Poetry competition CLOSED 6th July 2013 9:50pm
Kou_Indigo (Jessica Jennifer Ashton)
View Profile Poems by Kou_Indigo
RUNNERS-UP: lanooz and MadameLavender

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Poems for the Gods

Twisted Dreamer
Canada 3awards
Joined 14th May 2013
Forum Posts: 106

Poetry Contest

Write a poem that features a god/goddess from Greek or Roman mythology
I have been reading a lot about Greek mythology lately, and I wanted to throw out a competition about Greek or Roman gods/goddesses. For this competition, please write a poem about a particular god/goddess in any form, and it can be any length. I would like the focus of the poem to be on whatever character you choose.

Other rules

2 poems per person
Old or new poems welcome
No collaborations
2 weeks

Have fun!

Thought Provoker
United States 4awards
Joined 21st June 2013
Forum Posts: 517

Great burst of thunder roar
The Norse men bow to Thor
His powerful hammer smashes the ground
His human followers he astounds.
Son of Odin and Jord, he shall be king.
Over Asgard he shall reign.

poet Anonymous

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Guardian of Shadows
United States 30awards
Joined 17th Feb 2013
Forum Posts: 2318

Queen Of Heaven

Bake me a cake and you shall see
I’m Ashtoreth, Goddess of Fertility.
I’m Queen of Heaven before the Son,
Lady Marmalade and Acid Queen, all rolled into one.
Deception, I give, disguised thinly veiled;
Your payment is incense to both me and Ba’al,
And also your soul, need I mention that part—
I’ll lead you astray right from the start.
Like the Israelites from so long ago,
Turned their backs on their Lord and fell into Sheol.
I laughed as they came by hoardes and by droves,
Cooking their cakes on their primitive stoves.
A sacrifice—for what, a blessed womb?
A double edged sword that leads to your tomb.
O foolish mortals, did you forget—
My husband, Ba’al, is also Molech?
Yes, he’s the one to whom you lit pyres
And then threw your firstborns on into the fire.
The evil we bring gives me such glee
To twist you inside our irony,
For the very same children you begged me for
Were handed back over at Molech’s door.
And all for what—prosperity?
Such a sad outcome, your fertility. . .
Now lest we ignore the most delicious part:
You’ve stoked the Lord’s wrath, right to the heart.
Your gratification, the eternal sin
For bowing to us and not to Him.
I hastened all along, your deeds through the ages
And someday I, too, will burn for sin’s wages.
But not before taking as many souls down
The Road to Perdition, where everyone drowns.

(*Ashtoreth was what the goddess Juno was referred to, during Biblical times)

Jessica Jennifer Ashton
Dangerous Mind
United States 44awards
Joined 15th Sep 2011
Forum Posts: 1963

- In Pursuit of Persephone -

Child of light, maiden of glories like unto the sun,
You think you can elude this night, but night falls!
And to my delight, the ancient chase has begun…
You flee, but in the end you will dance in my halls.
Did you believe I was like other men, oh fair one?
When, in fact, I am beyond all you could fathom.
I never tire until even time itself becomes undone!
It is inevitable, girl; you will dance in my kingdom.
I will wrap my arms around your form in passion,
And my fire will consume us both upon one pyre.
So we shall rise again after the phoenix’s fashion,
For I have journeyed in the stars, and I never tire.
I am the side of you that frightens you into the run,
But I too am that side, that makes your feet slow.
You can feel my breath, upon your neck; it is fun!
For the chills it sends across your body will flow,
Like the throes of ecstasy; causing you pleasure…
You try to be modest; you attempt your disguise.
But my eyes are keen, far beyond your measure…
And soon, we shall dance beneath starless skies!

Pray not unto the lords; the false twelve I know…
Save for Aurora, whose wings protect us, eternal.
Pray not unto the winds; they exist only to blow…
And will hurl you all the quicker to realms infernal!
Child of Olympus, you are mine; marked of old…
Pray to the unknowable and find ye courage bold.

I clutch my eyes, and tears of blood do descend.
Look at me, and behold your own deep sorrow!
Kiss me and together we will in glories transcend,
Becoming more than we were, upon the morrow.
I must share with you this gift, my kindred’s flame,
Which has burned since before Eden itself arose…
Feel it in my embrace, and do not feel any shame,
For there is more to paradise, than most suppose.
Let us dance together, as thunder strikes the soil…
I will lay you down upon a bed of scarlet flowers,
And I shall crown you with laurels, free from toil.
You will become a queen amongst divine powers.
I have watched you picking flowers in sunlit fields,
Did you not see my shadow falling across a path?
Your will is like a willow; as time passes it yields,
Before its’ one true love, to defy Olympian wrath!
It is not flight if your feet take you to my doorstep,
The threshold beyond which is an eternal rapture.
You deliver yourself, to where once Titans slept…
Making your fairness the prize worthy of capture!

Pray not unto the lords; I walked amongst them…
On the world nearest to God’s throne in the stars!
I know their mortality and of whence it did stem…
At their hands I did suffer, in battle, ancient scars.
Child of the Twelve, you know your true calling…
Stand by my side, and refrain from ignoble falling.

Your flight is fleeting, for you desire to be caught,
Child of light, maiden celestial; I see you smiling…
Faltering in your steps as you reach out in thought,
Trying to know my intimate mind, to you beguiling!
You look in a mirror, and I step through it at last…
There is a void where your reflection should hang!
I am the meaning of your future, present, and past.
The gongs of my palace are ringing with the clang,
Which awakens your spirit, long lost in a slumber!
Here, where the dead walk endlessly, in dreams…
I have dreamed of you often, lost in your wonder.
Now, living I will carry you across those streams!
Dear Persephone, you long to touch the darkness,
And so I reach out my hand, to offer the red fruit.
Eventually you will take the pomegranate, no less,
Partaking of my knowledge, so ending my pursuit.
The circle will be complete as we embrace madly,
Whilst the asphodel meadows glow pale and pure!
I foresee your lips stained, by the fruit won gladly,
As we sit upon our throne, across the misty shore.

Pray not unto the lords; their tombs I have seen…
Their cities lie in ruins, their names given to planets!
I have ventured beyond, seeing a brighter gleam…
Take my hand, and we will ascend without regrets.
Child of the Twelve, you know my hidden name…
Speak it and be raised up as you enter my domain.

Jessica Jennifer Ashton
Dangerous Mind
United States 44awards
Joined 15th Sep 2011
Forum Posts: 1963

- The Death of Cupid -

Aphrodite spied the god of love one day, that pesky Eros!
Cupid some called him, and made of him that fat little imp,
Which decorates cards one day a year, with his pudgy toes.
But the goddess was jealous, all because of that silly gimp,
Who stole the fame that was rightfully hers, and her alone!
So she went to the god of war one day, Ares the crimson,
And together they hatched a plan of bloody steel and stone.
By their design, the god of love would be entirely undone!

Ares waited by the pillars of Olympus, watching the clouds,
Whilst Eros visited fools below, giving heats to each couple.
The god of war waited long hearing the many joyous shouts,
Which sickened him, and made his muscles tighten supple.
He waited all of that Valentine’s Day for Eros to get done,
Plotting mad murder of that annoying god, one and for all!
Tightening his grip on his sword, anticipating a scarlet fun…
He smiled when at last foolish Eros flew by Olympus’ wall.

Close to the pillar where Ares hid, the winged god did fly,
Never suspected his end was near, and so he did shriek…
Whilst the god of war did slice him in two with a battle cry!
Valentine’s Day was finished, its’ mascot never to speak.
Ares tore the wings from out Eros’ back, a trophy so red,
And brought them before Aphrodite, to lie at her soft feet.
Even more delighted was she, to see Eros’ cloven head…
Now love was hers alone to grant, on her terms to meet.

Tyrant of Words
United States 19awards
Joined 28th Dec 2012
Forum Posts: 1827

Twilight eyes

Astraeus and Eos beam
Titan twilight caressing
night arm to rosy dawn
flowing, one single charm
clasp together
taking sacrament
Heavens prayer box

Children tetris blowing breath
vertex  sweeps created
babes that swirl whipping hooks
greet  mother and father
under foot
letting cry
upon given wind

Kissing upon wandering stars
where both eyes
see,drifting  turning keeping reach
dusk to Dawn peaks
floating dreamily
theirs heavenly
borne twirling on

Dawn of the stars
breath upon night
Oceanus sleeper, the daylight bringer
winged peace lover ease
ever touching
giving hugging
reflection theirs connected

These O painted pair
forever sing in harmony

Dangerous Mind
Australia 9awards
Joined 22nd Jan 2013
Forum Posts: 1749

My entry -


poet Anonymous

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Strange Creature
United States
Joined 24th June 2013
Forum Posts: 4

Awesome :)

poet Anonymous

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D_Poetic Engineer
Dangerous Mind
United States 35awards
Joined 11th Sep 2012
Forum Posts: 2212

An Offering To Poseidon


Tell me oh mighty Poseidon--
God of earthquakes and horses,
ruler of the sea...
What am I to do to please you
so we may never suffer your wrath again,
and live forever in harmony
enjoying the bounties of your domain?

Would you like to hear a love song,
or a poem honoring your glorious past?
Please don't ask for anything else
because that's all I can give
nothing more, nothing less.

Tidal waves and tsunami
Earthquake--their aftermath
All within your total control
Countless lives have passed away,
trillions worth of property damaged
We have suffered long enough already
Isn't it time to give us a break?

How do you like ambrosia?
Maybe that's one thing
I could afford to give
to appease your anger
other than my sour poetry,
for I am one hell of a Chef!
But then, if nothing else matters
to your godly image--
You can take my breath away
because that's all I got!

Gypsy Red
Dangerous Mind
United States 39awards
Joined 18th Aug 2011
Forum Posts: 896

I'll be back for this one.

Twisted Dreamer
Canada 3awards
Joined 14th May 2013
Forum Posts: 106

Thanks everyone for your submissions! These are really great :)

Gypsy Red
Dangerous Mind
United States 39awards
Joined 18th Aug 2011
Forum Posts: 896

Selene Titan Goddess of the Moon

Selene, Luna Sanguine (Blood Moon);
This part of your legend speaks of death,
you strike fear in the hearts of flora, fauna and men.
During this change, Borea’s cold breath
signals to floras’ silent sentinels, change colors.
He heralds the winter season,
whispers impending signs of trouble.
This is Selene’s’ epoch of foreboding,
of demons and their underlings, roaming,
a time, when the world toils with fervor
to make ready for the season to come.
The elders whisper the tales that to Selene they dedicate,
fore she and only she will capriciously dictate,
who will still be among the living come spring’s first day.
Her creatures groan, grunt and howl, pleased at her site,
for this is their season, their time of delight.
Today Selene´s mood is evident dressed once again in blood red,
ominous oppression of things better left unsaid.
While she is tranquil, in her finest white she dresses,
adorned by her radiating stars, she is impressive;
but when she is sad her azure dress she will don.
Selene, Luna sanguine you herald what has been
and shall once again come about,
fore we have not yet learned the lesson,
that should have left us with no doubts.

Gypsy Red

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