Poetry competition CLOSED 27th June 2013 2:35pm
View Profile Poems by Deborahlee3313
RUNNERS-UP: Grace and MadameLavender

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poet Anonymous

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poet Anonymous

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poet Anonymous

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poet Anonymous

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poet Anonymous

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poet Anonymous

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poet Anonymous

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Dangerous Mind
United Kingdom 17awards
Joined 28th Sep 2012
Forum Posts: 150

Under invitation from Kitty, this was inspired by the country Joan of Arc and Bernardette of Lourdes grew up in (neither of whom married).


First communion takes place,
Then she joins the adult race.
A cycle in country life,
Journey from maiden to wife;
Go to dances, meet young men,
Get married and have children.

Each stage is a passage rite,
Confirmand to bridal white.
Today’s village virgin bride,
Tomorrow’s child’s mum and guide,
To be followed one stage on
Mentoring grand-daughter/son.

Guardian of Shadows
United States 30awards
Joined 17th Feb 2013
Forum Posts: 2318


poet Anonymous

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Dangerous Mind
United States 6awards
Joined 24th Apr 2013
Forum Posts: 74

thank you for a great topic
here are my 3 entries

I Hear Your Getting Married

I hear your getting married
that you'll celebrate your love
I wish you joy and happiness
life filled with Blessings from Above
Try not to sweat the little things
and to keep an open mind
communicate at all times
be understanding and be kind
I hear your getting married
to your lover and your friend
one who'll stand beside you
from beginning til the end
My wish for you is simple
as you live from day to day
that each moment bring you closer
fill your lives in every way
I hear your getting married
that you'll celebrate your love
to have and hold and cherish
and hold no one else above


The Wedding Toast

Your wedding day is special
true love is in your hearts
while joined by those who love you
in vows you'll speak your parts
You'll promise to be patient
and work your whole life long
to be good to each other
create a marriage that is strong
Be flexible and loving
in all the things you do
remember that the little things
will mean the most to you
Just face the world together
so that each and every day
this marriage can grow stronger
and love never fade away
Both of you deserve the best
that this life has got to give
May happpyness surround you both
as long as you shall live


Dear Jenn

Today you take my brother
to start a brand new life
and Jenn I'm glad that it was you
he chose to be his wife
My wish for you is simple
may your love always grow
I'm proud you'll be my sister
I just thought you should know
I hope this day is perfect
for my brother and for you
ant that your lives are full of things
that make your dreams come true
And when this day is over
as your guests begin to part
may the joy you both are feeling
stay forever in your heart
May love and luck and laughter
be with you every day
welcome to our family
I'm glad your here to stay

poet Anonymous

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Dangerous Mind
United States 6awards
Joined 24th Apr 2013
Forum Posts: 74

thank you
I hope it is ok to put
all 3 entries into one slot
please let me know if you
would like me to list
them separately

poet Anonymous

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Twisted Dreamer
Joined 26th Dec 2012
Forum Posts: 2

I Want A Mate Who Won't Berate Me

I want a mate who won't berate
Me in a nagging way,
Or pester me if I should be
Asleep throughout the day.        

I want no wife who makes my life
Too difficult or taxing,
I hate being asked to do a task
Just when I am relaxing.

I can't abide a bride who chides
Me if I fail to do,
The things that she keeps telling me,  
That she would like me to.

I want a bride who won't deride
Me if I'm on a couch,
And when I'm loafing on a sofa
Won't become a grouch,  

The kind of she who won't want me
To be too strong or fit,  
Or if I shirk a husband's work,
Will never mind a bit.  

Or if my torso gets more so,
Will love me just the same,
And if I don't buy her things won't
Be likely to complain.  

Or if I only stay at home,
Won't tell me I'm a bore.
That is the sort of mate, in short,
Who I am looking for.  

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