Poetry competition CLOSED 7th July 2013 3:10am
View Profile Poems by lanooz
RUNNERS-UP: kriticool and Alastair



poet Anonymous

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poet Anonymous

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poet Anonymous

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poet Anonymous

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Alas...a tear
Twisted Dreamer
Australia 3awards
Joined 26th Oct 2012
Forum Posts: 62

Sad truth to the evils he planned
In an effort against the particle  
That split, the monstrous lies
From irrational foes whose people died
Or were left forgotten to suffer  
What would you do to protect the life?
Of everyone in your country

He pressed the cigarette to the ashtray
Lit up another, I thought I heard him say

“There were others with the means”  

But how close were they really?
Close enough when the spies
Handed them the plans
No wonder Stallion didn't look surprised

How could there not be pity in his eyes
A suicide of scorn she died to be reborn
Not merely a sign but a sighting of god
That ripped through the air

The god of son smoked another cigarette
Another nail in the throat left him
Hanging from it like moss
The Holy Spirit signed the letter
And his friend sent it straight to the top

A true man was the father
He makes anything come true and
He bought you all the right tools
What if they had the gun?
Pointed straight at you
Forced to let them rub
Their blood-soaked hands
All over your love
Like they done to your brothers
The weight of the world on the shoulders
The wisdom of its ways twisted by this soldier

Mushroom clouds of doubt
Formed after the fallout
He bore the hand of the god of son
Now he felt like the god of the sun
Stood before him, he lit up another
I thought I heard him say
“It worked, my god”
But god just wanted to go bigger and better
It was expected
No carnage or no wreckage could sway
God had sent his message
And the son’s innocence
Perhaps was overshadowed
By his influence to strive for greatness
To let others thrive
To let others die    

He lit up another cigarette
Unraveling to a fellow traveler  
Regrets are imagined yet tangible
Something best not to gravel in  
Though they are not under my command  

The rancidness slips into waking moment as often as dreams
His fatal flaw was he held the means in his mind  
The means in his mind placed the gun in god's hand
Like a hostage trying to get his demands
Showing he’s serious more dangerous more reckless,
He can create more devastation more efficiently
than the enemy force his hand to shake

Some weddings call for wakes
Unsettling and full of shame  

poet Anonymous

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Fire of Insight
Joined 1st Nov 2011
Forum Posts: 492

Cooked Earth

...a haiku


J. Bob, Op’s Hammer
him and crew; man they flamed her
PoP goes The Sizzle

artwork: Hirnverbrannt

poet Anonymous

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Twisted Dreamer
United States 5awards
Joined 21st July 2012
Forum Posts: 100

Atomic Perception

Destroying worlds but mentally he's drained
The savior transformed into the angel of death
What did you create? Please have some fate
Atomic bombs exploding over New Mexico's air
Daddy was proud but disturbed at the sight
Moments of pivotal importance exploding outright
Shredding the thought of ever again sleeping in peace
Trinity blasts have killed America's innocence. Sigh.
Morality has left the room to be seen no more
Simple and complex, excitement turns into shame
Constant wars, bloody hands still stain the brain
Hey mankind, we lost the most brilliant of men
Haunted by his brilliance he turned and said "Amen"
No more thoughts of killing the innocent without a pen
Pandora's box opened, it will never be closed again.

poet Anonymous

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