Poetry competition CLOSED 7th July 2013 9:12pm
View Profile Poems by darkheartmagic



Lost Thinker
Canada 2awards
Joined 24th June 2013
Forum Posts: 31

Poetry Contest

My main purpose for using this website was to develop a character named Old Man Adeus which some of you may have met, so here is my challenge to you guys:
Duration: 1 Week

Goal: Create your own character (I don't need back stories or profiles unless you want to include that in you poem)and produce an original piece of work but written in the style of you character, from their heart and head not your own

I really hope you guys enjoy this as its my first go at starting a competition but I've found this exercise very liberating

The winning piece will be the one I have deemed most believable

If you feel like you want to include a piece you have already written to mirror the character against yourself that would be greatly appreciated in choosing the winner but is not required


poet Anonymous

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Lost Thinker
Canada 2awards
Joined 24th June 2013
Forum Posts: 31

I didn't expect the subject matter to be someone who has met Adeus but honestly that was sick thank you, please don't delete it

Thought Provoker
United States 4awards
Joined 21st June 2013
Forum Posts: 517

The Dark Man

I walk through the street,
Smiling at everyone I meet.
The sky is nice and blue,
This is when I met you.
I stopped right in my tracks,
I almosts turned back.
You were tall, dark clothes and hair,
You had tattoos and piercings everywhere.
I should have been intimidated,
Yet, some reason, I waited.
I didn't flee, as I would normally do.
Intead I walked up and talked to you.
There was something about your eyes,
Blue, as bright as the sky,
That made me decide you could be trusted.
You're frightening facade had been busted.
I could tell you were really a nice guy,
Something in your life had just gone awry.
So you surrounded your heart with steel walls,
To protect you, so you wouldn't fall.
However, on that wall was a crack,
There was no going back.
It was love at first sight, you know,
And soon, you let your sensitive side show.
We were so different, and yet,
I don't have a single regret.
Four years we've been in love,
And now a baby on the way, a gift from above.

I think this poem is very different from my usual type, which is more like this->

Lost Thinker
Canada 2awards
Joined 24th June 2013
Forum Posts: 31

Im honoured to see you decided to lighten up your subject matter for this one I know that can be hard to do, but I loved this, its exactly in the spirit of what I was asking for

poet Anonymous

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Lost Thinker
Canada 2awards
Joined 24th June 2013
Forum Posts: 31

Aborted fetus, hmm never saw that coming. Well done

Twisted Dreamer
United States 2awards
Joined 28th June 2013
Forum Posts: 15

Baby Doll

I once was your baby,
then you chopped my head,
Dismembered my body,
and shoved me under your bed.

I lay here eyes opened,
and watch the sun fall.
Remembering back when
I was your Baby Doll.

Mommy what happened?
You use to hold me so close,
Please pick me back up,
I'm scared and so cold.

I thought that you loved me,
but here I lay still.
I'm your Baby Doll that you dreamed would come real.

Why Mommy Why,
was I tossed to the side,
You use to spoon feed me,
You brought me to life.

Now under the bed,
I made this new friend.
He stitched me together
With his needle and thread.

They call him dark magic,
But enough about me.
Mommies been bad, and its time that she bleeds.

I'll start with her eyes,
with this spoon I was feed,
Dig them out slowly while shes tied to the bed,
or maybe I'll start with my sippy cup,
sewed to her lips to keep her lying mouth shut.

So many choices, What should I do first?
All I wanted was Love, your attention I thirst.

I think I will start by dressing you up.
Make you my baby, that sips through my cup.
I'll brush your long hair, and tie it in knots.
Will that make you remember what you thought I forgot.

Once I'm in bed you'll see that plastic is real,
and before I began you'll feel as I feel.
Discarded like trash, and tossed to the side,
Alone and abandoned, 'WHY MOMMY WHY'

Look what you've done, and forced me to do.
Now it's just us alone in this room.
With no place to go, and no one to call,
How do you like being my Baby Doll.......

By darkheartmagic

© 2013 darkheartmagic (All rights reserved)

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