartbeat away
across the universe.

Strange Creature
United States 2awards
Joined 16th July 2013
Forum Posts: 8

The Land of Solitude in Loneliness and Nostalgia

Magnificent non-existence looms afar;
an endless aftermath of the rising hues
pinks and reds.

All the world ceases to be.
Ceases to breathe.

The only hope is the midnight cry of the raven.
I trudge onward,
while these ashes called nostalgia dance,
upon the biting wind.
Reminiscent of the setting hues
Pinks and reds.

Paul Summerscales
Dangerous Mind
United Kingdom 36awards
Joined 18th Dec 2009
Forum Posts: 1592

Another Dimension  

Limited perception
the cause of religious deception .
Standing within an ornate chateau
thats positioned on a discular plateau .
Gasping on violet tarnished air
fly with the silver coated crows
even though  
your not physically there .
Domed and conical moulded towns
where evocative sorcerers live
wearing ruby and emerald encrusted gowns.
Dominant irregular pillars
of adjacent
jagged rock
peer between and watch
the ancient sorcerers flock
they dance beneath an inane
stagnant clock .
Huge suspended
and compressed
lunar eyes
which are glaring at you
through scarlet incomprehendable
infinitive tiger breath skies .
You see the sabre teeth
you think all of what you have will be bequeathed.
Try to conceive
how to breath ,
your a crow now
you dont have any sleeves
Sand dunes
of granular
opal ,encrusted jewels,
they create tear rippling pools
of emotion,
promotion ,of concept  
its mental dialect .
Whilst in this dimension
your in suspension
so while you can perambulate  
before its too late ,

Alexander Case
Fire of Insight
Joined 16th June 2013
Forum Posts: 972


Dark Dimension

The Lover

Can I touch your face
while you talk to me?
So I can feel your smile
that perfect smile.
Let me feel the intensity and heat
when you grow tired of me.
Can I catch your tears
and break their flow with my lips?
Your laughter
not justified
with a simple touch
for my soul could never grow weary of such a song
nor could angels
not be delighted by such happiness.

And all I want to do is see your ageless face
that smile, its effortless beauty
my permanent light.

Thank God I still have a voice
to speak these words to you
and a mouth to kiss your naked body.
All the intensity of love is held within our embrace
locked within our arms
pressed against our chests.
What a sight it must be
as we slide together effortlessly.

We anticipate, we regress
hold me so I don’t forget.

The Artist

My words
they sound the same
but feel encrypted
a cryptic page of words
that once
were mine
but no longer
do they slide so smoothly
under my fingertips.
Can you read it to me
and tell me what you see?
To me, my words are nothing
and my pages
remain empty.

I have a book you say?
A visionary they say?
Do they mock me?
Does not the reader comprehend my mind
or appreciate my insights?

This apparent book of mine,
in hand feels malnourished.
Does it bear my name?
Does it really matter at all?

If you want
if you care
I’ll be in the studio working
shaping and forging steel
fusing metal with immense bursts of energy.
Careless, unprotected eyes searching
for a faint blue light.

It gives me something
perhaps selfish, perhaps
but it is something real
permanent and solid.

No people, no strangers, no doubt.
just me immersed in my
Dark Dimension.

No time machine,
nor spacecraft
transported me.
I became a prisoner
in a dream.
The world exists
but the black tenacious
resinous substance called
light is quite alien.

Written by Alexander Case

poet Anonymous

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poet Anonymous

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Thought Provoker
United States 5awards
Joined 6th Dec 2012
Forum Posts: 125

"Bale's confused optics"

A smooth summer breeze
The sun beats down on me
Yet I don't sweat
And I try my best
To forget what was said
From your poisoned tongue

Do my optics fail me?
My world changes
Flips upside down
The sky is red
And the grass dances brown
what world have I stepped into?
I stop so profound

The trees start to talk
As they grab my attention
Bizarre, yes
But I don't question
The sun casts it's light
As it shows me my path
Still I think of you
As I continue to pass

Fairies buzz
as they tickle my senses
I can't stop laughing
They lower my defenses
This is all to odd
A wonderland?
Or a valley of the dark?

As little men run towards me
my senses dull
It's hard to hear
And it's hard to smell
What is this place?
I'm so lost here
I want control!
I demand!
For now I'm stuck
in this mystery land

Blood splatted everywhere
The trees are all dead
What the fuck is happening
I've lost my head!
No little men run now
I hear no footsteps
The fairies still buzz here,

I must figure this out
I have taken no drug
There's still one thing
I think about
You, and your love
I wish you could be here
So my mind could straighten up

I want to destroy now
totala mad!
No body can help me?
Fuck what I said,
I take it back!

There's no love here
And your nonexistent
What am I saying?
Am I even living?

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